Chapter 2

As soon as we walked into the cabin Michel and I almost instantly crash on the cloudy soft beads. Kemoni left us in the room to rest and went off to explore the ship on her own. What felt like a few moments I heard a loud knock on the door. I had to face myself to got up and opined it. "hello, are these your bags," a man wearing a uniform asked me. I replied with a groggy yes and rolled the three large suitcases in the room. I asked him what time it was before. When he said it was 8:50pm whiles looking at his watch in a swift motion I almost jumped out of my skin. It was safe to say that I was no longer sleepy. We were late to dinner.

I woke-up Michel and we basically ran to the elevator, quicker than you could say the word "bye" to us. Neither of us had heard from kemoni since she had left so I played that she was there making up some kind of excuse for why we happened to be so late after I had told everyone to be there on time. I looked down at my phone, 5 missed calls, and 8 new messages. Michell had just as messages if not more.


Ivy: Where here, how long are you going to be?


Deven: Where are you?


': Are you guys okay?

Jaxson: Are y'all like dead or sum?


Karma: I'm hungry, hurry up.


Jaxson: Do I need to call a swat teem to come get y'all

Devin: Seriously. Y'all good?


Karma: If you ant hear in the next 3 minutes, imma drag you hear my self.

We made it off the elevator in a hurry and on our way, we bumped into kemoni on our way to the dining hall. Of corse she wasn't their coming up with some elaborate story on our behalf. We told her we were late and asked her why she wasn't there and why didn't she come wake us up. She told us her phone had died from taking so many pictures as we raced down the stairs together.

There was no Time for elevators at this point, all the stoping would just take too long. No-one took the stairs that was the better choice. Twisting and turning, left and right, down the hallway we went. It felt like running a marathon, which isn't out of my ball park. I do bad-mitten, track, cheer, and basketball but I was a bit out of shape because it was the mid summer. Even though I wasn't necessarily out of breath I made a mental note to hit the gym when I got home.

When we made it throw the hallway and into the dining hall we couldn't find the boys, karma and Sarah, or our table. We basically walked in circles until… I heard a loud voice yell the words, finely you guys are here I was starving over. No surprise it was Jaxson.

Apparently Devin wouldn't let any of them eat till we were there. I gave him a silent thank you as I sat in my seat between him and Ivy, my older sister. Karma practically mean mugged me from her seat across the table in-front of me, Sarah and Jaxson by her side. Kemoni started going off saying it would have been nice for them to've make at least one of the millions of messages they sent us about where they were sitting at. Michel add on saying, we had no clue what dining hall they were in. She was making a seen as she had the tendency to do. Yelling she told them, we walked in and out of every single one until we found them, like it was there fault that we were late. She even started to yell in Spanish and she only did that when she was really mad.

Jaxson being the way he was, just had to say something instead of keeping his mouth shut like the rest of us. "wow I've… I've never seen you like this Michel that's normally Legaci's job to be this mad over dumb stuff but it is kind of cuter on you," he said with a smirk on his face. I blurted out the word rude at him as I throw a pice of bread his way. I was among at his face but he caught it in his mouth. With a scowl across her face, Karma elbowed right in the center of his chest so hard you could hear his bone pop. Michel thanked her and she replied with no problem obviously satisfied with her work.

Devin tried to save Jaxson from what he had started by sarcastically saying, "Dang M can't you take a joke." Jaxson took the hint started to tell us he was only kidding, even though I know he wasn't. He as had a crush on Michel for along as I could remember. She never realized because she was too busy being head over heals in love with his brother Angle who was our age.

Okay so, Jaxon was one of those lovable but annoying 14-year old's that thinks everything is a joke. Yet he was still a sweet kid who would always be there for you even till this. He had also had a crush on Michel for as long as I could remember. She never realized because she was too busy being head over heals in love with his brother Angle who would've been our age.

See, that's how we knew Jaxon. It was because of his brother who we want to school with from pre-k till 9th grade. He was part of our group from the beginning, one of our best friends. If you are wondering what happened him, we didn't know Angle had cyberbullies. There was someone that just kept messaging him nasty things from multiple different accounts. He would block one and they would make another. He never bothered to tell us, we could have helped instead he took his own life at age 14.

Just the thought of him being gone makes me feel all the pain of finding out all over agin. He was like a brother to me and I miss him every day. After all that our families got closer than ever. Jaxon had to grow up much quicker than he should have to help his parents deal with it too. He was only 12, he made everything into a joke to cope with the pane he felt from the lost, pane he felt for his brother, even after he was gone Jaxon was angry at angle for leaving him that way, and more than anything he was angry and who ever took him from us.

Sometimes you could just see the pain he struggles with, laying within his eyes when he pretends like nothing is wrong with him. Besides that, in Angle suicide note he didn't put the name of the kid who drove him to that edge. That mint that there was no repercussions for what they had done. They took something priceless from all of us a son, a friend, and probably most importantly a brother. Not only that but just an amazing person over all. There are times when I just wonder if whoever made though accounts is proud of their self and what they did.

M was yelling in Spanish saying, ""No entiendo qué te pasa. él no estaba bromeando y yo puedo, pero eso no es gracioso!!" If you don't speak Spanish that means, "I don't understand what is wrong with you. He wasn't joking and I can but that one isn't funny!" she yelled folding her arms close by her chest in discussed as she rolled her eyes at him just to get her point accrues. By then everyone there was looking, she did care though, she just kept yelling. Eventually she realized all eyes were on her and got up out of her seat and walked away.

I tore my gaze away from her as I yelled, "Wait Michel we haven't eaten yet!" I looked at everyone at my table and said, "UHHH. Now I have to go make sure she's good and calm her down. Bye guys." They said nothing as I sent out a silent prayer to god that she decided to do cool off on the lido deck so I could eat at the buffet. I walked away in a hurry to catch up with M.

On my way out I bump into my family as there heading word the table to eat. My seven year old brother lyric runs up to me excitedly and I catch him in my arms. "Hey bubbs" I say to him with an agitated chuckle. I look up at my parents apologizing to them for having to leave. They understood that I couldn't leave her alone because then she would hold a grudge against every one, and when she held a grudge she doesn't let it go. The longest grudge I've seen her hold is over a leftover a slice of day old pizza that she had planned on eating and someone in her sister. It has been over two years.

When I finally, I coat up with her I was out of breath. I told her she walks too fast for me to keep up with her, as I sourced my lungs for air. I had to stop and take a seat in the nearest chair. I plopped my arm down on the table next to me and asked her what was that in there. I instantly regretted it, I had to listen to her never-ending rant about what just happed. It was at that point wen I thought to myself how bad would it be if I just jumped off the ship in that moment. I ultimately desired agents it.

I looked her dead in the eye told her "I was there when it happened, that wasn't what I meant. I meant what brought all that on? You're almost never that mad but it's normally justified and that wasn't, so what is it."

She began to brush the question off telling me "It's whatever", but I know her better than that. I said to her, "you can't just go from caring not caring to its whatever in point three seconds." I put air quoits around the words "its whatever" because I was trying to get my point across. "That's not how the world works sis. So I'll ask you agin. Michel… what's… wrong..?" Gritting her teeth together she asked me,"why don't you go stuff your face with that food you wanted so bad and leave me alone" "Yes and no," I told her. "what do you mean yes and no" she snapped back at me this time with her arms across her chest. I explained to her, "Yes I would love to stuff my face with food but no I'm not gonna leave you alone till you you tell me what the problem is."

M sat stone faced. Sitting across from her I finally understood and she could tell by my facile reaction that I got too. I looked at her and told her " ohh girl I'm sorry, we would talk about it now or with the gurls in our room later." Noting her head she said, "with the girls and ice cream please, but no Sarah she wasn't there at the start so she shouldn't be there now." I got what she meant. It was nothing agents her, it was just that this was between us and Angle. She told me if I say his name she would lose it and I wasn't gonna be bothered with that.

The girls finally caught up to us because I saw them turn the corner with concerned looks on their faces. The first thing kemoni said when they got to us was, "ice cream at midnight question mark?" Yes I know she artily said question mark at the end of that but thats just the way we say that question. It kinda like our own stamp. I told her this was an ice cream at 10 situation. Karma replied with, "Dang, this must be serious" as she sat down in the seat beside me. They started bombarding her with questions about what just happened, so I took the opportunity to look at my phone to check the time but got distracted when I saw a dm from Jaxon.

Jaxon: plz tell M I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make her mad. I wasn't thinking. At the very lest get her to talk to me.

I wouldn't tell her till after we each had a big bowl of ice cream in her hands. I looked at them and asked "can I eat now". Laughing they told me "yes". We walked to the buffet together. When I say I ate almost everything there I mean it. I turned into a human garbage disposal. I would say sorry about it too but I���m not. That food was worth it.

We talked and looked though our phones as we ate like always, we even made plans to meet backing our room at 10 with ice cream and a movie. That was always our personal decompressions. Sometimes we laughed, sometimes we cried, and sometimes we simply talked. I had a felling tonight we were going to cry. When we were done we went to go get our ice cream. Instead of using throughs tiny ice cream bowls we used the super bowls and filled them as much as we could. Karma went back to her room to get nail palish and let Sarah know what was going on. She would meet us in our room in less than 10 minuets.