Chapter 26

After eating breakfast, he told her, "Pack up your bag. We are leaving in one hour."

She looked at him with shocked and asked, "where?"

He made her sit on his lap and stroked her cheeks, "I have to go out of station for few days and you will get bored without me that's why I am taking out you with me."

She looked at him and thought, 'Why does he think I will get bored? I can go to my home to live with my mom or go out with my friends without you. It's you who didn't let me go out.'

Actually, he can't stay away from her and he had to go. There was holidays into her college that's why he decided to take her. If he had to go out of station because of work, he came back immediately to her even late at night. he didn't stay away from her even for one night. That's why he decided to take her with him this time. As at night, he could sleep with her.

She went to bedroom and stood in front of closet. She didn't know where they were going so she was confused which types of clothes should she packed. She was not choosy person. She can live in forest if she has food and clothes. But she knew Vijay was demanding person that's why her closet was full of different different brand and styles clothes.

Vijay came in bedroom and looked Bhavika who was looking at clothes with confusion look. He smiled and hugged her by back. He put his chin on her shoulder and asked, "What are you thinking?"

She told truth, "I can't decide which clothes I should pack?"

he kissed on her neck and said with smirked, "I prefer you without clothes."

Her face got paled, "Vijay"

he smiled, "Baby, pack anything randomly. If you need anything, I will buy you there." He took out her three sets lingerie and four dresses and put her hands. He said lazily, "It's enough."

Bhavika put them in small bagpack and took her handbag and put her necessary stuffs like mobile, charger into handbag. He held her hand, "Now let's go."

As bhavika took her bagpack, he denied, "Leave it here. Nick will carry it." She looked at him confusion that she can carry her bagpack herself but she knew Vijay did like to argument that's why she kept quiet.

In the way of airport, Vijay was discussing matters with Niçk in car. Nick was on passenger seat while Vijay and bhavika sat back seat. Vijay was talking without expression while Nick was responding him. Bhavika looked out from window. She wanted to spend her time with her mother. But now, she had to go with him. And she didn't know where they were going and when they will return?

Vijay looked at her who was looking outside. He caressed her hairs smoothly and asked her with soft tone, "Are you getting bored?"

She turned towards him and looked at him confusion. He curled his lips, "We will reach airport soon." She only nodded.

Then he looked Nick and asked coldly, "Did you arrange magazine for her which I told you?"

Nick responded, "Yes sir."

Bhavika blinked her eyes. She didn't want to read any book and magazine which given by him. She recalled last time which type of book he gave her to read. And what did he demand?

She was more confused where they were going. If they were going for fun, Nick would not follow them. Nick was following them it means Vijay was going for work. Can't he think something else than work or torture her?

In Airplane, Vijay and bhavika seated in first class seats. Bhavika sat beside Vijay. Vijay gave her some magazines abd told, "Bhavika, you can read it. You will not bored. I have to finish some urgent work otherwise I won't let you get bored."

Bhavika looked at his half smile face and immediately understood his meaning. She looked away from him. he was pleased to look her blushing face.

Bhavika was hestitated to take magazines from him but she took because she didn't want to more humiliate. She was relieved after seeing the magazines. They were girls magazines. She chose one and started to read. Vijay was doing his work on laptop.

It was two hours journey. After few minutes, Vijay glanced at Bhavika who was reading seriously beside him. He was disappointed that she didn't look at him once. But he was thick skinned. He knew how to gain her attention. He took a fashion magazine into his hands and flipped pages. He stopped one page and put that magazine infront of her. When she looked at him suspicious, He pointed on one photo and whispered in husky voice into her ear, "Bhavika, I want to see you in it. Will you wear it for me?"

Her cheeks got red to hear his shameless thought. It was a sexy girls nightwear. Bhavika thought in her mind, 'Can she deny?'

Looking at her like that, he smiled, "You didn't answer me till yet."

Bhavika had no choice that's why she nodded with lowered her head. He was now in good spirit. Bhavika put down the magazines and pretended to sleep with closing her eyes. She thought, 'its prefer to sleep. At least he can't bully me in public.'

Vijay shook his head with amusement and caressed her hairs, "Are you tired?"

She immediately nodded her head. He said in low voice, "Then sleep. I will wake you up when we reach." and he concentrated on work.

Bhavika only pretended to sleep but she was tired that's why she was sleepy soon. But she heard the announcement of her departure, she opened her sleepy eyes and sat straight. Vijay noticed het action and said with smoothly, "Why did you wake up? It's only announcement."

She pouted, "it's fine." She was sleepy now but she knew she had to wake up in few minutes that's why she endured her sleep.

At the entrance of airport, there was a car waiting for them. When Bhavika got into car, she couldn't hold back anymore and slept. Vijay took her into his embrace immediately. She adjusted herself into comfortable position and slept. Vijay wrapped her with blanket. After kissing her forehead, he put his head back of car seat and closed his eyes.

Nick was looking him from front seat. He couldn't believe what he saw. His boss never cared himself but now he cared for her. He asked himself, 'does his boss fall in love?' He was with his boss many years but he didn't know what his boss thought till yet. He pursed his lips and thought, 'Lets see what will happen in future?'

After twenty minutes, the car stopped in front of hotel. Nick said lowly, "Sir we are reached."

Vijay opened his eyes immediately and glared at him. Nick was confused what he did wrong. 'Did he say something wrong?' Vijay scolded him in low voice, "She is sleeping."

Nick was speechless and confused. What did it mean? Should they have to wait to her wake up?

Vijay got out from car. He bent and took her sleeping into his arms. Nick blinked his eyes many times. Was it illusion? His boss didn't wake her up while carrying her.

Because of changing position, Bhavika opened her eyes slowly, "Vijay"

Vijay looked at her with smile, "Baby, don't worry. you sleep tightly." She closed again her eyes.

The hotel was under his name. the manager and others who was standing for his welcome were stunned to look at him like it. He was walking carefree with carrying her into his arms. He didn't care anybody except her.

They all looked at Nick for answering who was behind Vijay. It was a second time when he was facing this type of suitation. He wondered that he should have face it in future or not. He pursed his lips and following his boss. He was carrying his boss and bhavika bags while his boss was carrying her.

The managers and others came into their senses immediately because they were professional. It was hard to believe what they were looking but they had to perform their duties. They greeted Vijay. Vijay didn't give them glance and continued walking.

Nick opened the lift door for them. In lift, Nick was standing beside Vijay. he couldn't look him directly that's why he was glancing his boss.

Vijay didn't notice anybody. He looked down and see bhavika who was sleeping comfortable in his arms. He looked at her pouted lips and urged to kiss her lips. He was satisfied that now she was comfortable with him. Their relationship was improving slowly.

In the suite, Vijay laid her smoothly. Bhavika opened her eyes as she felt coldness of bed. She looked Vijay who was standing beside the bed and called his name, "Vijay."

He chuckled to look her sleepy eyes, "Do you wanna more sleep?"

She nodded. he bent and stroked her cheek with his fingers, "then sleep tightly. I have some work to do. I am going out but I will come back soon."

She nodded and closed her eyes. She heard his voice, "If you need anything, call to service room." She didn't respond him but this time she only needed to sleep.....nothing else.

He signed when he didn't get any response from her. he pecked her lips and left the room.

He closed the door slowly and ordered to Nick who was standing in hall for him, "Tell manager send to female Steward to take care of her."

Nick wanted to say, 'She is not child. She can take care of herself' but he responded, "Yes sir."