The Case of the New Lawyer

Ruby's Pov

"What now Bob", I said while not looking at the white guy in the dark blue uniform standing next to the door of my office "well someone seems annoyed by something today", he said well he sat across from me and my brown desk "sorry sorry, it just why of all months did the district attorney use this one as her vacation month", I said well looking at him "you the one who agreed to it", he said "I know it just I wish she was here so I won't have to deal with this", I said "well sadly she not, so what the problem with the case", he said "haved you heard the news about that abused kid", I said "you mean the Beat's girl", he said in a surprised voice "yeah that the one", I said "good luck with that every lawyer in the city know to avoid them", he said "yeah that the problem I keep on running into", I said "how far is the court date", he said "it about six weeks away", I said "well maybe if I pray for you maybe you could get a great Lawyer", he said whiile getting up form his chair "sure thing go for it, but I don't think it going to work", I said "well it better or you lose the case", he said before he left me alone in my dark brown office.

"What does she need", I said before I pick up the ringing black phone on my desk "hey Jade what up", I said "is the opportunity still available to do the Beat's case", she said in a wired voice form her usually serious voice "yeah, what made you change your mind", I said "let's just say I think it will be an honor to have that under my belt", she said "okay, when can we meet", I said "will tomorrow at noon be fine", I said "yeah, but were at", I said "at Sakura Park", she said "sure thing", I said "okay, see you soon", Jade said before she hanged up "well that came out nowhere", I said "this mint be suspicious", I said before my phone made a bell noise "hey I to busy to cook today will you mind getting us pizza for tonight", I said in my head while I read my sister text "sure", I text her what I said before I got up to grab my jacket and left the cold loney office room.

Aria's Pov

"What took you guys so long", Ruby said as we stand next to the red door "sorry we were just looking at a lot of shelf", I said well I give Melody the bags that I was holding "at least you didn't stay out too long", sis said "don't worry we won't, now if you don't mind I gonna put this shelf in my room", Melody said before she left me and my sis alone "so anything interesting happens today on your side", Ruby said well I sat at the brown table in the kitchen "a couple of things first off I met June at her family's restaurant", I said as my sister sat across for me "oh what she like", Ruby said "I really didn't get a good impression of her outside that she nice and there drinks are great", I said before I laugh a little bit after rembering a memory "okay, anything else", she said "at the mall, I got her a lot of clothes and you know how there is a music stop in the mall", I said "yeah Dragon's Music what about it", she said "well there were showing off a red guitar at the display thing behind the glass and I am sure that it look like the extract same thing her grandma give to her", I said "and how did she react when she saw that guitar", Ruby said "let just say she have a big smile on her face until she saw the price", I said "how much are we talking a hundred to three hundred bucks", sis said "let just say around 450 bucks", I said in a embarrassed voice "Damm! Guitar have got expensive just be happy you got the grand piano as a hand-me-down for mom", she said while looking like she said something wrong but I decided to annoy it "yeap, it just", I said in a worried voice "you went to buy her that guitar", she said "yeah, so when her birthday", I said before my sister grabs her file out of her briefcase "February 14", she said as she looks at the file "really valentine's day that weird", I said "it is a little wired, anyway were you getting the money", she said "I was hoping me and you can go half and half with my grandma money", I said "sorry sis, but no", she said "why not", I said "because, it's her first birthday in this house I went to give her my own gift", she said "let me guess winning the case", I said "that and something else I working on in secret", she said "so what I spose to do", I said "what about you get a job", she said "actually that good idea and I know the perfect place to get one", I said before I left my sister alone in the black kitchen.

"Hey Melody are you busy", I said well outside her door "no you fine", she said before I open the door and see her wearing the brown jacket I got her "so how do I look", she said well she look at my happy face "let me just say I so happy I pick out that jacket", I said "so what do you need", she said well grabbing the other clothes out of the white bags "I was wondering if you could give me June's phone number", I said "sure thing just grab my phone off the desk", she said before I grab her black phone and look through her contact list and copy June's number "thanks", I said "Wait! Before you leave can I have your and your sister's numbers", she said while putting clothes in the closet "sure thing", I said before I type them in "GIRLS PIZZA READY", Ruby said in a loud voice leading to the both of us to walk down the brown stirs.

Melody's Pov

"Great I starving", I said as I sat down at the brown table next to Aria while Rwby finish cutting the pizza "sorry didn't know what you wanted so I just got pepperoni", Ruby said before I got a couple of slices "it fine, but before we eat can we talk about a couple of things", I said "sure, what do you need", she said "first the news show shelf about me", I said in a kinda worried voice "yeah the story out there about you and your parents", she said "do they know where she lives", Aria said "don't worry as far as I know there don't so you safe here", she said "okay then what about school", I said still in my worried voice "that really up to you", she said "what do you mean sis", Aria said "while I will recommend that you go back to Whale's High to hangout with June and Aria, but with the news being out there about your parents it could lead to bad opinon on you from teachers and students thanks to their work history, so I would allow you to do homeschool if you went to", she said "I definitely haved to think about", I said "don't worry I give you until the end of tomorrow to give the school your answer", she said "thanks for giving me the choice", I said with finally a smile on my face "you welcome, now let eat before it gets cold", she said before the three of us eat all the slices of the pizza.

Aria's Pov

"Who this", a familiar girl voice said on the other line "it's Aria", I said while laying on my black bed with a blue phone up to my right ear "did Melody give you my phone number", June said while sounding like she was really tired thanks to the countless yawn she did "yeap, I was wondering if I can ask you for a favor", I said "we just met and you already asking for a favor", she said "yeap, is there something wrong with that", I said "no, I just not use to it", she said "so what the favor", she said "I was wondering if I could work at your family restaurant and were hoping you give me a good word to your dad", I said "sorry, can't do that until I know what you able to do", she said "I can cook", I said "that nice, but I don't know how good you are", she said "is their anyway I can show you", I said "I thick I know a way you come here tomorrow after school and you cook something off are menu and you do a great job I sure that will lead my dad to hire you", she said "that all I got to do", I said "hopefully that will be enough just be here tomorrow ready to cook", she said before she end the call.

To Be Continued in ch.5