Chapter 1



"God, Abbiegh! That's the fifth one this week!" My friend, Ara, exclaimed as she smelled the flowers I gave her.

It originally came from a suitor and it was already getting out hand. There were too many to handle.

"And it's also the fifth time I'm giving them to you" I laughed as she continued to smell the flowers.

If you ask for my opinion, I don't actually like the smell of flowers, I don't know how other people find them fragrant. Those kind of people, like Ara, leaves me astonished.

As Ara and I continued going on about how many flowers she would receive from me than her boyfriend, my phone suddenly vibrated.

"Oh, excuse me" I said to Ara as I pulled out my phone, the screen displaying a message from someone out of my contacts.

I opened the message and it said, 'Hey, Abbeigh, it's me Mallory'

My eyes went wide as a big smile crept up to my lips.

"Hey, Ara, is it okay if I went ahead?" I asked Ara was still stuffing her face with the flowers from earlier.

It's fun to see that she doesn't get tired of the flowers that I give her, even if it doesn't actually mean anything.

"Yeah, sure, I'll just head home, too" Ara said as we both went our separate directions.

I turned my attention back to my phone screen and replied with,

Me: Mallory! What's up??

I got on the bus and tried to find for an empty seat, but, to my demise, there weren't any so I just had to stand.

After a few more seconds of waiting, Mallory had responded to my text.

Mallory: Everything's good! Say, wanna have dinner sometime??

I could feel a slight hotness to my face when I saw her reply. It's been a while since we had dinner together. Well, not just dinner, we had all three meals together, back then.

Me: Sure! Tuesday night, sound good?

My schedule wasn't packed every night anyways, and I really missed Mallory, so I'd like to see her as soon as possible.

Mallory: Yeah! Maybe around, 8? B)

Me: Sounds like a plan ;)

I smiled to myself, knowing that I'm going to see my most favourite person again, and that we're having dinner together. I gave out a last sigh of relief before I put my phone away in my pocket.






It's now Tuesday, 6:45 in the evening. I picked up the purse on my table and headed out to get my car.

Mallory didn't say where we'd be meeting, but there was this place that we loved to eat dinner at, Mickey Dee's.

It was a bit far from my house, I could walk there, but it would be at least an hour walk, so the car is a better option for my lazy ass.

After 20 minutes of driving, I already arrived. The last time I got to eat dinner here was about a few months ago, when a friend of mine invited me.

I parked my car at a vacant spot and headed inside the restaurant.

"Welcome! Oh, Abbeigh!" The receptionist, Avia, greeted the moment I opened the door to the restaurant.

"Hey, Avia" I greeted back, a smile on my face, as I waved to her.

"Oh, Mallory already reserved a table for the both of you" Avia smiled as she leads me through the busy restaurant.

I sat down the table, placing my purse in my lap. "We'll be having the usual" I smiled as Avia nodded and headed to counter.

"Abbeigh!" I heard an all too familiar voice call my name, Mallory.

I waved to her as she tried her best to get to the table quickly, I giggled at her very elegant and gentle movements.

I stood up as Mallory reached the table and hugged her. Her scent gave me a trail of nostalgia as I smiled with my chin on her shoulder.

"Oh, how I've missed you!" Mallory exclaimed as she sat down and pushed her hair back to her shoulders.

"Ditto!" I giggled. "I already ordered for us, so we're good" I smiled at her.

"Oh, good!" Mallory sung as she smiled, her pearly whites displaying.
