The Case of Love and Family

Aria's Pov

"Wow, what was that for," Melody said after I stop kissing her as we still hold hands and we still sat next to each other on the beach "while I was just wondering if a specific angle won't mind being more than just friends," I said before a delighted smile appears on Melody's face "so by other angel do you mean you went to be my girlfriend," she said as her face got closer to my "yeap, so angel what do you say", I said as my face got close enough to her that our foreheads were touching each other, "I think this should awnster your question", she said before she kisses me passionately as we both close our eyes "hey Aria who this," a girl said which cause us to end the kiss and to see that the paparazzi have returned "wait does this mean you're bi", a guy holding a mic said "were you and Aurora dating backstage", another person said, "we better go" Melody said before she took me to the car so we could hopefully once again get away form the crazy people and somehow get home.

Violet's Pov

"So what you going to do if she doesn't accept you as her mom", Mom said while she grabs a coffee cup as a familer girl still sits on the table as I listin to their conversation "I will be fine with it for right now I happy she knows", Ruby said "so what gonna happen to us", Jade said while she sat at the table with Ruby as their both drank coffee, "I think it does nothing sure you know my reason for why we broke up but I still don't know if I could be a good mom", Ruby said, "I think you will", I said "anyways it shouldn't matter right now we should be working on the case so what the news about you", Ruby said "so apparently they sent the guy so I could be injured enough to push back the court date", Mom said "just great and I though their were going to kill you, now what we going to do", Ruby said "while the jurge know the truth so the date won't be push back and until then we get ready for the court", Jade said before they talk about a lot of work I didn't care for or be able to follow the shelf about the case.

June's Pov

"Why can't I get that thing out my head", I said as I sat on a chiff that look over the moonlighted city "is it because I enjoy it no that can't be true I am", I said before a familiar voice came to my ears "because June you are a lesbian", a familiar voice said which cause me to look to see a girl with black hair along with one long streak of pink hair that was right over her forehead and continued down with the rest of her hair "how could you be so sure Paige" , I said as she sat right next to me on the chiff "because it the same thing that happened to me when Glace first kiss me", she said "so what did you do", I said as I look at her "while what I did first is list the thing I love about her so what do you love about this Vanilla", she said as she look at me "I don't really know if I love these thing", I said "that dosen't matter anyway just list what you like about her", she said "okay, I like how nice she is even when I was making sure she was my group parter in class she never once argue with me and would always help me when I got loss in her bulfulness and you know I just went to being their every day when she gets lonely so she can be less lonely and be more happy oh god", I said as I put my pink cheek face into my knees "see you a lebsian and you have crush on this Vanilla", she said "but Paige that can't be true I kiss a guy", I said while feeling embarrassed "and how did it feel", she said "it felt so wrong at that time I just wanted to go into the bathroom and thrown up, and I also felt like I was cheating on Vanilla", I said as I still hold my face to my knees "so you see what I mean so now what you going to do", she said "while first I went someone to give a sister a hug and tell me how she knows about everything", I said before Paige give me a hug as we sat next to eachother on the chiff "dad told me on a voicemail about what was going on between you and Vanilla", she said "so does that change anything between our family", I said "look I don't know at this point I really miss you guys and I went too tired to get back in your guys life but right now I just don't know", she said "Paige you just got to do what you always do when you see something hard and changing you figure it out and Jump toward the promblem and I think you I can do just that and now if you don't mind I going to brake a boy heart tomorrow", I said before I left my sister on the chiff to think about the promblems of her family.

Aria's Pov

"Huf, I so happy those news people don't know where I live", I said as I and Melody stand next to each other by the door "let just hope that last long", Melody said "hey guys what going on", Jade said as she looks at us "let just say it a long story", I said "you mean how reporters are chasing you because you broke someone famous heart", Violet said "yeah that about right anyway where Ruby", I said "she is in her room on the balcony", Jade said "I better go talk to her", I said before I left the three ladies as I enter into the never before see room of a loved one.

"Ruby", I said as I enter a room featuring a big black bed next to a red dester that include pictures and other shuff as it stand infront of the wood room "wow is that me", I said as I grab the picture featuring a picture of Ruby in a hospital bed and holding a crying baby "yeap that was you", a familiar voice said "wow I really was rude to you", I said "yeap you was anyways what you doing in my room you know you not invate in here unless I say so", Ruby said "I know it just Jade said you where in here and I just wanted talk to you", I said as Ruby lay her hands on the black balconly bars "so what you gonna do about you know", she said as I stand next to her "look Ruby I can't change the past between me and you, but I do know one thing I happy to have you in my life and while I don't know if I ready to call you by you know what but once I am don't worry I will make sure you hear it", I said as I hug her "okey I can't wait", Ruby said as she look at me about to cry "me either", I said before we hug for a couple of minutes "anyways I better get some sleep tomorrow is going to be a big day", Ruby said "well goodnight them", I said as I leave her room "goodnight", Ruby said before I left a happy girl sleep the night away.

Melody's Pov

"So are you two good now", I said while I look at the blue and orange Angel walking down the brown stirs, "I think so anyways where Jade and Violet", Aria said after she stands in front of me "their went to sleep together in the basement guest room speaking of that why didn't I get that one", I said "mostly because I thought it wouldn't be good for you to wake up for a nightmare in a scary darkroom", she said as she grabs my hand "so you notice", I said "yeah I did it was really easy but I think I know a cure for it", Aria said as she drags me upstairs as we still hold hands "what the cure", I said "don't worry I think you going to like it", she said before she took me to her room so we could sleep the night away happy together as a couple.

"Good morning Aria", I said before I relise that there was no one in the bed with me as the smell of food came to my noise which lead me to go down stairs "oh there you are so what you doing", I said while I look Aria's backside while she cook ffod "while I was making someone breastfest in bed before that someone work up", she said while she look at me "while I think that person shouldn't mind that much since that someone is awake and can do this now", I said before I give her a big kiss on the lips "oh hey lovebirds", A familiar voice said behind us which lead us to stop kissing each other and look to see it was Ruby "Ruby", Aria said "so that what you decide to call me for now it fine with me oh is that bacon", she said before she took two pieces of bacon "you do relize that supposed to be for Melody", Aria said "I know happy birthday speaking of that are you two ready", she said "ready for what", I said "don't worry you will see", Aria said "what are you guys talking about", Violet said as she walk into the room while cleaning out her eyes "nothing important just go wake up your mom and everybody else get into the car we going on a road trip", Ruby said while grabbing her keys for the hanger "wait what about school", I said "don't worry about it anyways come on", Aria said before she give me a plate of food as she took me out of the house and as we waited for Jade and Violet to join us I eat my food before we were on the road away from the house.

June's Pov

"Look Knight we done", I said in my head as I felt nervous "wait that will be too rube", I said "should I tell him I a lebsian", I said in my head as a familiar brown face guy with a black and white hat came closter to my location in the blue room "maybe", I said in my head "hey June what do you want to talk so badely about", he said as he look at me "look Knight you a great guy but", I said "but you think we should see other people", he said "yeah", I said after feeling less nervous "is it because the fact that I kiss you", he said "no that doesn't have anything to do with that it just I don't think I inserted in boys", I said "okay I get you while I hope we can be still friends", he said while putting on what look like to be a fake smile "I hope so to", I said before he left me "their you are I been looking for you", a familiar blue and orange hair girl said as she look at me "what do you need Aria", I said "come on it Melody birthday you should be with us to celebate it", she said "I don't know I don't feel in the mood", I said "are you sure because Vanilla coming", she said "well what are we waiting for let go where the car", I said before Aria drag me to the silver jeep truck to join the others on the long road trip.

Melody's Pov

"So where are we going", I said as I sat next to Aria as Jade, Ruby, and Violet sat in the front of the car "don't worry we coming close to it", Aria said, "so how long are we gonna stay here anyways", June said, "just until Monday", Ruby said, "speaking of that Vanilla you did you tell your parents", Aria said "yeah they know", she said "okay", Aria said "we here guys", Ruby said before we got out of the car to look at a nice big wooden cabin house.

To be Continued in ch.12