V1 Chapter 22

"And done!" Paisley said.


"Thank you Paisley!" i kissed her cheeks before i move on.

Now let's proceed to daddy's now. But before i do that I'm gonna head to the garden first.



While walking i noticed mr.viqor. He's in the other hallway. Far to mine and opposite to my direction that hes heading. I'm pretty sure he has a report to daddy because of the paper work that he'd holding... He did see me? maybe because I'm small?



I reach the garden when I heard a crackle that's completely coming from the graden.

The garden today is now different from before

i request to add and planted some of a sunflowers. So the it's really hard to tell who in the world is in there because of the big leaves. Is there a rat in there? or some wild animals that being lost? Or maybe a ghost!??? W-wait no no, that a no-no. It's daytime so no ghost! But what if it's a ghost!?



I shake my head for being paranoid. Maybe it's eziprix! If it's eziprix I'm literally gonna kill him!.



"Who's there?" i bravely said and walk where that crackles sounds coming from.



When i parted the leaves i stopped, seeing him again.



"Oh? We meet again" he said and smile brightly that i almost see heaven because of his smile.


I'm still not answering and trying to sink in the situation that we're in. I'm just looking at him. His eyes wide and he's holding a flower.



"Your a princess?! A-apologize for my rudeness for not properly greet her highness, I cause you so much trouble yesterday. I am very sorry for what happen and for my act" he bowed his head to me.



"A-ah! It's okay! it's okay don't worry about it hehe" I awkwardly said to him. He face me and again with his smile.


'Dude his smile can kill an enemy if he had one'



"Thank you your highness...This is late but I haven't introduce myself I'm azriel estienton the duke son...But why is her highness doing in the town by the way?"

Oh shit here we go.

"U-um..i was looking a gift for my father!" Of course that's a lie. I'm just bored with my life.



"Really? That's so great your highness"


"Yeah yeah"

i don't know what to response to that!.

"But it's seems your highness doesn't even have a royal guard o--"

I immediately covered his mouth with my hands. I hope no one's around when he said that.



"Actually...hehe...can you not tell to anyone that you saw me outside the palace? It's just... i don't have a permission when i go out... so... can you promised me not tell to anyone?"



He hold my hand to removed it from covering his mouth.

"Of course princess!"



So fast. Well he's the male lead after all, there's no way he would tell that to anyone. If dad founds about it i will asked eziprix to erase my father's brain... Just kidding. Maybe erase that he never knewn about it hehe...



" I need to go now.. Bye azriel!" As i said, and run. I didn't even heard his respond but it's okay



I hope daddy is free now.. I reached his office and knocked.



"Daddy are you busy?" I said in low voice.


He looked at me with his expressionless eyes.

He sigh before he answered my question.


"No." He replied



But his table and papers is telling me yes when i looked.



"Up up!" I said

He lifted me up and pat my back. I grab the pen that i just bought yesterday.



"Dad! I have a gift for you!" And showed him the pen. He grabbed it from mu hands.



"It's beautiful right? Sparkling like daddy's eyee hehe"



He just give me a looked. Thank god he didn't asked me where did i get that. The pen float on the air.. And something's happening to the pen... There's a mark!? It's writing my name... On the side of the pen. So cool...but daddy really did this!?


'From atarah!" It's say.



"DADDY!!" i hugged him tightly and happily crying.



"I'll asked the maids to bring us dinner..."



I nodded my head. He stood up and put me down to my chair. And he sat in front of me.



I looked to the window when i notice it's getting dark outside. It's going to rain.



"Dad what is mr.viqor doing here?" i asked even i know the answer.



he looked a little surprise tho.



"Oh did he saw you?"

"Hmm...no.. i was the one who saw him walking in the hallway.."

"Good.. You don't need to worry about it, it's Just a work. You're to young to mind that"

"Hehe okie!...By the way dad can i sleep in here tonight?"


What do you mean why? Your daughter is sweet to you!



"I just feel i like it... so can i?"



"Do whatever you want.... Khyler!"



Khyler immediately came in.


"Yes your majesty?"



"Tell the maids to prepaid a room for the princess."



"Yes your majesty!" Then he leave.



I guess paisley doesn't need to worry about me... I'm with daddy so... it's okay.




The Night's came and also the rain. The maid guide me to my room and leave me after she's done checking me if the room is good for me.

I was about to sleep when there's a loud thunderstorm... I covered my ears and closed my eyes. i tried to sleep but it thundered one after another. I can feel the small tears from my eyes.. i couldn't help it so i got up and lft the room..

I'm holding both of my hand's hoping that it would not shot another thunde, yet it did, but this time it's more loud.. i fell from the ground while covering my ears..

'No more please...I'm begging you...'

I can't hold my tears now. I felt it down from my cheeks. My head is on the ground too...




I stood up when the it's stop. I reach his room and knocked. It's already 10pm.



"D~daddy? *Sniff*" I called




"What are you doing here? You are supposed to be sleeping now?" He asked



"I couldn't sleep because of the thun-der" I sniffed


"Can i sleep with you daddy?"

"Are you crying?"


"Come here"

I run towards him and hugged him..



"You didn't tell me that you're afraid from the thunderstorm..." He patted my head to make me fall asleep.



"Thank you daddy...Good night daddy" i said hugging him. No response. But i closed my eyes to sleep.



Maybe avius isn't that bad at all... I hope this continued and not the bad life...




At the estienton house.



"Brother can you read a story for me until i fall asleep?" Eileen asked while lying down to her bed with a stuff toy in her arms.



Frustrated was on his look when eileen requested azriel. He don't want to upset eileen so he did what she asked.



"Sure... I'll stay with you too...The rain looks really heave and the thunderstorm..." He smile gently and patted eileen's head.



He sat down next to her and open the book. He start to read with gentle in his voice, with this voice eileen already felt that her eyes start to get heavier...



"Good night brother.." a little smile from her lips and she start to closed her eyes.



"Good night..." Azriel get down from her bed and kiss eileen's forehead before he walk out from her room.