Melody's Pov
"It look nice doesn't it", Aria said as she look at my surprise face as I look at a wooden cabin featuring two garage and a couple feet away from them was a big brown stirscase that lead to one door of the house while another door was at the same height just on a gassy path "yeah it does how do you guys afford this", I said "yeah same here", June said "while it mostly hand-me-down for my mom's family", Ruby said "so nice", Vanilla said "anyways Aria I think it time for you know what", Ruby said close to her ear but still loud enough that I heard it "yeah I think so to", she said "hey Melody will you mind putting this on we didn't wrap up all of our gift thanks to these past buzy weeks of getting the house ready along with other things", she said as she hold a red blindfold in her hands that almost scared me half to death "I get you but are you sure I can't just cover my eyes with my hands since the last time I wore one of those my parent made me walk into a deep hole they made", I said as I look at that blindfold before Aria grab my hand "don't worry I got you this time and I make sure you don't get hurt by standing next to you the whole time, so would you please do it", she said "I guess so", I said before she put the bandfold on and stand close to my left slide as I felt her still hold my hand "ok everyone get your present out of the truck and put it in the house", Jade said before everyone started moving "hey Ruby make sure to get my", she said "sure Aria", Ruby said while all I heard was Multiple footsteps all over the place with some going farer away and others to get shelf out of the truck making loud noises "are you guys done yet", I said while I still couldn't see a thing "don't worry I tell you when their done", she said as she still hold my hand and stand next to me as we wait a couple more minutes as I heard less and less footsteps "okay that should be it now, but I hope you don't mind walking with this thing on", she said "will you be with me the hold way", I said well grab onto her hand more stronger "don't worry I will", she said "then let go", I said before she drag me to the gray steps that lead to the gassy hill "okay I got you I make sure you watch your step", she said before she lead me to step on the first step of stairs "while we doing this am I allow to know what you got me", I said as I walk up more steps with Aria "don't worry you will learn soon enough", she said "okay, but is it alright I little afraid of celeting my big day", I said "that fine don't worry nothing bad going to happen just trust me I make it your best birthday ever", she said "okay I trust you and I always will", I said before I recive a short kiss on my lips "now I think I definty fine", I said before Aria laugh for a little bit "well I was hoping it did just that anyways we here", she said before she open the door and drag me into the insides of the lob cabin.
"Okay Melody we all set you can take that blindfold off", Aria said right next to me as I move my hand to pull it off "Surprise", all the voice in the room said outside of Aria and me as I look at the other people and the yellow decorations that include my face or my name on them and was all over the place which leads me to have a delighted face "so do you love it," Aria said as she looks at me "Definity I love all of it," I said "Thank god, that takes a load off my chest, but now if you don't mind I got get something out the fridge," she said before she left "I can't believe someone did all of this who was it," I said while looking at Ruby "it mostly all Aria's idea," she said before a specific blue and orange hair angel came into the room holding something under a big purple tent.
"Aria what is that", I said while I look at the thing she was holding that was on a plate under a purple tent "while I was thinking it time for cake", Aria said before she got raid of the purple tent to reveal a clear lid over a white cake with yellow darts and three yellow sunflowers while also having the number eightteen on the top of the cake "so do you love it", Aria said "definity", I said as Aria got raid of the lid "Jade did you being the lighter", she said while looking at her "yeah, I got it", Jade said while holding out a black electric lighter "great now happy birthday to you", Aria said in her singing voice before the others join in "happy birthday to you", all the girls except for me said as Aria lightup the candles on the numbers "happy birthday dear Melody, happy birthday to you", the girls said "now make your wish", Aria said "I wish I could be with these people forever", I said in my head before I brow out the candles "great, now it time to eat guys birthday lady first", Aria said before she give me a piece of the cake then everyone else got a piece before there was no more pieces of cake left on the black plate.
Aria's Pov
"Great the cake is gone that means it present time I go first", I said before I went to the closet to grab my present "that should be it", I said while grabbing a case that has blue rapping all over it and look like it was meant for a guitar "here you go, Melody", I said while I hold the present in front of her as she still sat at the table that has an empty plate full of crumbs on it "thank you Aria", she said before she got raid of the blue raping paper to behold a black guitar case that she open to revival a red guitar "Aria you shouldn't have", Melody said while looking like she was going to cry with a happy face as she grabs the guitar out of the case "what do you mean", I said "I just mean I don't think my girlfriend should have one of the best present when she goes first", she said before she hugs me out of nowhere "Melody you hugging me", I said well I look at her head on my shoulder "I know and I could be happier", she said before my hand went down her blonde hair as we hug for a couple of minutes "well who next", Ruby said leaving Melody to stop hugging me and the rest of the people to give her gitfs of different price ranges but all have the same meaning of love that ended with Ruby taking picture of all os us happy together.
"Aria can we talk", Melody said while I started heading to my room "sure", I said before she out of nowhere grabs my hand and took me to her room so we can lay on the bed together "you know if you wanted to sleep with me you could have just asked", I said while I look at her happy face that was right next to my "I know it just I wanted time with you", she said while she got closer to me "I could say the same thing but what this really about", I said "thank you Aria for all this I can't believe it I actually happy on my birthday", she said while looking to have a single tear going down her face "you welcome and don't worry I will make sure all your future birthdays are just as good as this one", I said while I put my free hand on her face "thank you Aria I love you", she said which lead to me having a happy face "wait did I really say that", she said in a worried voice "don't worry I love you too", I said before she had a big smile on her face that made me really proud to see enough to give her a big kiss before we slept the night away together.
"Where you going", I said as Melody grab on to me "I was hoping to get something to eat do you went something", I said while I look at the blonde hair girl clover up with the blue blankets "sure, but after you're done can you come back here", she said "for what", I said "I was hoping me and you could spend the whole day together maybe watching a movie or play games", she said was looking kinda embarrassed "it this spouse to be your way of paying me back for your birthday you know you don't have to do that", I said while I still look at her "I know but you work really hard on this and along with work, school, and news people I just think you need a couple days of rest", she said after she grabs my hand "I guess I have been doing a lot of stuff and that does sound really nice", I said "so what do you say", she said while getting closer to me enough to put her head on my right shoulder "fine I'll do it just make sure to keep your date entertain", I said after giving off the bed "don't worry I will", she said before I went to the kitchen to cook some eggs for me and my girl so we can start our whole day of rest and fun.
June's Pov
"Great you awake I was hoping me and you can talk", I said while I look at Vanilla after she just closes the door to her room "if it about our kiss does that mean you know your answer", she said, "yes I do and I was hoping you and me will go on a date after we get back to town", I said while I look at her "oh where to", she said after getting closer to me "I kinda went to keep that a surprise for now, but don't worry I make sure you enjoy it", I said, " I hope so because it all I been waiting for the past weeks", she said before she gives me a short kiss on the lips "just make sure you right", she said before she left me "don't worry I will", I said before I went in a different direction from the girls of my dreams.
Ruby's Pov
"Hey, Violet what you going to do today", I said while I look at a girl who looks like she just works up an hour ago thanks to her hair being all over the place "probably just go watch a movie or a tv show", she said after she gets a bowl for cereal "wait does that mean you haven't seen the basement yet", I said "no, but what about it", she said while looking at me "let me show you", I said before I grab her hand and took her to the deepest part of the cabin.
Violet's Pov
"What is this place", I said while I look at a dark room "well I call it the kid cave", Ruby said before she turns on the light to behold a pool table, a big collection of girls toy, a big tv, and multiple arcade cabinets "this is awesome how can your parents get all this shelf", I said with a happy face while I look at everything in the room and still notice new things like a collection of movies and video games for the consoles under the tv "let just say my mom and her parents were big collectors", she said "am I allow to play with whatever I went", I said "yes just make sure not to break anything", she said before I spend most of the two days in most fun part of the log cabin.
Jade's Pov
"Ok guys time to go home", Ruby said while everyone got ready to get into the silver jeep truck "hey Violet did you have fun", I said while I look at her "yeah I did I were watching movies and playing video games with Ruby for the past days", she said before she got in the car "see I was right she can be a good mom", I said in my head "Jade you coming", Ruby said in a loud voice "yeah I will be right there", I said before I left the cabin house so we can all start heading back to our familiar homes.
To be Continued in ch.13