Searching For The Killer


I made it back to Meadowood Apartments; it's still pouring hard, rain all over my body, and I hope none of my items in the bags are soaked.

I'm not going to enter through the front because the apartment owner always bothers me with questions. So I head to the side of the building; that's where I can quickly get through my room. The window is always open, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to get in unnoticed.

"Fuck..." I said under my breath, noticing police officers barricading the sides of the building.

I sigh at the thought of entering through the front and seeing the owner, but I have no other choice. So I walk back to the front and open the door.

The lights are always bright, which doesn't feel good on my body. Too much light can leave scars on vampire skin. Vampires who have sensitive skin can leave them with burns, make them blind, or possibly die. Usually, my skin is healthy, but after all the pain I went through, it is weak at the moment.

"Ehi, scusami?" The owner is trying to get my attention.

I forgot how annoying the owner is. He always asks too many questions and bothers me whenever he lays eyes on me. Also, he is Italian, but he is not young and good looking that all the women fantasize about. He is in his sixties and has a potbelly. He is not a part of any mob, as far as I know. I love and appreciate Italians and their culture, but this owner drives me insane.

"Hold up, mister, where have you been? It feels like forever since I saw your face. I've been knocking on your door to see if you were okay, and no response. I even had to call the police; that's why they are surrounded all over the building. But I'm glad that you here because I got a lot of questions to ask you." He tells me.

"I don't have time to communicate or answer questions. I got work to accomplish and then fall to sleep." I respond, letting him know I'm not interested.

I continue to walk and head to my room so that I can ignore and escape his presence. He follows me, which makes me roll my eyes.

"Where are you going? I want to know why you haven't been in your room? Do you know that you are late paying your rent? Also, why do you always wear dark clothes anytime I see you? Are you some type of Satan worshipper?" He asks numerous foolish questions, but I ignored all of them.

Thank goodness I arrived in my room. All I need to do now is get in, and I'm safe from the annoying owner.

"Before you enter your room, can you explain to me why you've been ignoring me? What did I do wrong that made you not want to stay in your room?" He asks.

I don't want to say anything to him as I just want a peaceful night, but I have to set him straight because I had enough of being annoyed for one night.

"I don't hate you; I just find you annoying. You bug me with stupid and unnecessary questions. You only do this to me and not anyone else. What makes me so important that you want to give me a migraine? You know what? I don't want to know. This is the last time I ever want to talk to you and stay in this apartment. I found a new home with beings that don't annoy me constantly and don't send the police. Here... take my money. This is all I have left. Now leave me!" I lashed out, throwing all the money I have at him and slamming the door in his face.

I am hearing his footsteps walking away from my door. He is frustratingly speaking Italian under his breath.

I'm free at last from all the rubbish I've been through today. Fighting Dadi, getting the owner to leave me alone, and I'm soaking wet from the rain. I feel bad for snapping at the owner, but I'm not in the best state of mind. Also, I don't have time for annoyance.

But what hurts the most is all the pain my body is going through. I've suffered a lot through this journey, trying to find the killer. The only thing keeping me going is my parents and Kalisha.

Most people at this point would give up and rest, but that's not me. I never give up on anything I put my mind into. Plus, I'm so close to finding Mike Benson. All I need to do is go online and search where exactly he lives.

But before I do that, I need to put all my items away and then take a shower.

Opening my bags, I bought many items: raw animal meat, specifically cow and goat meat. I haven't eaten any meat in a long time, and it's not healthy for a vampire not to eat protein for an extended period. The last time I've eaten human flesh was when I killed those two officers, which feels like forever now.

But the majority of items I bought are for my plan to invade Mike Benson's house tomorrow. I obtained Inhalants so that I can make him and whoever is also there go unconscious. I got essential home invasion supplies like ropes, duct tape, and a knife.

I also purchased electronic products. I went to VampVids and got myself a mini video camera to record any evidence he shares with me. Since I'm invading a mortal's house, I got supplies that will help me communicate adequately with humans. I don't want to go there and not be able to say what's on my mind. My deformed tongue won't stop me from getting the truth.

The electronic items that will help with my speech is a voice modulation machine and a ThinkPod. Both of these work in unison. The ThinkPod is a small circular device that sticks in your head, uses electromagnetic waves, and calculates what is on your mind. The voice modulation machine is a miniature microphone that allows beings to choose the voice they want to sound like and speak. The voice modulation machine is connected to the ThinkPod, which will enable me to talk freely without issues. I also purchased chargers for both of them.

Lastly, I bought new clothes that I'm going to wear tomorrow—black sneakers, a scarf, shirt, jacket, pants, and gloves. I need to look stylish while I get my revenge. I also have healing cream for my body because I've been yearning for it.

I check to see if any of the items are wet, and surprisingly, none of them are. So I pack all my supplies and put them where they belong. I take off my wet clothes and put them in a basket filled with old and dirty attire.

Head to the bathroom and take a comfortable shower. Then, I grab my healing cream and rub it on the scars and wounds. It hurts so much, but the pain is slowly going away. After that, I applied lotion and brushed my hair.

Walking out of my bathroom and check my closet for clothes to wear. My closet is filled with a lot of black jeans, pants, black shirts, and scarves. Thankfully, I found shorts and a tank top to wear. I put on my boxers and proceeded to wear the clothes.

I'm starving, so it's time for me to eat raw animal meat. It doesn't taste as sweet as human blood, but it feels good eating any type of meat. I miss this feeling so much!

I am finished with my meal, throwing it in the trash, and cleaning myself up. Before I start researching about Mike Benson, it's been a while since I exercised.

First, I grab my music player because it wouldn't feel right if I didn't listen to my favorite songs while working out. Then, I stretch my body, loosening, and relaxing all my muscles. The first exercise I decided to do is one hundred push-ups. Positioning in the right form, and started pushing myself up. I managed to reach one hundred, and my body is tired. But I'm not done just yet.

I want to lift something heavy. I don't have any dumbbells with me. I could lift my fridge since I used to do it a lot. But that's way too basic for me; I need something challenging.

The idea immediately popped in my head; I should lift my coffin. I know it's a dangerous idea, but I love danger and doing things that most beings are afraid to attempt. I grab my coffin; then I lay down on the floor, arch my back, and pick up my casket. Coffins are heavy to carry, and mine feels like I'm lifting a truck. My muscles feel like giving up since it's too heavy for me even to lift, but I keep pushing. I ended up doing fifty reps of lifting my coffin. I set my coffin down, get up, and put it away.

Ocean of sweat covering my face and body. Heavy breathing leaving my mouth. My muscles feel like they are in hell right now, but I needed this. Exercising takes a lot of hard work and pain. If beings want to see any results, your body must be aching after working out. So I push myself whenever I work out, no matter how much my body is in pain. Pain is the definition of my life.

I would exercise more, but I need to find out where Mike Benson lives. Plus, it's 2:50 am, and it's almost time before the sun awakens. So I wipe away all the sweat and drink some water. Then, I grab my laptop and sit comfortably on the bed. Turning it on and giving it a moment to reboot itself. After that, I log in and start searching online.

I searched for a website that tracks down a specific person living near my area. Typing in 'Mike Benson' and then put in 'Norfolk, VA' as the location. Pressing the enter key and waiting for it to pop up. It showed, and it mentions that there are nine guys with the name, Mike Benson, living in this area. Thankfully, they offer photos and descriptions of each individual.

I found him; I've got the bastard! He looks so killable with his smug smile, dumb glasses, and a face that looks like he murdered a bunch of African-Americans and did not have any remorse about it.

I click on his page and found all the information I needed. His real name is Michael Anthony Benson, and he's 44 years old. He was born in Dallas, Texas. He moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, to work for the Charlottesville police department from 1996 through 2017. Now, he settles down in Downtown, Norfolk, VA. Stephanie Benson is his wife, and he has two children; Diana Benson, thirteen years old, and Leslie Benson, seven years old.

I can't believe it took me this long to find the killer. I had to travel across the world and murder many officers to find the truth and get justice. I already caused so much chaos being in Virginia.

Now that I found him, I'm making sure I visit him. When I arrive, I'm not leaving until he tells me everything that went down that night. After that, I'm going to kill him. I don't care if his family witnessed it or not. He killed my parents in front of me when I was a child. So they will learn, especially Mike, not to mess with me or the individuals I love the most. Also, it will teach them a lesson about what will happen if they become racist and have hate in their hearts.

I'm sick and tired of seeing evil beings getting away with atrocities and continue living comfortably. At the same time, the victims continue to suffer and live a life filled with torment. I'm not going to wait until he is old and grey for him to pass away. He doesn't deserve to see the age of 45. I can't wait to rip his pathetic and racist face off. Tomorrow can't come fast enough!

Checking the time, it's 3 am. Usually, I sleep at precisely 6 am, but my body is so sore that I need to sleep early. Plus, I need all the energy for tomorrow.

Before I do that, I power off my laptop and put it back in its place. I make sure that the room is clean because I hate waking up in a filthy area. Then, I close the window and cover it so that no sun can pass through.

I charge my phone, the voice modulation machine, ThinkPod, and any essential technological equipment.

Everywhere in the room is spotless. So I get back on the bed and lay comfortably under the covers. Before I fall asleep, I need to speak to my parents.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm so happy to speak to you guys again. I know it's been forever since I made time to talk, and I apologize. But it's been hectic for me, and I have been through a lot trying to find your killer. No need for tears and suffering because I've seen him. I'm going to invade his home, get the truth, and make sure you guys get the justice that you both rightfully deserve. I know you're disappointed that my life turned out this way, and I hate the monster I've become. But he made me this way, and he took your lives. The only way to end it all is to get revenge. After it's all done, I hope you guys can forgive me. You both are always on my mind, and I wish you were here right now with me. I love you, and your presence will never be forgotten." I said, talking to myself and pretending that my parents are here.

Time for me to rest, easing my body and mind. Hopefully, I get a good night slumber.