Chapter 40

Vijay came back at apartment around 10 pm. He looked the dishes on dinning table were untouched. After changing, he went to study room where Bhavika was studying. As he opened the door, Bhavika looked up towards him. Their eyes met and she felt uncomfortable into her heart. Vijay was looking at her eyes with emotions. He didn't called her but went to her side. He picked her into his arms and asked smoothly, "haven't you eaten till yet?"

Bhavika shook her head with no. He didn't say anything while carrying her on dinning table.

He sat on chair and made her sit into his lap. He served the plate and feed her up. He said calmly, "Don't miss eat. It's not good for your health."

She was close him that's why she could smell the wine and cigarette from his mouth. But his behaviour was firm. She asked softly, "have you eaten?"

He shook his head slowly. He was so messed up that he couldn't think about food. She feed him up with looking into his eyes. He felt warmth into his heart. They feed up to each other without say a word. There was silent between them but they were feeling comfortable with each other.

When she was full, she refused to eat more. But he feed her up. She looked at him with confusion, 'didnt I tell him that I am full?'

He put his hand behind her head and put his lips onto her. He took bite from her mouth and gulped. Her eyes opened widely from his action. He broke the kiss and wiped her lips from his thumb, "Now, I am full."

She blinked her eyes and looked at him with unbelievable. He smirked and pulled her into another kiss. In starting, his kiss was soft but slowly it became dominating but she was distracted that's why she was not giving him response. He felt hurt into his heart. He broke the kiss and looked at her eyes.

She was sitting on his lap without moving. She gulped her saliva. He thought she was distracted because of her mother. He told calmly to her, "don't worry. I talked to him and he won't tell mother about us."

When she heard the word 'mother' instead of 'your mother'. She felt sting into her heart. did she heard wrong or miss the word 'your'? She looked at him and thought to ask about scandals. She was calm outside but inside she was not feeling comfortable. but She recalled he told her that he didn't like to be control. her intention was not to control him but asked in simple way. But what If he misunderstood her intention? and most importantly, what is her relation with him? does she have the rights to ask him about it?

She pursed her lips tightly to think about it.

Vijay looked at her and asked smoothly, "Bhavika, what happened?"

She shook her head lightly, "Nothing."

He smiled and whispered in husky voice, "Bhavika, do you remember you have to thank me properly? you said in morning."

Looking at his lustful eyes, her cheeks got red. he chuckled and started to take out her clothes. She looked at door with horror. He understood and told her, "I checked. he is not at home and he has no key that's why you don't need to worry. Only both of us are here."

She felt relieved and he laughed at her behaviour. He pecked her lips and said with smile, "you are really cute."

First time, she heard comment from his mouth and she blushed.

He took out her clothes and started to kiss her.

After taking out his clothes, he carried her on the sofa and laid on her. he started to kiss and torture her. He tortured her mercilessly that night because he felt insecure into his heart. She was only his and will ever to be his. At last, when she couldn't hold, she fainted because of his torture. Looking at her closing eyes, he laid beside her and took her into his arms, "Bhavika, please don't leave me." Bhavika who was unconscious didn't listen him . He kissed on her forehead and slept.

The following morning, they were as usual. Raj was not at apartment that's why their mood was fine. During the breakfast, she looked at him and called his name softly, "Vijay"

Hearing his name from her mouth, he was pleased. He can hear her voice in his whole life without bored. He looked into her eyes and asked, "humm?"

She asked with hestitation, "Can I stay with my mother tonight?"

He wanted to refuse her and torture her again but he recalled about last time when he said to her himself. He was regretted to say it now. But he can't refute it.

Shs looked at his expression less eyes who was glaring her. She was afraid that he will refuse her.

without her expectations, he agreed, "ok, but come back to home tomorrow directly from college."

She nodded repeatedly with excitement. Looking at her excited look, his mood dropped. He called her, "come here"

Bhavika was in good mood that's why she stood up immediately and went to him. He suddenly pulled her into his arms and made her sit on his lap. He wanted to punish her that's why he bite her lower lip and started to kiss. She hissed in pain but suddenly she felt weak because of his demanding kiss. She used to his kiss that's why she held his shirt with her both hands tightly.

After satisfied with kiss, he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes with emotions, "Bhavika, I want you now."

Bhavika looked at him horror. 'doesnt he have to go office? doesn't she have to go college?'

Looking at her scaring face, he laughed. He pecked her lips many times and said with hoarse voice, "But I have to go office and you have to go college. wait for me tomorrow evening. I will satisfy you wholely."

bhavika wanted to shout, 'i don't need to satisfy. you are shameless... not me.' but she knew there was no use to say anything. he will blame on her.

He pecked her lips and asked with smirk, "What? you want now?"

She wanted to cry but there was no tears. She asked with making her face, "When did I say it?"

He laughed, "but you didn't refuse, right?"

She really wanted to cry. She opened and closed her mouth many times to say something but she didn't know what to say this shameless man. He was in good mood now that's why he made her stand and pecked her lips again, "let's go otherwise I will really torture you now."

She immediately rushed to study room for her bagpack. She didn't want him to start. looking at her back, he laughed loudly but he was feeling uncomfortable inside his heart because he had to sleep alone tonight. Soon, his eyes became dark because of anger. He only wanted her to be only with him. But he was helpless in that matter.

He left alone to office because today Raj was not with them and he didn't need to worry.

Looking at his boss gloomy face, Nick knew something was missing. As Vijay left the office in anger last day, he understood but he didn't know the exact reason. wasn't everything normal between madam and his boss.

He found a new information today and he knew he had to inform his boss after all it was about Madam.

He knocked the door and after hearing response, he entered into his office but feeling at the atmosphere of office, he was scared into his heart.

He said in low voice, "Sir?"

Vijay didn't response but he was typing something on his laptop. Nick gulped his saliva and continued, "Sir, second young master is investigating about Madam."

Vijay's fingers suddenly stopped what he was typing. He sat there without moving for few seconds. He sat lazily on his chair and said coldly, "let him know what he wants but remember only what he should know."

Nick understood what his boss was saying. Only four peoples knew about the deal. Nick, Vijay, Mahesh and herself Bhavika. Even, Bhavika and Mahesh didn't know everything.

Nick immediately respond, "understood." and he left. Vijay sat on chair with closing his eyes. His face was expressionless that's why nobody knew what he was thinking.

Raj received the call which he was waiting for last day. he accepted the call and waited. he heard from other side, "Sir, I send you report recently. But are you sure you wanted it? It's related to first young master. If he knew...."

Raj smirked and didn't let him finish, "Do you think he didn't get know till yet? I know it's related to bro. There is no need to worry if he didn't do anything wrong. Did you suspect anything else?"

the other person reported, "Actually, First young master was not interested in Mr Mahesh company. but suddenly he signed the contract and nobody knew what happened between Mr Mahesh and first young master."

Raj asked after thinking few minutes, "Is Mr Mahesh Bhavika's uncle?"

the other person reported, "Yes....and...."

Hearing the his hesitation, Raj asked, "what?"

the other replied with hestitation, "first young master may taking fancy to Mr Mahesh's daughter Sanya. Last time, they spotted to take lunch together. and Sanya is trying to contact him till then."

Raj smirked, "got it and destroy the report completely as soon as possible."

After that he hung up. he read the report and destroy it from his mobile. Even, he knew his brother knew about it but why left the evidence for future? It means if he do some efforts, he will success.

Bhavika was in good mood because she was going to stay with her mother. She called to her mother and told about it. She was relieved that her friends didn't judge her that's why she was feeling close to them more.

After the finishing class, she was exiting from classroom with her friends. Raj immediately came infront of her and said in low voice, "Bhavika, I want to talk you."

Suhi said in loud voice, "Why? didn't you satisfy after insulting her yesterday? or you want to insult her again? why don't you talk about it with your brother? Raj, you really disappointed me."

Raj who was listening silently suddenly frowned. why did he disappoint Suhi? he insulted Bhavika not her. Why did she was talking nonsense? but he was not here for argument. He wanted to make up with Bhavika that's why he ignored Suhi and looked to Bhavika, "Bhavika, I want to apologise because of yesterday. I was really angry that I couldn't think properly. I didn't expect you and my brother would be together. that's why I was shocked. Bhavika, please try to understand me. I am really sorry. I shouldn't have said those words to you. I am really regretted now."

Bhavika looked his sincerity into his eyes

that's why she accepted, "it's ok Raj. you don't need to apologise me."

Raj didn't believe that she will accept his apologize so soon. even Suhi and Roma was shocked. Roma said to Bhavika, "Bhavika, are you out of mind? he insulted you and you forgave him easily. Even it's his brother fault. Why don't he ask his brother to leave you?"

Bhavika looked at Roma with widened eyes, "Roma...." She didn't want everyone would get to know reality that her uncle sold her. She was not thing or animal that somebody can sell her to anybody. She already lost her dignity but she has some self respect and she didn't want to lost it. that's why she didn't tell whole truth to Roma and Suhi and didn't say anything to Raj. because she knew Raj didn't know anything about the deal.

Raj asked in suspicious, "What do you mean it?"

Bhavika pursed her lips and said firmly, "She is upset because of me that's why don't listen her. By the way, it's ok. I can understand why you said those words to me." She sighed and said in mocking tone, "After all, it's true. Raj, we are not friends... only classmates that's why you should not need to apologise me. I hope we shouldn't' talk in future it's better for both of us."

Raj felt his heart hurt. he immediately said, "Bhavika, please don't say it. I know you don't think me as friend but I think you as friend. I am really regretted. I promise I will not judge you in future. please forgive me this time... Last time."

Bhavika sighed, "ok but we can't be friends."

he nodded, "I can understand. but thanks to forgive me. Bhavika, I am also going at apartment. I will drop you."

Bhavika pursed her lips, "no need. I am going to my mother's home tonight."

Raj said, "ohh" looking at his suspicious look, she recalled last time when she told Santa she didn't believe her that's why she added, "I already ask him."

Raj was stunned to hear it. Bhavika left him there with Roma and Suhi. Suhi asked with disappointment, "Bhavika, I can't believe you can forgive him so easily. and why didn't you let us tell him truth? After all, it's his brother fault."

Bhavika took a deep breath, "Suhi, he saved my mother. I have to listen Vijay. I can't be selfish. It's not my place to tell his family. Raj knew nothing. it means Vijay didn't want to tell him. please try to understand and I didn't forgive him because I want. You like him and I don't want to be third wheeler between you two. You are my friend and I also should think about you."

Suhi hugged her with teary eyes by side, "Bhavika, I am sorry. but now, I don't feel anything about him. I don't want to spend my life with that type of person. what if in future, we have misunderstanding and he will judge me without thinking the reason. I don't want to ruin my life."

bhavika was feeling sorry for her friend. She said polielty, "Suhi, take some time to think what you want. I won't force you but he is not bad guy. If you want to be with him, I will support you."

Suhi nodded and said with smile, "I know."

Roma pouted, "I am also getting emotional. can I join your group hug."

Suhi and bhavika laughed and nodded. They did group hug happily.