Chapter 36

The following day, Bhavika didn't want to get up because of his torture last night and she was tired but she had to go college. Vijay was in good spirit. He gave her bath and even he feed her up in dinning table. But she was really tired and in low spirit. Looking her like that, His heart ached. He knew she was like it because of him. Last night, he couldn't control his desire. and he knew what was he going today she also didn't like. After eating, He made her sit in his lap and stroked her cheek slowly but her face was expression less. He knew she was not happy if he will buy expensive clothes and accessories for her. He knew how will she be happy but he didn't want it. With heavy heart, he asked, "Bhavika, you want to stay with your mother one night?"

She looked at him with doubtful eyes because she knew he won't allow her even she wanted it.

Looking her reaction, he was not pleased but relieved that at least, she gave him response.

He pursed his lips, "ok, you can stay only one night with her in this week."

She asked with hope, "really?"

he nodded his head and kissed her with frustration. He didn't want her to stay away from himself but he was helpless. He wanted to torture her again to teach her lesson but he knew she would be more upset. it would be better if she likes expensive clothes and accessories. In that way, he could keep her happy.

After breaking the kiss, he pecked her lips many times and said, "see you later."

She nodded. Even she was tired but she was happy that she can stay with her mother in this week.

Her college time was as usual. During the lunch time, Raj asked her, "Bhavika, you didn't reply my message."

She looked at him with suspicious and checked her mobile, "You send me message. I didn't check it. Let me check."

She checked but there was no message. she told him nonchalantly, "I didn't receive any message."

Raj looked at her with confusion. He asked, "Show me your mobile. I definitely send you message."

She gave him her mobile and smiled, "May be, you mistakenly send someone else. By the way, what was in message?"

Raj looked at her mobile with irritation. He definitely send her message. How can it possible? He made his face to hear her teasing tone, "Nothing... forget it."

Bhavika didn't ask him again and let it go.

He convinced his brother with difficulty for the tickets and it went in vain. Next time, he will ask her directly.

After the college, Raj saw his brother car at the entrance. Even he couldn't look who was inside but he knew very well his brother car number. He was wondering, 'What was his brother doing here?'

He went directly towards car in high spirit and opened the back seat door of car. As he was going to sit, he heard his brother voice, "Not here....on passenger seat."

He immediately closed the door and sat on passenger seat. After sitting, he turned back and looked at his brother who was sitting on seat lazily with closed his eyes. Raj asked with curiosity, "Bro, did you come here to meet principal?" Because he knew his brother didn't waste his time to pick him up.

Vijay didn't waste his time to give him answer while take out his mobile and dialled the number. Raj knew very well Vijay's nature that's why he was silent and looking forward.

Bhavika answered Vijay's call and said softly, "Hello"

Vijay curled his lips to hearing her voice and asked in calm tone, "Where are you?"

Bhavika told him, "I am standing at near bus stop and waiting for car.

Vijay smiled and said, "ok... I am coming to pick you." and he hung up call. Bhavika heard beeping tone on her mobile and looked the mobile with suspicious. did she hear wrong? Why did he say that he was coming?

Vijay said to driver, "drive the car towards bus stop." The driver nodded and started the car engine.

Raj asked with excitement, "Bro, we are going to meet someone." He never see vijay's smile. Raj and Vijay were not close but they were siblings and family. Raj knew Vijay was conservative person.

Vijay nodded, "you will know soon."

The car stopped at bus stop. Even, at stop there were many peoples but both of them were looking same girl. Vijay glanced at Raj who was looking her with bright eyes and his face got gloomy. If Raj was not his brother, he will beat him half death. Vijay control his anger himself. The driver got out from car and went to towards Bhavika.

Raj told Vijay, "Bro, I want to...." he stopped when he saw the driver stopped in front of Bhavika and said something to her. Bhavika nodded and followed him.

the driver opened the back seat door and gestured, " Please madam."

Bhavika sat on seat and looked at Vijay. The driver closed the door and went to driver seat.

Vijay stroked her cheek with light smile and asked with low voice, "How was the college?"

Raj who was stunned to look at it suddenly came into his senses and asked with confusion, "Bhavika, you know my bro?"

Bhavika didn't notice Raj but when she heard his voice, she looked at him with widened eyes. Vijay was sitting with calm and looked at both of them. Bhavika's mind stopped to hear his word, 'my bro'. she thought about his brother. She looked at Vijay and asked in low voice, "he is your brother?"

Vijay nodded and said with calmly, "It's good. both of you know each other. I didn't need to introduce both of you."

Raj asked with unbelievable, "Bhavika, how do you know my bro?" he insisted the word 'bro'. His heart was in mess. his mind was giving him signal but he didn't want to think about it. no, it can not be happen.

Bhavika pursed her lips and didn't say anything. Shd didn't want anybody knew her relationship with Vijay. She didn't know how to explain her relationship with Vijay.

Vijay looked frustration into Raj's face while Bhavika was expression less. He wanted to know what bhavika thinks about Raj.

Vijay held her waist and pulled her into his embrace. Bhavika let him do what he wanted. He held her chin up from his fingers and asked in low voice, "Bhavika, How do you know Raj?"

Bhavika told without second thought, "He is my classmate."

Raj was speechless to hear it. in her opinion, he was only her classmate.

Vijay's lips curled up slightly to hear it. He was pleased and wanted to kiss her but he can't do it in front of Raj. that's why he surpress his urge for some time.

Raj couldn't tolerate it and asked with irritation, "bro, what's going on?"

Vijay looked at him with lazily and said coldly, "Can't you see she is my women?"

Bhavika and Raj both were stunned. Bhavika didn't think that Vijay said it directly in front of his brother while Raj couldn't believe it. After thinking few minutes, he asked with raising his eyebrows, "does grandpa know about it?" He knew Vijay only hears to grandpa. If anybody can control him, it's grandpa.

Vijay said with half smile, "Everyone knew. It seems only you didn't know about it."

Raj opened and closed his mouth many times but he couldn't say anything.

The car stopped in front of apartment. Vijay ordered to driver, "Send him to villa."

As Vijay and Bhavika got out from car, Raj asked to Bhavika, "shouldn't you need to lift?"

Vijay replied with frown, "She lives here." And they left to Raj speechless.

Bhavika and Vijay entered into building. As they were waiting for lift, Vijay asked Bhavika, "Are you upset that he got to know about us? after all he is your classmate."

Bhavika said without expression, "I don't care. I only care about my mom." Even, she didn't want anybody knew about them but she really didn't care what anybody will think about her. She only cares what her mother will think about her that's why she didn't want anybody knew.

As they entered the lift and lift closed, Vijay took her into his arms and kissed her. He was relieved that Bhavika didn't care about anybody else. Bhavika was surprised to his behaviour. After satisfied with kiss, he rubbed slowly her lips with his thumb. Looking at emotions into his eyes, She looked away. She didn't like the emotions into his eyes.

After coming out from lift, they entered into apartment. As Vijay was going to close the door, Raj came at door and said with determination, "I will stay with you."

Vijay looked at him without expression. Raj didn't retreat while he stood still there. Vijay wanted to kick him out but he was his little brother that's why he pursed his lips and let him come in.

Raj came inside carefree, put his bagpack on sofa and sat lazily. He looked the apartment. It has everything but it was not luxurious like villa. He didn't know why his brother stays here than villa. When he thought about Bhavika... he wanted to beat someone. He tightly gripped the cushion into his hand.

Bhavika looked Raj entered into apartment. She was not affected. She went to bedroom for changing. She took out a nightwear to change. Vijay came into the bedroom and locked the door from inside. He looked the nightwear into her hand. he said firmly, "You can't wear it in front of him."

She looked at him then nightwear. She couldn't understand what is the wrong with nightwear. Vijay helplessly went to her closet and looked her nightwear one by one. Every piece was so revealing. He wanted to throw all of them. He took a deep breath to calm down himself afterall, it's him who chose her clothes himself. He was regretted to his decision to choose her clothes. He knew how much she was narrow minded. if he let her choose her clothes, he didn't need to worry now. He took out a coat and gave her with gloomy face, "Wear it on your clothes. I will order tomorrow more."

She wanted to laugh but she controlled herself. He looked at her smiling face and asked with irritation, "What's funny in it?"

She shook her head with no. His mood lighten up to look her smile. He held her waist and whispered into her ear, "wait for night. I will punish you for your naughty behaviour."

her face got pale and looked at him, 'what did I do now?'

he pecked her lips with smirked, "Let's go out and eat something first."

She nodded. and they came out together after changing.

Raj glared at bedroom door. he noticed Vijay followed her and locked the door from inside. his grip got tight. He thought his brother was kidding but he forgot his brother was never kidding.

He looked their holding hands with glaring burn.

Vijay and bhavika sat infront of him together. Santa served them tea and snacks. it's the first time when she saw any guest in that apartment. The guest was young and looking at Vijay's gloomy face, she could tell that he was in bad mood because of guest and guest face expression was also not good. other side Bhavika was not affected.

Vijay and Raj was glaring to each other while Bhavika was drinking tea with checking her phone. She knew something was missing between Raj and Vijay but she was not curious person. She checked social media account. She commented and liked at her classmates' post while drinking tea and eating snacks.

After finishing her tea, She got up for going to study room.

Vijay and Raj looked at her together. Vijay asked slowly, "Where?"

She looked at Raj who was also looking her then looked at Vijay, "in study room. I have to finish my homework."

Vijay nodded and she left. She thought they had to talk but because of her, they couldn't talk and she was not interested into their talk. most importantly, she has to study.

Vijay looked at her back and thought, 'Is she really doesn't know anything or pretending?' There was tense atmosphere between two brothers because of her and she didn't know anything or she had no time to waste think about useless things.

After few minutes, he looked at Raj and asked with raising eyebrows, "don't you have to complete your homework?" After all, Bhavika and Raj were in same class.

Raj took his tea cup which was cold that's why he gulped in one sip and put down the cup, "I am waiting for my stuffs. I ordered someone to take my stuffs here because I am living with you from now on."

After hearing it, Vijay rubbed his temple with anger but without expression. nobody can say what he was thinking. After few minutes, he got up and left. he thought, 'they will be family soon. It's good if Raj understood soon, she is now his women.'

Raj thought he won. but he didn't know he will have to suffer more than Vijay because Bhavika didn't care Raj stayed with them or not.