Chapter 41

After saying goodbye, Bhavika came to bus stop and sat on bench. As she sat, she heard Raj's voice, "Bhavika"

Bhavika looked at him with surprised. He was on his bike and took out his helmet from his head. Bhavika stood up and came to him.

Raj said her, "I will drop you at your home. don't refuse otherwise I will think you didn't forgive me."

bhavika told him firmly, "Raj, the car will be arrive soon otherwise he will be angry." She was living with him

Raj frowned, "Why? Can't you take your own decision?"

Bhavika smiled softly, "no, I have to listen him until he will leave me."

Raj was stunned to hear it. He never thought that Bhavika also knew he will leave her one day. After knowing it, she is with him then what's the matter? He understood something is missing but what? He would have to find out.

The car stopped in front of them and the driver came out from car and said to Bhavika with professionally, "Madam,please."

Bhavika nodded and sat inside the car. Raj heard second time driver called her, 'madam'. Then the matter was not simple as he thought.

As Bhavika sat, she was shocked to look at Vijay who was sitting in car and looking at her with expressionless. As the driver opened the door and sat on driving seat, Vijay told him, "leave."

the driver looked at him with shocked but looking at his gloomy face, he immediately closed the door and went a side.

Bhavika looked at him with confusion. Vijay said with looking at her, "take out your clothes."

Her eyes got widened and called his name, "Vijay"

After hearing her voice, his mood lighten up. He curled his lips lightly, "baby, the mirror is advanced. Nobody can see you from outside and in the car only two of us are." when Bhavika didn't move, he raised his hand towards her and started to take out her clothes, "It seems you enjoy me to undress you."

Her cheeks got red to hear his shameless thought and he was pleased. he took out her clothes and threw onto dustbin. he took out a pair of jeans and top from her bagpack. and gave her, "now wear it." She was confused to his behaviour.

Actually, Vijay wanted to pick up from college gate that's why he parked his car in front of gate. He saw her with her friends. His mood lighten to see her because he was missing her so much. But suddenly, he saw her friend gave her hug. he wanted to go out and chopped that girl hands but he somehow controlled himself. then other friend and she was laughing with them while when he hugged her, she had no expression. He wanted to get out from car and took her home to punish her. But he couldn't do it that's why he controlled himself.

He didn't want to show her his jealousy but again he saw her to talk with Raj. even, in end, she gave him smile. why was everyone so annoying today?

He helped her to wear the clothes. He suddenly hugged her and inhaled her smell. After smelling her, he felt relieved. He called her name smoothly, "Bhavika."

she was so confused with his behaviour. she couldn't figure out what's going on with him. but she responded him, "humm"

He held her tightly and said in low voice, "I am going out of station today and will come back tomorrow. I want to see you at home when I will come back. ok?"

She nodded her head. He said with dominating voice, "Bhavika, I didn't listen you."

She said softly, "I will come back home after college."

He left her and looked into her eyes. Her heart was beating fastly to see into his eyes. She immediately looked away. He put his hand behind her head and put his lips on her. it was rough and tough kiss. She almost lost her senses. She immediately gripped his shirt with her hands. After breaking the kiss, he held her into his arms. They sat there for few minutes.

He had to go and the ticket was booked that's why he controlled his emotions and called the driver back.

the driver came and started the engine. They sat on their seats without moving. Bhavika's heart was mess up. She didn't like the emotions what she felt towards him. She tried to control herself but she couldn't. Looking her expressionless face, Vijay wanted to ask her what's going into her mind. but he thought it was better to feel her feelings herself. It will be better if she started to feel towards him like he felt towards her. that's why he didn't hide his emotions to her any more. He wanted her to notice his emotions herself. But he didn't know she didn't want to feel it.

At the bus stop of near her home, she got out from car without saying a word to him. Even, she didn't look back to him. His mood dropped to look ignored by her. He sighed and ordered to drive towards airport.

He was delaying his work since many days because it was out of station. But now, Bhavika was not with him tonight. He decided to complete his work as he couldn't miss her so much.

Bhavika took a deep breath before entering into her home. She didn't want her mother suspect her for anything. She talked with her mother normally but her mind was not her.

She asked her mother about her health and job and her mother asked her about study. They chatted late night.

In the bed, She thought again and again. why didn't Vijay behave like before? Why did his behaviour change towards her? She didn't like his changed behaviour. When she looked emotions into his eyes, she felt sting into her heart that's why she didn't like this type of feelings. Her life was around her mother and she wanted it with her heart. After her dad death, She changed herself completely and she was happy and satisfied with her life. She didn't like the sudden change into her life. She always kept in her mind that she shouldn't think what was not hers. She took a deep breath and locked the feeling into her heart. She threw away the key as she couldn't find if she would want. She wanted to make her mother happy.... not worried. She knew she couldn't change past but she couldn't make her mother worried because of herself. She couldn't sleep that night.

the following day, Bhavika's college time was as usual. Raj asked her apologized and she was not person who keeps to grudge that's why Raj bought lunch for everyone into her group. Even, Suhi and Roma was not happy with Raj but when they saw Bhavika was normal around him that's why they also accepted his apologize. Sunil didn't know anything about it. Even he was confused but he didn't ask anything because he knew if Roma wanted to tell him, she will.

After the college, Raj asked her to drop again but Bhavika denied that's why he didn't insist. He wanted to get close to her as he can protect her in future in any case.

Bhavika got into car and stunned to look Vijay who was looking at her without expression. She had used to his behaviour. Vijay felt relaxed to look at her. He took her into his embrace immediately and she took her head on his chest. She didn't sleep last night that's why when she felt warmth, she slept soon.

Vijay also didn't sleep last night because of work. He was relieved that bhavika was into his arms. He put his chin on her head and he also slept. They were sleeping soundly into car. The driver looked at them through mirror and he was really stunned. He never saw his master to like it.

He parked the car at apartment parking lot and left them sleeping into car. Because he knew he can't disturb Vijay's sleep.

After few minutes, Vijay woke up and looked Bhavika who was sleeping soundly into his arms. He smiled, 'didnt she sleep last night?' but he didn't want to disturb her that's why he got out from car with taking her into his arms.

He locked the car and went to apartment with carrying her into his arms.

As he opened the door, he looked Raj who was sitting at sofa and looked at them. Raj asked with concern, "What happened to her?"

Vijay frowned because he knew Raj didn't come last night. It's clear why Raj was there. He told him, "Shh... she is sleeping. She will wake up from sounds."

Vijay took her into bedroom. He carefully laid her on bed. She moved slightly. He immediately coaxed her, "It's ok. sleep well."

She stopped to move. He sat beside her for few seconds. He kissed her on forehead and left to study room after changing. He came back directly after finishing his work to see her. Now, She is with him. He was relaxed.

As Vijay left the bedroom, Bhavika opened her eyes. She woke up when he laid her on bed because of coldness of bed. But she pretended to sleep when he coaxed her. She got out from bed and changed her clothes. She sat on window and started to look outside.

Raj was in hall. His heart was not ease. He waited her here. When she didn't come back, he was worried but now, Vijay took her. He was messed up. Wasn't Vijay out of station? When did he come back? and most importantly, why did he take her at home when he had work to do in company?

Vijay was doing his work on study room. He came at home specially taking her at home. He didn't like when she wanted to stay with her mother. He didn't want to share her with anyone else. He can't tell her that's why he specially went to pick her from college. After one hour, Vijay went to bedroom to check her up who was sleeping after finishing his work.

As he opened the door, he looked at bed but there was nobody. As he was going to close the door, he looked a figure sitting on window.

He went to her and stood but she didn't notice him. She was looking out. His heart hurt to look her like it. He stood there for few seconds that she would notice him but she wouldn't. He took a deep breath and called her name with urgency, "Bhavika"

She blinked her eyes and looked at him slowly. He looked into her eyes but her eyes were black. He didn't know what she was thinking and he didn't like it. He asked slowly, "Bhavika, what are you thinking?"

Shd blinked her eyes slightly and looked outside while saying slowly, "nothing"

Vijay didn't know what happened to her suddenly? And she didn't want to tell him. He sighed and said, "let's go to eat something."

she pursed her lips and stood up. He immediately hugged her because he was feeling uneasy into his heart. He wanted to know what's going on into her mind but she didn't tell him anything. 'how would he know?'

She let him hug and put her hands on his waist automatically n He was relaxed to receive her response.

They came out from bedroom. Raj who was playing into his mobile looked at them. He looked Bhavika and asked with smile, "Bhavika, you wake up?'

Bhavika looked at him and nodded her head. Vijay frowned to look at their interaction. But Raj ignored his brother. Vijay held Bhavika's hand and said to her, "Let's eat."

She nodded and they sat on dinning table. Santa served the table and left while they started to eat silently.

Raj started to conversation, "Bhavika, have you finished your assignment?"

Bhavika swallowed her bite and told him, "Not yet. But I will finish soon. What about you?"

Raj told her with worried expression, "I didn't start till yet. I am confused how to start and what topic should I pick up?"

Bhavika looked at him with unbelievable, "You didn't think topic till yet?"

Raj shook his head. She continued, "I noted some topics when I selected mine. there are brief summary of every topic. I will give you notes and you can select one of them if you want."

Raj said with smile, "thank you Bhavika. you are really great."

Bhavika waved her hand in air and said with smile, "it's ok.... don't babble nonsense."

Raj said firmly, "No, I am serious. let me think what should I do as you will know I am really serious." He added a spoonful curry into her bowl, "eat more"

Vijay who was looking them with gloomy face suddenly roared, "Santa"

Bhavika looked at Vijay with shocked what happened to him while Raj was unaffected because he knew very well what his brother was going to do.

Santa rushed towards them and said in low voice, "yes sir."

Vijay ordered with flaming eyes, "throw away her plate."

Santa and Bhavika looked at him with unbelievable. but Santa came into her senses soon and took Bhavika's plate. Bhavika pursed her lips.

Vijay took a deep breath and served fresh plate to her himself and said softly to her, "Now eat."

Bhavika didn't say anything but started to eat. Raj was confused because according to him, Bhavika should have said something to Vijay. Bhavika lives in poverty that's why she didn't like to wastage anything. He witnessed many times when her friends tried to wastage anything. Bhavika gave them lecture for few minutes untill they got bored to her and accepted their mistakes.

Vijay was controlling himself since they started to talk. he didn't like she talked to anybody else other than himself. He was also hurt because she talked him only few sentences but she was talking Raj so much.

If it was not for his grandfather, he never let Raj enter into his apartment or near to Bhavika.

Last night, Elder Rathore warned him, "Vijay, if you are really serious about her and want her to be part of our family, let Raj and that girl interact. She is his classmate and he is feeling embrassment. After all, in future they will be family. It's good if they will be in good terms."

Vijay pursed his lips, "I am busy grandpa." He didn't refute but he didn't like to them interact. Elder Rathore didn't know why Raj is against their relationship. neither Raj nor Vjay wanted to their family knew about it. Because it was hard for them in future to be together with her.

Elder Rathore kept their family reputation till yet. Even elder Rathore didn't say anything about Vijay's any scandal. but he knew Elder Rathore never wanted that his two grandson would fight for a girl. Even, girl didn't want any of them. Vijay knew Raj is also heir of the Rathore family and he was not against it. But nobody can lay his finger on his women.