Chapter 7 :Isn't this suppose to be a vacation?

It's finally my long-awaited vacation; the last few months have been stressful, Isabelle broke off the engagement that didn't even exist, as per the conditions of me wining to competition, and when we got back to the company a mountain load worth of paperwork was awaiting me on my desk!! Jumping from problem to problem, honestly, I'm sick and tired of it.

I mean who wouldn't be? Especially when you work for a man who's the reincarnation of a sly fox...Minato Koza, aggh I really want to quit!!

But... I can't because I'd be breaking the contract and if I do that...

Speaking of the contract let me briefly tell you guys what the contract contains. Basically, I'm not allowed break it; otherwise, I'll have to pay a penalty of 7 million yen and not only that, it would be very difficult for me to find other jobs regardless of whether it pays well or not, aggh why is this happening to me!

Anyway, I won't complain anymore; I'm on vacation, at a resort in Hawaii so it's time for me to take it easy and relax.

As I was bathing in sunlight, a shadow suddenly cast itself over my head, at first I thought it was a cloud so I open my eyes to check only to find out that it was the most annoying cloud in history, Minato Koza.

''ka-sa-ki, what are you doing?'',

I try to ignore him like the cloud he is, but that only made his pestering worst, he started poking my cheeks, which of course triggered my anger and frustration, and to blow off some steam I got up and left for a walk in the beach while completely ignoring the young master's existence. this made him explode in anger and he began to shout.

''Hiyuzawa!!, I order you to stop right there this instant!!''

He still thinks he's in the office hahaha, it's time for me to knock some sense into his thick skull. And that's exactly what I did. I spoke to him using a harsh tone.

"Sir, this is not the office and I'm on vacation so I cannot follow your order."

"What do you mean!?"

"What I mean is I have no obligation to attend to you today because I am vacation, and the contract between you and me did not mention me doing so on my vacation!!!"

How's that you brat a taste of your own medicine.

I wanted him to see his expression, but all I could see was a smile, he wasn't in the slightest bit affected, he even started laughing.

"hahaha! that was a good one Hiyuzawa really I'm impressed by the joke, did you really think that I would give you a vacation?"

'Wait, what!? isn't this a vacation?, then why did he tell us to come all the way to Hawaii?'

I stood there with a puzzled face, thinking about how I should reply to him.

"Then why are we here young master?"

He looked at me and smirked, he then replied

"Well, isn't it suppose to be a vacation?, of course I mean my vacation, I never considered you having one, you're actually still on duty"

'No way!, how evil can he be!?, after 3 months of working under this monster I can't even get a break!!!?, I take back what I said the last chapter, you're not kind you're downright evil!!'

I stood there for a few seconds contemplating what my next move should be, and immediately return to work mode.

"My apologies sir for my rude remarks a moment ago, I was not in my right mind"

I look at him while I apologised, anxiously waiting for a response.

"Oh? and in what way are you going to apologise to me?"

Sigh...I should have guessed that this was going to happen, after all, he is Minato Koza.'

"And what will you have me do sir?"

The young master had an ominous expression on his face.

I have a bad feeling about this!!

"I want you to give me a massage."

"But sir we are currently in a resort and there is a spa here I'm sure it is full of professional massagers"

I tried to persuade him as much as I could, to prevent myself from labour. But he wouldn't listen to reason.

why did I even bother to try, no matter what I can't win against this man in an argument? I can't even go on vacation and now I have to give this young brat a massage, Sigh...what did I ever do in my past life to deserve this?

"Understood sir."

The president had a satisfactory look on his face as if he had won a debate that could decide the faith of the country.


We went back to the hotel were we reserved one of the VIP rooms for the young master. And I have to say the place was absolutely fantastic. There was a living room, kitchen and even a dining area, it was more like an apartment than a hotel room. Anyway moving on the young master suddenly jumped on his bed and turned to look at me, curiously waiting for my response.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

He took off his shirt very slowly and slept on the bed with his back facing upwards, and me being at the edge, of course, I was waiting, I mean who wouldn't wanna take a peek. He had a muscular back like an athlete, it looked very smooth and strong if I do say so myself. 

"Alright here goes."

I was about to achieve my goal of having a feel for his back…

But who would have ever thought that were going to be interrupted by a phone call!!

(To be continued)>>>