

"Help!! Please!!" I cried, banging on the door of the house next to mine.

After a few more cries, the people inside finally pulled it open in a hurry. I jumped onto them and cried on their shoulder.

"Wh-What happened?" The person asked in a shaky voice.

I looked up to them, snot and tears trailing down my face. "My parents... Blood..." I said, trying to give them a hint of what I want to say.

The person's eyes went wide and called for their friend before they picked up the phone in a hurry.

The person wrapped their arms around me and carried me to their sofa, where they let me sit in their lap as they gently stroked my hair, letting me wet their shirt with my tears.

After a few minutes in the neighbour's custody, red and blue lights flashed in our neighbourhood indicating that the police were here.

The person, who had me in their arms, stood up and walked out of the house to greet the policemen outside.

"Is this the kid you talked about?" One of the man in uniform asked.

I grabbed on the shirt of the person and buried my face in the crook of their neck as they nodded to the police.

I heard the policeman sigh before the person handed me to the authorities.

I was left there sitting inside the police car, soaked in dried blood and wrapped in a jacket.

I could hear faint talking, on the side of the police car, between a nun, from what I think is from the orphanage, and the policeman that owned the car I was in.

The door to my side opened, revealing the nun from earlier with the policeman beside her.

She picked me up from my seat and carried me in her arms as she walked to her car, seating me in the back seat.






I opened my eyes as I heard the engine die down. Sitting up at the back of the car, I saw the nun, who took me from the police, smile at me.

She took off her seat belt and went out of the car and opened the door to my side as she held my hand, helping me stand and walk to the orphanage.

"Did you have a good sleep, darling?" The nun asked, ever so gently.

I remained silent as I had my gaze on the ground, nodding in response. The nun gave out a quiet sigh as she opened the door and let me in before closing it behind her.

It was noisy inside. There were other children older and younger than me. The older children either ran around and played or was just talking to the other kids. The younger ones only crawled around and cried or had nuns feeding them milk.

I looked at the nun who held my hand with a hesitance to which she only smiled at. She bent down, making it easier for me to look at her.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe here" She said as she pulled me along with her to the other nuns, maybe for introduction.
