Chapter 5 : Fiancée??

The usual morning, sitting by the windowsill drinking a hot cup of coffee, preparing for work... I wish. Unfortunately, I still serve the most arrogant man in the world, the young brat. After that incident in the last chapter the young brat became more aware of my existence, and what I mean by this is that he orders me around more, right now I'm the one serving the coffee instead of drinking it, oh how I regret signing this contract. Moving on, I hope today is gonna be a day without troubles, then again with him as my master when is there ever a day without troubles.

"Hey Miss kasaki, another fine morning isn't it?"

of course, a very fine morning to quit my job is what I'd like to say,

"yes sir a very fine morning indeed."

Prepared for work, we were about to leave when the door Miraculously opened, a strange woman presenting herself in front of it quickly rushes up to tackle the brat, he looked shocked, I wanted to pull her away but the brat stops me. I wonder what their relationship is, not that I'm jealous or anything, I just want to know if I could be free from babysitting this arrogant young master.

" Hey Minato long time no see." The woman greeted him.

"Isabelle what are you doing here?" he said with his voice filled with annoyance.

the young lady replied, " how rude, I can't believe this is how you treat your fiancée."

A fiancée? this is an amazing development!!

I was grinning for one ear to the other, I should find an excuse to escape.

"Well then young master, I'll head to the office first please take your time."

Before he could utter a word I already flew out the door. I became the happiest woman on earth. I arrive at the office, I happily walk to my station, I got to my desk and I had some files to complete, I completed them and went to the young master's office to report, but he wasn't there to receive it, or so I thought, as I opened the door, I came across the young master, and his face did not look happy. It was then I knew, that I stepped into an erupting volcano, and to make things worst I obviously went into the room filled with joy.

The enraged young master began to speak.

" Hello Miss Ka-sa-ki, why are you fifty minutes late?''

It is him that Is clearly late, is what I'd like to say but I prefer not to be skinned alive. He continued with an evil smile on his face.

"This will be coming out of your paycheck for the year." I freeze up like a statue as if Medusa herself petrified me. I don't know why he's angry, but it's better if I don't anger him more.

But that was unavoidable. Before I completed my daily report, more trouble burst into the room and what I mean is, the fiancée has landed unannounced into the office of a rather hot-tempered young master.

I was so happy, I thought something was about to go down!!, like the young brat throwing a tantrum or something, in my head I already had popcorn ready while waiting for the entertainment to start. But to my disappointment nothing happened, the young master was actually as calm as a cucumber, he said nothing and just smiled. He might have fooled everyone with his angelic smile, but he wasn't fooling me, I could see some veins popping.

The young master begins to speak.

"How can I help you, my beloved?", my ears flinch at the word 'beloved'.

Did I hear that right? the young brat said, beloved? really!!!? This was an unexpected development. I was smiling at the woman on the outside, but on the inside, my mind was exploding, my jaws were dropping to the ground and I was asking myself as to how this arrogant young brat could utter such a word.

It is truly astonishing to see the young master speaking nicely to others. while lost in my thoughts miss Isabelle began to speak.

''So you now acknowledge me as your fiancée?'', looking at the reaction of the young master whose head was about to explode, I was about to burst out laughing, but I had to keep it in because I don't want any trouble.

Unfortunately, the brat saw me snickering, so he decided to give me a punishment, a job nobody in this whole company wants.

''Miss kasaki since you're so free right now, why don't you show, miss Isabelle around to company?''.

His he really doing this to me? is this some sort of revenge for laughing a bit?

'' But sir, I still....'' He stops me in the middle of my attempt to reject.

''Is this how you behave in front of your employer?', he had a smirk on his face, like he was saying he won the game.

I am really annoyed but I can't do anything about it, his my boss after all.

''Understood sir'', I finally agreed, but then a squeaky voice decided to scream out the word.

''NO!!'', it was Isabelle, her face was puffed up like a bun and was red as a tomato.

''I won't accept this! can't you at least find someone else, don't rope me in with a commoner like her!!''

what!? a commoner!?, what age does she live in!?. I was filled with rage but I had to contain it, I peeked at the young master who was watching all this and saw him giggling silently, at that moment I was at my last straw I couldn't hold on anymore, but before I could blow up, miss Isabelle suddenly shouted.  ''You there, I challenge you to a duel!!, if you win I won't bother your master ever again, but if I win you are to turn in your resignation letter and leave the company!!!''. she smirked at me as though she had already won, of course, I had no choice but to accept this silly duel because I so call master likes to manipulate people for his own amusement. 
