Chapter 4

I'm woken up the next morning by the loud sound of angelic sound of Michel singing filled the room while brushing her freshly brushed hair. I let the sound of her voice run over me like a waterfall, slowly but surely calming me. Her and Karma were truly gifted singers. I could cary a toon but playing the guitar was my forte. Passing kemoni who was siting on the couch with earbuds is as she read a romance book, I put my glasses back on and made my way over to the threshold of the bathroom and knocked on the lining of the dour. She couldn't hear me because she was so focused on her hair. I knock again. This time verbalizing it "Knock, knock…" I said tiredly

She finally turns, settling her bright hazel-green eyes on my light brown. Then I swiftly turned away, looking at the door trying not to make eye contact with her at all. It was to early in the morning for me to be holding a conversation, especially without my meds. " I think I'm going to go get breakfast from the lede deck," I told her, my voice still raspy from sleep. I always sound like a tode when I woke up. It didn't matter wether it was a 10 minute nap or I was in a 30 year coma I can 100% garnet that I would sound like that. "Do you want anything? I think they have pancakes, waffles, cereal, and yah. I can text you if there is more than that, if you want." She nodded her head as if to say "yes."

I popped my mediation in my mouth and swallowed it down with some tap water. "Okay" I turned around and headed for kemoni. Seeping besides her I pulled out her earbud. "What the heck Legaci!" "i'm going to get breakfast you can come with me or I can bring you something to eat. Im already going to text M the list of whatever they have." "umm… are you going to meet any one?" She asked me. " I don't think so. I mean I am going to send a massage to my mom and dad to let them know where I'm at and that i'm up, so they might decided to meet us there with lyric but otherwise that's about it." "Okay I guess i'll come with you." We both slip on slides and walked out the cabin with the dour closing behind us.

I sent a text to my parents as we step on the elevator. As soon as I'm done I decided to take this opportunity to bombard kemoni with questions about this new guy. "I'll tell you assign as I get some coffee in me." I agree with her because even though we're still young the caffeine addiction is real. I've never bought in to the coffee stunts your growth crap. After all I've never been short or tall for my age. I've always been in that perfect middle ground. We walk in to the buffet through the mechanical doors heading straight for the coffee machine. I grab a cup and put fill it half way with coffee and the rest of the way with hot chocolate. Turning around I see my older brother knight refilling food treys.

He had gotten a job on the cruz for the summer as a server so I go ask him everything they have to eat. He list everything as I type it out in the form of a massage for Michel. The moment he finished we began catching up. Knight and I had always been the closest out of our siblings. Sure Ivy and I bonded over some stuff but we were pretty much opposites. I liked shopping and she didn't, she liked parties and I liked to stay at home, she wasn't sporty at all but loved attention and you can probably guess by now that I loved sports but hated attention. Then there were the things we did have in common like the love for sweets, movies, and travel. Lyric was the baby of the family and had a tendency to bounce from person to person but knight and I always stuck together.

We were five years apart so he was always down to take me places or a one on one game of any sport. We continue to talk and he started to tell me about some guy about my age. "you should really meat my coworker Joshua. I think that the two of you would be grate together," knight told me in a suggestive town. "wow he must be god if he got the big brother stamp of approval." Truthfully I dreaded the thought of dating in high school. I had plans for high school, none of witch included staying in California. Well, at least not for a few years because I knew in my heart of hearts I would always want to come back. So to me it sound like a waste of time but I wasn't going to hold myself to it. Going into my freshmen year I told myself that if I did find someone that I wanted to be with I would be direct with them and tell them my plans. That way we could end thing if there wasn't anything for the long term but that never stoped me from talking to guys.

"What's that so post to mean," he asked me with knitted brows. "That means that you never like any of the guys that I've talked to." Talking about that made me think about the conversation I had with the girls last night and then about how knight treaties Devin and his older brother Zion like family. They were some of the only people that knew about what went on at our house. I never talked about my issue the the three of them always knew the right thing to say at the right time. Knight and I had spent countless nights at the Stirling's. There were like our home away from our home when things are to rough to handle.

Maybe he would give Dev that stamp of approval too, or maybe I was jumping to conclusions. After all what did I know. Just then Deven walked in the hall and waved at me with a smile from over my brother's shoulder. "Hello. Earth to legaci" knight said as he waved his hands in front of my face. "oh, sorry what did you say I zoned out for a second." "Never mind forget what I said. Where did you just go." "Devin just walked in and it made me think of our basketball game tonight." "oh really." "yes really." "oh-kay then I guess I'll leave you to it then," he told me and just as Devin approached us with a cup of coffee in hand knight not so subtly whispered to me with a wink, "you better win."

"Bruh, you suck at whispering and you have way underestimated me." Devin told him "first off I wasn't trying to be quite I wanted you to hear me. Second I wasn't underestimating your abilities I just think my baby sister is simply better than you," knight told Devin with a smirk. "Yah right I'll see you later Hayward" "yah I'll see you later Stirling. Bye legaci." "bye knight." I called as he walked away with a smile. Turning to Deven I asked him why must they always have to refer to each other by there last names as I rolled my eyes. "Its a guy thing," he told me with a smile. "Are we eating breakfast in your room?" "uhhh, yah sounds good to me." I told him as I took his coffee from him and giving him my makeshift hot mocha. Desired to pull my phone out of my pocket and read the massage Michael sent, we went to go get the food.

Devin took it upon himself to check on me as he reached over and handed me two plates, taking one for himself. He asked me how I was doing and if I remembered to take my mediation that day. Before I could answer Kemoni walked up behind us all giddy while we were filling the plates infant of us. "guess who I just talked to!" She asked me eagerly. "oh my gosh! Girl do you mean him? Where is he?" I ask her while looking in every direction. "stop it," she said hitting my shoulder with the back of her hand, "he had to go."

"what is happening right know, and who is "he" ?" Devin asked us looking confused as he put air quoits around "He". "Well… He is this so called amazing guy that Kay met yesterday," I told him as I raised my eyebrows suggestively. "Wow Kemoni I see you. Now if only I could pull a so called amazing girl on this trip too." He said looking between us but it was the way he looked at me that I tried to decipher. Maybe the girls really were wrong I didn't see any thing no flame not even a spark. Are they sending me on a wild goose chase for something that docent exists. I need to talk to some one about this because my mind is starting to wonder way more than it should.

When I over think my anxiety become tightened because I start to think of every possible sinarieo good and bad. It really docent help that he is number one on my top ten list of people to talk to. I guess I'll just talk about it with Karma and Kemoni later. The guys really just seem like the best choice right now and Michell has a slight tendency to make things about her.

Michell has a step dad named Xavier that she really doesn't like because in her mind he is trying to replace her dad. Her dad died in active duty when she was about five or six and she idolizes him. I promise Xavier is actually a really good guy and I'm happy for Mamma May. The two of them even had two baby girls together. Ariel who sadly died four days after being born doe to a heart defect. That almost recked there family but a year later there family was blessed with sweet baby Hope who is three now. We all love her to bits, all she wants to do is laugh and play. Did I also forget to mention that she has a step brother named Eli the same age as her that is actually likes.

We all enjoyed breakfast in our cabin and made plans of later in the day. In the end we decided on hanging out at club H2O, the teen club on the ship. I told everyone I would be there kind of late because I wanted to take my time to get ready. It was only eight o'clock and the club wouldn't open till ten so everyone would probably wonder around for a wile leaving me plenty of time to get ready for the day.

As soon as they all walked out the door I pulled out my toiletry bag, cloths, and portable speaker. I began to play the playlist I made from my favorite band, Vampier Weekend. Making sure to put my phone on the charger, I take a large hair band from my bag I put all my long breads up in a bun. I took off my earrings and necklace. leaving my anklet, African wast beads, and bracelet on because they were all made of different kinds of wax string and breading cords. Stepping in the hot shower I used a loofa to clean my skin. There was always something calming about the feeling of water hitting my skin. I let the vibrations calm me until I was done.

There was a knock on the bathroom door as I washed my face over the sink, asking who is it I heard karma's voice yelling over my music. I told her come in while I started to pat my place dry and she sat o the toilet lid as I began my skin care routine. "Hey how did," She cut me off. "I asked Michel where you were and she told me you were still in here. She low-end me her key card so I could come in without having to knock." "ohkay then." We started to talk about or plans for the day.

Karma and I walked in about 20 minutes late. We down as all of our other friends began walking in. One after the other the people began strolling in First Sage, next Jorden, then Devin's younger sister faith and kemoni's older sister destiny, then everyone else coming in Quicker than I could keep track. Soon there was enough of us to fill almost entire huge room. I couldn't believe it, the majority of these people here for me. It was incredible if you really take the time to think about it, the number of people love me to enough that they would pay any ware from 600 to $1000. We talked and talked until they turned on the music and we all got up to dance. We danced until our hearts content.

"Wooh, I'm tired!" I said as I sat down on the long red bench and drank from a small cup of water. Then the d.j. decided to play the wobble, "Common let's go dance! This is my favorite song" I said to every enthusiastically. "I'm good, I'll just go to the buffet to get ice cream for the two of us", Beth told me sounding upset. "Oh, okay then. You know what flavor to get me?" "Yes, I replied to her as she walked away. I wish I know then that that would have been the last thing I would say to her.

By the time the song was over I was starving so I desired it would be a good idea to go get lunch. After yesterday I knew exactly what I wanted to eat too. No one was hungry because most of them had eaten before they had gotten there but Jaxon way willing to go with me. "I don't want you to go alone it's not safe," he told me. "awww look at my little big brother trying to protect me," I said cooing at him, "lets go tuff guy." Jaxon and I walked out of the club, and headed word the elevator. Halfway down the hall I heard Michell call out to us. We turned around and silently watched as she ran up to us. "Hey, Jax can I talk to you?" Him and I have a quick conversation with just out eyes. I tell him that I will meet him at the elevator lobby, then I walk away.

A few minutes later Jaxon walked up with a smile as he shook his head. "Nunca entenderé a las chicas." "sorry Jax, I don't speak Spanish do you ming translating" by now you'd think that I would know a little more than the basics of Spanish but I have to really pay attention in order to make out a simple sentence like that. " I said I'll never understand girls," he told me as he shook his head. "so, I'm assuming she forgave you." "yah but in her own way" "you gotta hand I to her, she's a blogger so you know she can't make any thing basic. She has to stand out some how right." We Both laughed at that.

The line was really short when we stepped walked up to the out door restaurant. It made sense because we were coming at the end of lunch and they would be closing. We both requested cheese burgers then I took a lactose pill. When we received our burgers and fries I took both of our plates to go put toppings, and sent him to go get us drinks from the fountain. I put maenads, lettuce, ketchup, and pickles on my burger, and did almost the same thing for his burger making sure to replace the pickles for tomatoes and onions.

I walked over to the table he sat at and sat his plate in font of him. "Thanks El," He told me with a fry in his mouth. "No problem." Soon enough we discoing the plans for for our next track season, like what races we would run and who we hope to have on our relay team. He got up to do get us refills on our drinks and when he returned he changed the topic.

"So what's going on with you and Dev?" He asked me with a smirk and raised eyebrow. "Ok am I the only one that didn't know anything till… well, last night?!" " We then you must be really blind. He has clearly liked you for at least as long as I've known you. You've really never noticed the way he looks at you?" "No, and I still don't see the look." "Whenever the y'all are flirting there's a spark in his eye" "Wow-wow-wow, hold yup. Sir I've never flirted." "You can tell yourself that but the rest of us have all noticed it, just ask the girls. You gotta think about this were around y'all all the time so we see what you don't." Recalling last night I told him what the girls had said. "SEE! I told you. How do you feel about him?" "Honestly I don't know."

Someone snatched a fry from off of my plate and I looked behind me. "you don't know what?" Devin asked me as he. "I don��t know what I want for dinner," I told him. I wasn't about to tell him what we were talking about. He was already weaseling his way into my thoughts and I didn't like it. "You haven't even finished lunch yet and you're already worried about what you want for dinner?" He asked with knitted brows. "Hey, you could never be to carful," I said while looking at Jaxon in an attempt to get him to help me change the topic. He was looking down at his phone but he must have felt my gaze because he looks up and his hazel eyes met mine through his glasses. "Ay, i'm done eating do y'all wanna meet up at the pool later?" I mouthed a thank you his way before I said "Me too and that sound good." We all got up and went back to our cabins to put on our swimsuits.