The Case of Lies

Jade's Pov

"So are you ready to go home", I said while looking at Ruby who haved the bullet shot arm in a white string while also wearing a one-piece blue hospital clothes "yeap as long as you bought me my clothes I think I ready to go" she said as we got closer to the exit of the hospital "don't worry I did they in the car", I said as we got closer to her silver jeep truck "great", she said as she got in her car on the passenger side "so how long is your arm going to be in a sting", I said after I got into the car "about a day or two, but that not what you want to talk about is it", she said while looking at me "while their a couple of things I need to talk to you about", I said while looking at her "while start going down the list", she said "well first off you should not be on this case you should be counted as being too close to the witness since you have her living at your house", I said "don't worry nobody knows except for the people living in the house and the school", she said "and let's hope they haven't told anymore", I said "as far as I know their haven't so what next on the list", she said "secondly you save my life thanks you for doing that, but why did you make thart guy shot your shoulder with a plate hack that another one why is their a plate in your shoulder", I said as I still look at her and kinda getting more angry "well in my head at the time the idea was that I use my taller height to hide you in case the bullet went through and if it didn't it will just the plate while hd just lessen the impact of the shot and as for the reason the plate in my shoulder I will tell you later", she said "while speaking of you saving my life why did you kiss me", I said "it was just spare of the moment it really didn't mean anything important that kinda the reason why I said sorry to you before I did you know what", she said "well it felt like you meant something you was kissing me pretty passionately", I said while feeling less mad and more embrassed "well I just have to make it look real", she said while having a lieing face and I was about to ask "anyways if should not matter, I need to go home and talk to Aria", she said "is this something you need to talk with her in private", I said "no I think you should hear it too", she said before she didn't talk to me anymore on the way to her house.

Aria's Pov

"Sis you here", I said in a happy loud voice before I hug her as she sat at the table "hey that kinda hurts", Ruby said before I stop hugging her "sorry it just I so happy you home I thought you wouldn't be here until tomorrow morning", I said as I sat across the table with Melody next to me, "I wanted to make sure I was here before Melody's special day", sis said "you know you didn't have to do that", Melody said "don't worry I am fine I just really sorry I couldn't get your gift done in time", sis said "it fine", Melody said "anyways their something I need to talk to you all about", sis said "like what sis", I said "that the thing I need to talk to you about Aria I not your sister I'm your mom", Ruby said "sis come on that can't be true you joking right", I said well I have a wired face well looking at the serious face sitting across from me "it the truth," she said before I stop making my wired face "Melody you remember how I said I was about to be rape by a guy", she said "yeah then the cop save you what about it", Melody said "while that not the whole truth the guy did rape me and he even drug me after he took me to his house and when I work up the next thing I knew was that it was night time of the sameday and the cop was holding me in her hands as she shot the guy who rape me", she said while crying "a couple of day later after my court case the same cop took me in to live with her but once she did that I became really sick she decided to take me to a doctor and he said that I was two months pargent", she said "me and your grandma talk a lot about weather or not I should do a abortion but I didn't went to do it I wanted to have you no matter what", she said as more tears came out of her eyes "but once I did have you it was like you didn't even wanted me you cry everytime I hold you and you would some time hit me for no reason, heck even when you started to talk you didn't call me mom", she said which shelf a sad face "and with your grandma seeing this she decide hershelf to be your mom and I couldn't be more sad and I know she was doing this to me so I could have a life that didn't invade me getting rape and having a baby but I still was not happy with it", she said "that explain why you didn't went a kid", Jade said "yeah that the reason I didn't went the same thing to happen again", she said "why you telling me this now", I said while not knowing how to feel "because Aria when I took that bullet for Jade I thought it was going to kill me and my doctor even told me if I was a little off I would have died and I didn't want to take that lie to the grave", she said while all tears fall down to the table and I leave the room as a girl follow me while saying my name behind me as I leave the house.

June's Pov

"Ahh, why can't I get that thing out of my head", I said after waking up from dreams that feature nothing but that kiss form Vanilla's lips "I haven't been able to get that thing out of my head for weeks", I said while almost looking like I was going to pull my hair out of my head "and it doesn't help when she comes over every day to order something and wandering if she gets an answer to her question", I said while feeling like I was going to go crazy before my phone beep "what this", I said while looking at my phone and seeing a video on it featuring a familiar blue hair famous girl "oh god, I better bring this to Aria and Melody", I said before I got out of my bed and my big white room.

Melody's Pov

"Aria will you please say something", I said as me and her walk into the blue coffee stop with not a lot people sitting down "fine I haved to get to work so can you just please leave me alone", she said in a angry voice before June came into to ours eye sight "wait before you do that Aria their something you mint went to see", June said "like what ", she said still in her angry voice "June I think you better wait", I said while I got closer to June "I wish I could Melody but their mint people that tied to hurt her", June said "for what reason", I said "this", June said before a video on her phone play "hello guys this is Aurora Blue this time I will be telling you how to set up a piano", the girl on video that have long blue hair said as she stand next to a grand piano "I thought I will never see that girl face again", Aria said "June what the point of this", I said as the girl on the video still talk "just give it a minute", June said before I start listing to the video "you know the piano is hold as a special instrument in my life because I used to know someone who play it great her name was Aria Juilet she was so great that me and her was in a band we was call The Blue Juilets" the blue hair girl on the video said "why I watching this I already know about all of this", Aria said "because of this part", June said before we pay attetitin to the video again "oh those was good times with me and her being bestfriends but that all was before that girl was rude to me with her problems farer ruining her life with her own problems of her missing her mom every day and I was their to help her every step off the way until out of nowhere she broke my heart for no reason which made her a total", the blue hair girl said before June stop the video "it go on like that for ten more minutes and she say more hitful shelf about you and call you some awful names", June said "Aria", I said while looking at a girl who about to lose all of it "you mint want to get out of here we already getting some call here with saying bad shelf about you", June said "why would they do that all she did was put her name on a menu", I said "becuse she hurt the most famous girl in the city of Oceanic", June said before Aria left the coffee shop to get buffle by a lot of other people holding a microphone and a big camera "why did you break Aurora Blue's heart", a girl said only to have the question repeated again by other people "you better get out of her before more of them come", June said before I went up to Aria and grab her hand to take to her to the car and drive her away form the crazy paparazzi.

June's Pov

"There you are June I was looking for you all over the place", my Dad said while looking at me "sorry about that", I said "it fine anyways you think you fine to work today", he said, "I think so", I said before the slight of a familiar white and yellow hair girl came into the shop "sorry dad I just came down with something I think I going to get some pills", I said while feeling nervous "ok hon", he said before I left him and the girl in the coffee shop.

Vanilla's Pov

"Hey can you tell me what happen between you and my daughter", a man said while looking at me as I sat down at a table waiting for my drink "wait you are June's Father it so nice to finally meet you", I said before I grab his hand and shake it "I wish I could say the same to you but I can't because you are causing a lot of problem for my little girl she gotten sick, wakes up in the middle of nights, and even stop working", he said "how will I be able to cause that all I did was kiss her", I said before the guy had a surprised look on his face "if you don't mind I think I need to call someone", he said before he left me to drink my lime drink once I got it and enjoy it in this nice coffee shop.

Melody's Pov

"I so happy I lost those guy on May street", I said while I brought Aria to the beach "I thought they would never leave", I said while looking at the girls I was still holding hands with and who also sat next to me "so do you went to talk about it", I said while I look at the girl next to me that look hopeless and betry at the same time "why should I if it just going to turn to being a lie anyways", Aria said while not looking at me instead just looking at her knees "come on Aria you know that not true", I said as I look at her "yes it is everything in my life is a lie from my mom being the wrong person to this hair being a lie", she said while having tears in her eyes "Aria", I said "come on Melody you know it the truth even if that words doesn't exist in my life", Aria said "Aria", I said "Melody I don't know how you even could be friends with me all I been doing is never telling yu the truth about my life", she said while still having tears in her eys that went down all over her face "no you told me it a couple of times", I said "name one", she said "okay, like how you told me how much you miss your grandma, their the fact that your hair base on your love of the beach, to you even saying you was going save me for my parents when me first met", I said "Mels", she said "Aria I don't care if you been lying to youshelf or me this whole time you still that girl that save me from my parents and brought me into your life to live with your family", I said after grab both of her arms while I look at her "Mels", she said "so go on tell me about your life I sure you will be telling me the truth the whole way through", I said "while where will you like to start", she said as the tears left her eyes and she stop producing anymore "let start off with the death of your grandma", I said "are you really sure", she said "don't worry I be here the whole way by your side", I said before I show her that I was still holding her hand "ok while it all started", Aria said before she start recalling shelf that happen in the past.

Aria's Pov

"On July 2 of 2019 it was just subspouse to be a normal day with me waking up for my bed but one I did I saw something out of the normal that was the fact that ambulance people was at my house trying to pick up my dead mom who died in her sleep at the age of 90" I said was trying to remember that time I hope I never vist again as a pretty blonde hair girl hold my hand "for weeks on end I was crying on the fact that I was not able to say goodbye to her or just hug her one last time and I kept on doing that even in public places like school and parks", I said "but that all ended one day when at Sharkton High School I met a blue hair angel named Aurora Blue", I said while I still look at the crimsion brown eyes of the girl standing next to me "she just shuffered from her own loss of her mom which lead us to meet when I started going to a health center for kids at the school", I said while tears came out of my eyes "me and her talk all day and I eventually fall in love with her enough to ask her out and I couldn't be more happier of those day", I said "but I guess even angel have a dark side to them after she saw me play piano she requested that we sing together which was fine since nobody was their to watch yet a couple of days later she wanted us to perform for real under the stage name The Blue Juliets and while me and her argue about it I eventually did it because I just thought this would be just her way of saving me and even then maybe it was just going to be a one time thing", I said while more tears came out of my eyes as the girl next to me tried to take them off of me with her other hand "but it wasn't at the show their were agents looking for their next big stars and they saw us perform together and next thing I knew there was getting me a contact that I was force to sign by Aurora", I said as I grab harder to girl next to me hand that I still hold next to my knee "but I thought I was still gonna be fine with my name being all over the place and performing multiple times in a month yet on the day of my mom birthday we haved a perforce and I did it but the whole time though it I just thought of my grandma which lead me to missup notes left and right and this lead Aurora talking to me backstage and this lead to a big arguement between us about which was more important to me my family or my career and at that point I knew I have to let my angel go she wanted to cheer other people up then just me which lead me to broke off with her", I said "I wasn't trieding to being hurtful to her it just showbiz wasn't for me so I decide to step away for her and the biz but once I did their was tons of people at my door asking question of why we stop performing together and I couldn't take it anymore the next week I moved to a different place with Ruby and to help get raid of this part of my life I decide to get a new image that didn't include the past problem which lead me to change my black hair to what you see today but I guess It didn't work as good I thought it would", I said "because Aria you can't run for your past and all you can do is run for a better future and look at you now you a happy girl who still great at the piano and have tons of friends along wit a lovely family", Melody said as I look at her "how did you know I was great at piano", I said "I mint have saw you perform in front of Vanilla", she said "Melody you know you could haved just ask if you wanted join in to watch right", I said "I know but you was looking so beautiful performing up their that I didn't went to stop you", she said which lead me and her to have pink cheeks all over both of our faces "so what you going to do about your new mom plomblem", she said "I don't know yet", I said "that fine just know I will be there with you", she said while she once again show me that she was still holding my right hand "oh you", I said before out of nowhere our lips lock together and we was kissing as the sun went down to touch the blue ocean.

To be Continuled in ch.11