Chapter 27

After sleeping for few hours, Bhavika woke up with hunger. She didn't eat since morning. Mostly Vijay and Santa reminded her to take meal at time. Now, she has habitual to them. She stretched her whole body. As she opened her eyes, she startled to look at strange room. Then she recalled she came with him in another city. She got out from bed and went outside. There was a big hall which has everything. Then her gaze fell on the big window and looked outside view. Her mouth opened widely. She was looking the clear sky and mountain in front of her. It means they were on mountains. She liked the view but her stomach growled that's why she remembered that she had to eat first.

As she turned back, she startled to look at lady who was in uniform and standing in front of her. She was around thirty. She greeted Bhavika, "Good evening madam, I am Hema and at your service."

Bhavika only nodded. She didn't like anybody called her 'Madam'. But she knew everyone arround Vijay called her 'Madam'. that's why she pursed her lips.

Hema was professional that's why she didn't feel anything from Bhavika's behaviour. Bhavika looked her and there in hall then she looked Fridge. She went towards fridge and opened it for eating something.

Hema noticed abd asked in polite voice, "Madam, do you wanna eat?"

Bhavika nodded her head then hema took a menu from table and gave her, "You can order from it."

Bhavika looked at menu and read item by item. She told Hema, "I want a simple plate."

Hema nodded and told her, "Madam just wait. I am coming in few minutes."

Bhavika nodded and hema left. Hema came out from suite and her smile faded from her lips, 'What a spoil brat?' She heard many rumours about Vijay that's why she thought, 'That girl is so young and beautiful. She is definitely behind his wealth otherwise why she is with him. Yeah, it's true. he is handsome but why any young girl will waste her time on older guy.'

She liked to gossips with other and within few minutes, it spreads among whole hotel staff.

Bhavika waited for her meal. She was so hungry that's why to distract herself. She decided to change her clothes. She searched for her bag but she couldn't find anywhere.

Hema came with food trolly. She served Bhavika and bhavika ate silently. She didn't like anybody watch over her that's why she send off Hema outside.

Now, Bhavika was alone in suite and she searched again for bag. She took out her mobile from her handbag and send message to her mother. She told her mother that she bought second hand mobile because if her mother needed to connect her in urgency, she can. Her mother trusted her most that's why she didn't suspect on her.

After sending message to Her mother, She sat on sofa. She worn capri and top. Now, Vijay didn't like her to show off her skin outside. He thought only he has right to look at her that's why he wants her to wear sober clothes outside. She also doesn't like to wear short clothes in public that's why she had no problem. She thought Vijay understood her uneasy that's why he wanted her to wear sober clothes in public.

She looked a wardrobe but there was only male outfits. An idea popped into her mind. She watched girls wear male outfit in tv that's why she decided to change into it. she took out a shirt it was on her mid thigh. She went to bathroom for changing.

After changing, she came to hall and started to watch tv. She changed channel and stopped comedy channel. She didn't know when Vijay was going to come. She thought to call him or message him. But she knew he was busy that's why she decided to not disturb him.

After getting tired from laughing, she went to fridge for coke. As she took out coke from Fridge, she heard his deep voice, "Bhavika"

She turned back and looked at him who was looking her with burning eyes. She was startled what happened to him.

She noticed his gaze on her body head to toe. She looked herself then understood. She started to explain, "Vijay I am sorry. I didn't find my bag...."

Vijay came towards her with big strides. he held her waist and pulled her into his arms. he claimed her lips. He was sucking her lips as he didn't touch her since many days. Bhavika lost her balance and gripped his shirts tightly.

After finishing his meeting, he came directly to hotel for her. As he opened the door, he looked her into his shirt. He gulped his saliva. She was looking more sexy. As she turned towards him, he was more stunned. His silk black shirt was looking more attractive on her fair skin. He aroused more to look her like it. He never knew his shirt would be more useful. why didn't she wear his shirt before? or why didn't he think about it?

Breaking the kiss, he asked in hoarse voice, "Why are you sorry? Huhh? You are really naive or you are pretending bhavika?" He held her chin with his fingers and looked at her eyes.

She was confused. She asked in hestitation, "you are not angry."

he laughed, "Baby, I am not angry but I want my shirt back."

She chewed her lips, "I will change it." As she tried to come out from his embrace. He held her tightly and whispered into her ear, "let me help you."

She gupled her saliva and looked at him. He smirked and opened first button with his fingers. his fingers touched her skin as he opened her button one by one and looked into her eyes. She shivered. It's not first time with him but she felt her heart was beating fastly.

Taking out shirt, he turned her towards fridge and started to kiss on her back. She called his name with taking deep breath, "Vijay"

he didn't stop and hummed. his hand were on her chest while other was on her thigh. Her legs were going to weak that she lost her balance. it's Vijay who held her tightly. he took out her bra and panty. He pinched her nipple while entered his finger into her and kissing on her back neck and sucking between kissing. She cried with emotion. hearing her voice, he increased his speed.

Within few minutes, she released, he took out his finger from her and tasted and moaned. He took out his clothes and entered into her from behind. She cried in pain, "it's hurt."

He stopped, lifted her into arms and came to sofa. He sat on sofa and let her sit in him. He laughed while sucking her skin, "It's hurt now Huhh? You didn't think consequence before seducing me."

She pouted with taking deep breath, "When did I seduce you?"

he turned her towards his face and kissed her, "you seduce me even you don't know." he bit on her lips while thrusting her. he was so pleased to know his women is so naive.

He tortured her for few hours. She lost her whole energy and laid on him without energy. After releasing into her, he asked with tugged her hairs behind her ear, "Are you hungry?"

She nodded because she had to eat something for regain her energy. He lifted her into his arms, "let's clean first." She let him do what he wanted because even, she had no energy to speak.

After cleaning themselves, they came out from bathroom in bathrobe. She asked with making her face, "Where is my bagpack?" She mentally noted that she will never wear his clothes in her whole life. If she knew the consequences, she will never wear it.

He chuckled, "Why don't you wear my shirt?"

She looked at him with horror and looking her expression, he was pleased. He pecked her lips, "let me ask Nick."

He called Nick to ask her bagpack and gave him order to eat.

He held her hand and said, "Let's watch something. Someone will come with bagpack and food."

She followed him. They came in hall and sat on sofa. He made her sit on his lap and she put her head on his chest. He held her waist. They were watching tv.

After few minutes, there were knocked on door. she started to get up. She was in bathrobe and she didn't want anyone looked her in it. He held her tightly and didn't let her sit. She looked at him with pleading eyes. He curled his lips and covered themselves with blanket, "Now don't move."

She blinked her eyes and gave up. She knew he didn't listen her.

He already warned Nick that any male would not entered into his suite. She was so beautiful and he didn't want any male looks at her. She was only his. He let her go out because of her otherwise he didn't let her go anywhere. He wanted to reserve her for only himself. He was becoming more possessive for her. He was also afraid to his desire for her but he can't help it.

A female hotel staff came inside, she put Bhavika bagpack a side and started to serve. She also knew gossip that's why she glanced at them while serving meal. Vijay was carefree and held her in his lap while kissing sometimes on her neck. Bhavika sat silently because she was not comfortable that she sat on his lap while there was somebody else with them. Even it was female but Bhavika was reserved minded person. Bhavika noticed her glanced on them and started to struggle free from Vijay. Vijay frowned and noticed that hotel staff was glancing them.

He asked coldly, "Didn't you finish till yet?"

That girl sniffed and told slowly, "Sir, almost."

He ordered loudly, "Get out."

She startled but soon exited with lowering her head. Bhavika looked at him with blinking her eyes. She noticed first time his tone. His tone has some emotions for her even he is angry with her. But for others, his tone has no emotions. She recalled when he talked to even Nick and Santa, his tone has no emotion.

Vijay looked at her with smile and asked with smirk, "What are looking at me? I am looking more attractive today."

She turned and lowered her head. She was not affected with his words but his tone. His tone again changed for her. There was a clinch into her heart.

Vijay noticed and asked with curiosity, "Bhavika, what are you thinking?" He didn't know what she thought but he wanted to know.

She shook her head, "Nothing" She was not sure what was she feeling towards him.

He sighed and kissed on her neck, "Let's eat otherwise it will be cold."

She nodded. They ate in silence.

In the bed, he was on her and kissing her. She was responding him. After satisfied with kissed, he looked at her face, her eyes, her lips. Her lips were red and swellen with his kissing. He curled up his lips and pecked her lips many times. Her black eyes were shinning in night light.

He took a deep breath and laid beside her. He covered her quilt and took her in arms, "Let's sleep Bhavika." She nodded and closed her eyes. She was tired from his before torture.

he wanted her again but He knew she couldn't hold his desire any more. and it's already late night. It's better to let her rest.

After few moments, he felt her sleeping breath on his chest. He was amused that she slept almost whole day and slept again soon.

He got up slowly and went out from bedroom.

He dialled a number. In few rings, Nick replied the call. Actually, he slept. he knew his boss with her that's why he would not disturb him but he was wrong.

He saw his boss number on screen and sniffed. He immediately picked up call, "Yes sir"

Vijay ordered coldly, "tell every staff member If she felt embrassment because of anyone, it will be that person last day in this hotel. even I have to change whole management, I will not think second time."

And he hung up the call. other side Nick was confused 'what is this? who tried to her embrassment.' Then something clicked into his mind. How much clinch his boss towards her? Last time, in his boss office, When they were intimate and mistakenly glanced them, she felt embrassment. He shook his head with frustration, "Boss, it's not our fault. can you not so your affection towards her in public? she felt embrassment because of you.... not of us."

His boss ruined his sleep because of her again. Now, he couldn't sleep any more and he was frustrated. When he couldn't sleep, how could he let others sleep?

But Vijay went to bedroom again and slept with taking her into his arms soundly.