Home Invasion

The Benson's house, Downtown, Norfolk, VA

Friday, October 16th, 2026

9:00 pm

Narrator's POV

"Diana... Leslie... It's dinner time!" Their mother yelled out while putting the food on the table.

"You guys better come down before there's nothing left." Their father mentions, sitting on the chair and drinking coffee.

The kids are running down the stairs, their footsteps are loud, and their parents start complaining about their ruckus.

"Next time, don't run on the stairs. It's dangerous, and it will ruin the look of the stairs." Their mother tells them.

"Sorry," the kids said in unison. They arrive at the kitchen and sit on the chair.

On the table, there is a variety of meals for them to feast on. Homemade Ravioli, Duck Breasts with Apricot Chutney, Charred Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Oranges, and a bowl of steamed vegetables. The parents are drinking coffee while the kids have orange juice. There's strawberry cheesecake waiting in the fridge after they finish their meal.

Leslie tried to grab a portion of the Ravioli, but his mother caught him.

"Now hold on, mister, you know we have to let everyone be aware of what we accomplished today." She mentions while taking her seat.

"Your mother is right. Plus, we have to pray before we eat." The father mentions.

"Thanks, honey," the wife replied, planting a quick kiss on his lips.

Leslie let go of the pasta bowl, rolling his eyes and sighing. Diana couldn't help but laugh at the awkward moment.

"So, what did your kids accomplish today?" Their mother asks.

"You guys always ask us first; how about you both share with us? Then, we'll share." Diana asked, crossing her arms and has a sly smile.

"Well, we were saving this until the right time, but your father and I are thinking about having another child." She mentions.

The kids have their mouths wide open, and their eyes are lost in space.

"I know it's shocking, but I think it's for the best that we add another member to Benson's family." He said.

"I got a question," Diana said.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Her mother asks.

"Does that mean you two are going to do the nasty, or did you guys already do it?" She asks.

"Diana!" The parents yelled her name in unison, and their faces are stunned.

"What's the nasty?" Leslie asks.

"Don't worry; you will learn once your balls drop and you stop having a baby cock." She tells him.

"Diana, excuse your language! I don't know where you learned that filthy talk but stop saying it in this household. Don't corrupt Leslie's young mind." Mom warns her.

"I'm sorry, but he has to learn sooner than later. He needs to learn about sex so that he doesn't embarrass himself when sleeping with women. He doesn't want to be sticking his cock in the wrong hole or cum way too quick." She explains.

"Okay, I think we heard enough. How about we start praying before the food starts getting cold and loses its flavor." Dad stops Diana from speaking any longer.

"But how about us? Don't you guys want to know what we've accomplished?" She asks.

"We do want to know, but after your outburst, we'll wait until dinner is over. So let's pray because this is a God-fearing house. God doesn't appreciate the filthy talk and rudeness. Let's grab each other's hands, and I will lead the prayer." He said.

They all grab the nearest hands to them and shut their eyes. He led the prayer.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for giving us the breadth and strength to see another day. You are so grateful to our family that we don't know how to repay you. But we always serve you and send our blessings to you. If we sinned, please forgive our souls. Right now, we ask you to bless the food that we're about to eat. Let this food protect us from any evil that tries to harm us. Let this food give us the power to conquer any obstacles that come our way. Please, Lord, keep us safe. Let us continue to see the light. Amen."

After the prayer, all of the lights and power in the house gets shut off. Leaving the family in darkness and surrounded by their frightened shrieks.

"Mom... Dad... What's going on?!" Leslie is freaking out, barely can utter his speech.

"Don't panic, probably it's just a power outage." The father tries to calm everyone down.

"Dad, a power outage? There's no lightning or thunder outside, and there are no heavy winds causing damage. I feel like someone cut off all the power." Diana disagrees with him.

Leslie starts to cry.

"See what you have done; you made Leslie cry. How about we all chill out and pull out our phones? Let's stop fighting." The mother insists.

Everyone pulls out their phones; they turn on the flashlight feature to see everyone's face. Leslie is the most panic-stricken; his eyes are red, snot coming out of his nose, the body is shaking, and tears continue to fall from his face.

"Jesus, Leslie... Here's a paper towel, clean yourself up. Everything will be fine, don't worry." Diana gives him a paper towel, and he takes it, cleaning his face from all the tears and snot.

"Does anyone have a signal or wifi connection because I don't have any?" Diana asks.

"No," They all replied.

"Well, that's great! What should we do now?" She asks, crossing her arms in frustration.

"Let's just chill and wait. Probably, someone will come and fix it." The father responds.

A booming knock hits on the door, sending shivers to everyone. The father gets up to check who is knocking.

"Mike, where are you going?" His wife asks.

"I'm checking to see who it is. Probably, it's the person that turned off our power." He explains.

"So you're just going to check without bringing anything to protect yourself? What happens if it's a criminal at our door?" She questions him.

"Don't worry; I can handle myself. Plus, I highly doubt some criminal would come to our house. Maybe, it's just some kids pulling a prank." He said, continuing to head to the door.

He checks the mirrors, and there is no one in sight.

"That's odd; there's no one in sight." He said.

"Probably, that person left." Diana came up with reasoning.

"Maybe so," he responds.

He walks away from the door and tries to sit down on the chair until the knock got even more aggressive.

"Okay, who is disturbing us?!" He walks back to the door.

He opens the door. Before he could recognize who the person is, a cloth filled with inhalants gets into his mouth. His screams are muffled, and he tries to fight back, but his mind and body are shutting down on him. He drops to the floor. The rest of the family jumps off their seats and hold each other for protection.

The intruder closes the door and walks closer to the other family members. Wearing all dark clothing, and the only thing that isn't black is his eyes.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing in our house? What do you want? Please leave us alone!" The mother shouts out.

The intruder snatches all of their phones off from their hands and destroys them. Leaving them back in the darkness and the only thing they can see are his red eyes.

"Kids, grab any weapons that you can and let's attack," Mom tells them.

With the only light source are his eyes, it was a struggle for them to find a weapon, which was a perfect opportunity for the intruder to strike. The mother grabbed a giant metal spoon and hit him on his face. It did weaken him, but he starts to laugh and takes off the scarf showing his smile while blood is dripping from his mouth.

He grabs her by the throat and puts the inhalant cloth into her mouth. Struggling to fight back, she passes out, and he drops her to the ground. Now he focuses his attention on the children; he notices that Leslie pissed his pants and Diana has rivers of tears falling from her eyes.

As he gets closer, the kids tried to run away, but he is too fast for them. He grabs them by their shirts and bumps their heads together, making them go unconscious.



It's been ten minutes since I made them go unconscious. I tied them all to the chair using rope and covering their mouths with duct tape. For a family that has an ex-cop, only one of them put up a fight. Honestly, I didn't come here to fight the whole family. I only came here for Mike Benson.

I grab my voice modulation machine and turn on my ThinkPod. I made sure I adjusted my voice to sound menacing and fits how I honestly talk. The electromagnetic waves from the ThinkPod are swimming through my brain, and it stings, but I don't want to focus on any pain I am feeling.

I got my knife with me, even though I don't need one since my fangs and fingernails can do a lot of damage, but if anyone doesn't listen or cooperate, then I have to stab them.

I locked all the doors and windows so that no one can not get in or get out. I brought out lamps and turned them on; they need to see me correctly.

The last thing to turn on before I start questioning him is my video camera. I need proof that Mike did kill my family and anything else he wants to reveal. Enough waiting; let wake him and his family up. I am pouring buckets of warm water on their bodies, instantly making them conscious.

They all try to scream for help, but the tape is constricting them from doing so. They even tried to break free from the rope, but I made sure no one could escape.

Their eyes look like helpless puppies, waterfalls of sweat and tears fill their faces, and their white skin is turning red.

I grab a chair for me to sit and bring it close to Mike. Sitting down and staring deep into his dark soul. Just looking at him makes me want to kill him on the spot. But I need to control myself and get all the answers.

I rip the duct tape from his filthy mouth without warning, and I grabbed him by the throat so that he won't start yelling like a goat.

"Now listen here, you piece of mortal trash, if you yell, call for help, disobey, lie, attack, play mind games, act stupid, or say anything rubbish, I will kill you. Nod your head if you understand." I command him.

Mike nods his head in agreement.

"Good. Now once I let go of your throat, I will be asking you questions, and you need to be truthful with everything. I know when you're lying, and I don't have time for childish games. If you love your family, you better start revealing the harsh truth." I warn him.

I let go of his throat and pour more water into his dirty face so that his thirst can be quenched. He coughs and is struggling to breathe, but he eventually recovers.

"Now that you're ready, I want to know if you remember me?" I ask him.

"No, I don't know who you are. I have never seen you before in my lifetime. Who are you anyway? Why are you doing this?" He asks.

"You seriously don't remember me? Well, let me take off my hoodie and scarf. You will remember me." I tell him.

I am taking off my hoodie and scarf, revealing my face to him.

"Wait... Aren't you that guy I bumped into the restaurant?" He asks.

"Yes, I am that guy at the restaurant. But you've seen me before. Let me reveal something that will make you remember exactly who I am and why I am here." I tell him.

Opening my mouth, which shows my fangs, and it's freaking everyone out that I am a vampire. Then, I reveal my deformed tongue, and his face immediately contorts in shock. His wife passes out after seeing my tongue. The children continue to wail through the duct tape.

"Now, do you remember you racist asshole?! You caused this; you are the one that cut off my tongue, killed my family, and ruined my life. I've been searching for you all my life, and it feels so good seeing you and your family tied up. They need to see and know how much of a monster you truly are." I vent out my long-lasting rage at him.

I notice that the wife has passed out, so I poured more water on her. She wakes up, which is good because she needs to know that she married a racist and a killer.

"Please leave my family alone; they didn't do anything. It's me that you want, not them." He pleaded.

"Are you confessing that you're the actual person that caused all this pain onto my life?" I questioned him.

He sighs.

"Yes, and no," he replies.

"No, what do you mean by, no?" I ask, he is pissing me off, and the urge to kill him is strong.

"I did burn the house, but I didn't kill your family, cut your tongue in half, or came up with the idea." He explains.

"Well, if it wasn't you that caused the atrocity, then who was it? Who made you burn my house down? Tell me everything!" I ask, yelling at him to reveal the truth.

"Okay, here's what happened."