Chapter 35

soon, her college started and she got busy into study. But his desire was increasing for her as time passing. He denied her to stay at night at her mother's home even he allowed her to visit her mother whenever she wanted. That's why She went to mostly visit her mother after college.

The days were passing as usual. He liked to torture her and tease her whenever he had chance and she had to use it. She was feeling comfortable with his demanding and dominating nature. He usually checked up her mobile to not repeat that incident. She was his and only he has rights on her.

After dinner, He was working while she was studing in study room as usual. His mobile rang and he ignored but his mobile again rang. He glanced at Bhavika who was studying without disturbance. He attended the call with smirking and said in low tone, "Hello"

Bhavika didn't care to whom he was talking that's why she was solving her problem.

other side, Sanya who was trying to contact Vijay since last time got excited when she heard his voice. She didn't expect he would attend the call. Even her dad warned her but she has her own ambitious. Sanya calmed down her excitement and said in soft voice, "Mr Rathore, I was trying to call you since last few days. I know you are busy person but..."

He spoke before letting her finish, "Sanya, I am free now." and glanced at Bhavika for her reaction.

As Bhavika heard Sanya name, her face got pale and her hand stopped on the spot. She clenched her hand. Looking at her reaction, his heart joy and there was a smile on his lips. It means his effort was not going to waste.

Bhavika stood up immediately and went to bedroom. He laughed into his heart so this girl was jealous for him.

When Sanya heard her name from his mouth, she was gasped. Her heart skipped from its place but she couldn't her excitement to him. She asked nicely, "Mr Rathore, can we meet? I have to discuss some matter about project with you."

His goal was achieved and he didn't want to waste his time with Sanya. His women was jealous and he had to calm down her that's why he said coldly, "My secretary will inform you about meeting."

Before hearing her response, he hung up the call and smiled. Sanya was disappointed to hear it but he talked her nicely and didn't deny her so she had chance. If she did more efforts, she will get her goal soon.

Vijay rushed to bedroom to look Bhavika who was jealous. He opened the door and she was adjusting bedsheet. he hugged her by back and whispered into her ear, "Why have you come here?"

Bhavika said in low voice, "I am tired. I want to sleep."

He turned her towards himself and asked with half smile, "Bhavika, Are you jealous?"

She shook her head and said with hatred, "no, I don't like her." She was not jealous but what they did to her, how can she forget and behave like nothing happened.

Vijay was on good mood. He held her chin up with his fingers and said seriously, "Bhavika, You faint up daily. How will you satisfy me with your poor stamina? I need someone to satisfy my needs. If I didn't go to her, I will go to another for satisfied my needs. so don't you think you should improve your stamina to satisfy my needs as I won't go to another women."

To hearing it, she was speechless. How can he connect this matter with her stamina? she didn't care that he will go to another or not.

When she didn't give him response, he startled. Was she really angry at him? He didn't touch any other girl since he met to her. If she didn't satisfy him, he doesn't care. He will only torture her whole life. He will never go to another even if she doesn't satisfy him. He only said those words to tell her that she will lose him if she doesn't care him. But in reality, he won't leave her and never let her leave him.

He thought something and said again, "fine, I don't go to another. but you have improve your stamina. Why don't you join Gym to improve your stamina?"

Bhavika didn't like physical activites much. Even she doesn't to take participate in physical activities at college. She preferred to study than physical activity. She frowned, "I won't join Gym."

He didn't get angry because of her rejection but he got excited. he pecked her lips and said, "No argument. You are joining Gym with me. Now let me check what type of excercise do you need to improve your stamina."

She was confused because she didn't understand his meaning. But when he started to torture her and told her which part of her body needed to improve. she understood soon he only seek to opportunity for torture her.

He arranged private Gym for them in that building. This was weekend and Bhavika planned to go her home but Vijay was planning different than her. He didn't torture her last night as he could enjoy his gym time with her. Bhavika was sleeping gladly because she was not tired. He looked at her happy sleeping face with amusement. As usual, he started to kiss her while his hands were roaming on her skin.

She wake up and called his name, "Vijay"

He likes to wake her up like it every morning specially when she called his name in her sleeping voice. He got up and said, "Bhavika, get ready and let's go."

Bhavika looked at him with suspicious, 'Where were they go in early morning?'

He took out her sports bra and shorts and gave her. She asked with confusion, "Where?"

He already worn his clothes. He pecked her lips and helped her to wear her clothes. He said calmly, "Gym"

Bhavika shook her head, "I won't go"

he chuckled and wrapped her with cotton long coat. He lifted her into his arms and said, "Baby, no argument."

She startled and said, "put me down. I can walk."

he didn't listen her. When they came out from apartment, she started to struggle. He curled his lips and whispered into her arms, "If you move, I will kiss you."

He knew she didn't like intimate in public that's why he knew very well how to control her. She suddenly stopped moving and he laughed.

When they entered into gym, her mouth opened widely. There were a lot of equipment. He locked the door from inside and started to take out his clothes. She gasped, 'What was he doing? they came here for exercise or...'

He took out her coat with smirking and asked, "Bhavika, what are you thinking? Huhh?

She lowered her head with embrassment. He said seriously, "You start with treadmill."

He set up the timing and speed for her. She made her face but started because of him.

He smiled to see her expression. She was looking really funny. He sat on weight bench and started.

After five minutes, she stopped with wiping sweat on her forehead and said with taking deep breath, "I can't do it anymore."

He stopped to lifting weight with chuckling and called her, "Come here."

She went to him immediately. He told her, "Sit in front of me. You will kiss me after every move."

She pouted, "I walk on treadmill."

He chuckled, "baby, you lost your chance now."

She asked, "then how will I improve my stamina?"

He made her sit on his lap and held her back head and kissed her. She looked at him with her widened eyes. After kiss, he stroked her lips with his thumb and asked with amusement, "you want to improve your stamina? Huhh?"

She blinked her eyes abd looked at him, 'How can he turn every her words into one direction?' Looking at her shinning eyes, he was pleased.

He stood up with her. They sat on mat with crossed their legs face to face. He held her both hands into his hands and instructed, "I will go back and you will come towards me after that you will go back and I will towards you."

He liked to gym and with her, he was enjoying. They did many different excercise. in one hour, she denied to move, "Now I can't more."

He agreed, "ok, it's enough for today. but Bhavika remember you have to do three times in week."

She only pouted. He laughed and pecked her lips. He worn his clothes and wrapped her with coat and lifted her into his arms, "Let's go now."

She didn't deny him because she was really tired. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his chest with closing eyes. He smiled to her. She couldn't go to meet her mother that day because when she woke up after resting. It's already 5 pm and she knew Vijay would not let her stay at night that's why she decided to go next day.

in evening, Vijay came out from study room and looked Bhavika who was watching tv. He joined her and took her into his embrace. She also started to like his touch. She wrapped her hand around his waist and put her head on his chest. He wanted to live with her like it forever where only two of them would be with each other.

Bhavika used of her life routine. in school, she was with her friends. sometimes she went to meet her mother and at night she did study and be with Vijay. She didn't know what she felt for Vijay but she was used of him. She felt comfortable and warm around him. Sometimes, he was agressive and dominating but she didn't think about it so much. She knew he was like it and she accepted his nature.

In the study room, Bhavika was solving her problem while Vijay was doing his work. He noticed her mobile lit up with notification. He knew her friends wanted to spoil her but she was his women and he knew how to take care of her.

After completing his work, he checked her mobile as usual. He became more possessive after that incident. Bhavika also didn't do anything to him angry. Suddenly, his fingers stopped on a message which came few seconds ago. he looked at Bhavika who was busy in her study.

He called her name, "Bhavika"

She looked at him and blinked her eyes, "yeah"

He asked normally, "to whom you gave your number?"

She told truly, "mom, my classmates and teachers..."

He nodded his head and asked with raising his eyebrows, "Do you like historical drama?"

He remembered when they went out of station she went to historical fort.

She shook her head, "No but my mom likes it."

He asked, "but last time you visited to historical fort."

she nodded, "I like historical place to visit not watch historical drama. Last time, my maternal uncle arranged tickets for mom and she took me but I got bored."

He smiled, "ok... now do your study. if you have any problem, you can ask me."

She lowered her head with red cheeks. She knew he will tease her rather than helping him.

he chuckled to see her reaction. Bhavika tried to forget nonsense and concentrated on study.

When Vijay looked mobile, his expression deepen. He looked at message with burning eyes, 'hey bhavika, I got somehow two tickets of historical drama. I knew you like it. Would you wanna watch with me?'

Even the number was not saved but he knew very well that number. And Vijay arranged the tickets for him. If Vijay knew he wanted to impress his women with those damn tickets, he would burn that drama place than arrange to ticket. He rubbed his temple with his fingers and deleted the message. He tried to control himself but it's hard for him to control himself. He knew only one person can calm him down.

He said her in low tone, "Bhavika, let's go to sleep."

Bhavika was solving her problem that's why she said, "But..."

He didn't let her finish the sentence and picked her into his arms, "No argument."

She pouted her lips. looking her pouted lips, he captured her lips with his. Her eyes widened what happened to him suddenly?

he took her into bedroom and tortured her whole night. her stamina improved because of gym and his instructions but she can't match him. in end, she fainted. Looking her like it, his lips curled up. He took her into his arms and slept with her.