Chapter 6: It's a dual!

There was a series of duels to complete.

The first one was a competition of etiquette, like seriously what time was this young lady born in? Anyway, the stage was set and there were even  real judges for these types of duels, honestly rich people sure have a lot of money to waste.

And to make matters worst , the young brat was one of the judges, I doubt he would treat this fairly.


Moving on, miss Isabelle was filled with so much confidence, she walked with a book on her head, sipped tea like a noble and many other things that an aristocrat would do in those times. She got a good score 98 out of 100, a good score indeed, but that wasn't good enough to beat me, because I am not the a secretary of that bratty young master for nothing.

My position in the duel was to play, the role of a perfect maid, and so I did, of coures in a perfect fashion as I usually do. I got perfect score 100 out of 100. This angered miss isabelle, and so she began her petty schemes from then on.


The next duel was a cooking competition.

We are to cook a meal which includes meat. The 60 minutes timer was on and it was a rush to get fresh ingredients, but when I got to the food area there was none, this was obviously one of isabelles' schemes, but I couldn't find evidence so it was not against the rules.

All that was left was some mouldy vegetables, expired meat and a few dry herbs and spices, while Isabelle had the most expensive ingredients. Well there was nothing I could do except use the ingredients I have, don't expect me to flutter just because of a few gone off ingredients, I will make a perfect dish.


Time was ticking and was not waiting for anyone, while I was busy using my skills to the best of my abilities in order to achieve perfection, Isabelle was laying around doing nothing, she had nothing prepared she just yawned and waited for time to pass, I wonder if she's crazy?


Time passed and there was 30 minutes left, Isabelle suddenly got up to present her food, the preparation was beautiful and elegant and in the space of 30 mins, there was something suspicious about it but I didn't pay attention to it yet. 

She presented her food to the judges, a dazzling steak decorated with, the finest vegetables. everyone was amazed including my self, but now was not the time to be admiring our peoples foods. While I prepared my food the judges took a look at the dish Isabelle made, they tasted it and they gave her a mark of 99 out of 100, they described her dish to be splendid, the meat melted in your mouth as you ate it and the vegetables were rich with flavour, as if a professional chef had made this dish.

She was brimming with confidence, she looked at me and smirked once again thinking that she already won the game.


My dish was finally ready, and all was well and good, I slowly present the dish to the judges, revealing what I call a master piece, my dish was Beef sew and rice. At first the judges laughed at me, wondering how on earth did I create this type of dish from the scraps left on the ingredients counter, but then a female judge was brave enough to grab a spoon and have a taste, and when she did her expression became brighter she was lost for words. The other judges looked at her expression and then tasted the dish, they were all awed, so much so that they could not utter a word, they me a score 100 out of 100, and of course Isabelle was really unhappy about this, she just couldn't comprehend how I got a perfect score.


Moving on to the next duel, was archery.

Everyone was really surprised about the type of duel including myself, but what surprised me more was the fact that Isabelle knew archery and she was really good at it too, almost like a pro, but unfortunately she met with the wrong  person in regards to this duel.

I haven't told anyone this but I have hiding my skills for a long time, to be honest I don't know how I got them, it seems that I've lost my memories , anyway that's not important right now I will  investigate later.

For this duel it looks like we are inside a humongous stadium and the whole place was filled to the last seat, seriously what is wrong with the rich, do they have screw lose?

Anyway the competition began, and as always Isabelle went first to show off her skills , the rules was to hit the target at the center which was 10 meters away from the shooter, but that wasn't all the arrow most make it past 3 hoops before reaching the target, and this takes a lot of concentration and experience.

Concentration, that I have, but experience? like I said I have hidden skills and I don't know how I got them, but I don't think it's enough for this duel.

Anyway Isabelle shot her arrow, it went through the hoops and it hit the center of the target perfectly, as a result she got a perfect score. I don't know how to beat that.

''See that?, there is no way you can beat a perfect score like this.'' Her eyes were filled with confidence , then again she wasn't wrong, but now was not the time to think about her.


It was finally my turn to shot, when I got into position, my mind suddenly blanked out, it was as if I was a completely different person. I shot the arrow, it went through the hoops and shot right through Isabelle's arrow right in the in the middle.

For a split second everyone froze in choke, they were all trying to register what just happened in their brain, including myself, I have no idea what I just did, even the young brat was astonished. In the end I got a perfect score. of course a certain someone was not happy about this.


At last, the fourth and final duel, was to hike a mountain, finally after this, the stupid duel will be over, well that's what I think anyway.

The rules state that the contestant will have to go up the mountain and back before the sunset and on their own too in any way they chose, they are not to ask for assistance, which I doubt is going to be followed by Isabelle.

The race finally began, I started running up the mountain to begin at a good pace, little did I know that Isabelle would use a Range Rover to ride up the mountain, but I wasn't really concerned about it, because she can't drive all the way to the top, and besides there are signs around the mountain to point contestant in the right direction.

I was too naïve,  to still think that the signs were going to remain the same after Isabelle passed them, and I was right, at least on the sign parts but who would have thought that  she added some traps on the way, there were countless, pit falls, net traps and even directions leading to quicksand, and nobody could see what was happening in the mountain so they didn't know. Lucky I avoided most of the traps, you could even call me Tarzan. But while trying to avoid the last one, I fell and sprained my ankle, I was stuck there, and there was no one to help me.


It was close to sundown, Isabelle probably arrived at the finish line by now, the sky was getting darker and to be honest I was about to lose hope, but I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out my name.

''Kasaki!!!, where are you!!!!?'' I reply while screaming at the top of my lungs.

''I'm over here at the bottom of this cliff!!!''

I hear footsteps rushing over to where I was, it got closer, to my surprise, it was they young master. It was too dark to see his face, but I knew it was him through his voice.

''Are you crazy!? do you know how long I've been waiting down the hill for you!!!?'', his hands were shaking, he was probably really scared, so I say something to comfort him.

''I'm sorry young master, it seems like I am not good enough to be your secretary''. He began to cry and at the same time carrying me back down the mountain, I kept silent during the trip down.


Finally arriving at the foot of the mountain, it was time to judge the final winner of the duel, but the young master suddenly stops the judging and began speaking.

"Wait, I have something to show all of you before the final judgement''. He pulled out a tablet and showed the judges what really happened, they were not really happy, they turned to Isabelle and disqualified her making me the winner, but she wasn't taking their decision too nicely, she began to scream.

''No!!, I will not accept this why am I disqualified and she the winner? I clearly got here first, why isn't she disqualified, and you Minato why are you helping her!!?'' She started throwing a tantrum, but the young master began to explain to her.

'' We know everything you did from the very beginning even during previous duels we knew''. Wait so they knew and still left me to suffer!!?, oh  I wish I could resign from this job!!.

But everything was finally settled and the young master cancelled the engagement between him and Isabelle which didn't even exist in the first place, well as his secretary I will find a suitable fiancée for the young master, he isn't so bad after all.