Chapter 2



"Where is it... Where is it..." I asked myself as I continued to scroll through the messaging app for her contact.


"Ahh!!!" I grunted as the person next door, Lores, smacked my head with her fist.

"What do you want, Lores?!" I asked, not taking my eyes off of my cell phone screen, still scrolling.

"You've been focused on your phone for 2 months now! What are you even doing?!" Lores asked as she cleaned my dirty living room.

"I already told you! I'm trying to look for her number!" I fired back as I looked at her for a quick second before going back to my phone.

"You already wasted 2 months for this mysterious number girl! Get your butt out of the couch and clean your house!" Lores scolded as she threw the trash out.

"I can't just go here every two days and clean up for you!" Lores complained as she vacuumed the floor.

"You're already cleaning, anyways!" I said as I pointed to the vaccum.

"That's cause I can't just let your house be dirty like this! I live next door, you know!" Lores said as she proceeded to scrub the walls with a bucket of water and soap.

I didn't argue back since there's nothing I can do when she starts cleaning. It's always like this. She comes to my apartment on Sundays and then starts cleaning, leaves for two days, then comes back to clean again. It's like a routine for her that she enjoys but makes it looks like she doesn't.

"OOOOOHH!!! FOUND IT!!" I yelled as I jumped on the couch and tapped her icon.

"About time you did!" Lores complained, once again.

"Oh, shut up!" I hissed as I typed in a message to her.

Hey, Abbeigh, it's me, Mallory

I then pressed send and let myself fall on the couch. I gave out a sigh of relief and a smile of content crept up to my lips.

"You found the number, right?! Now, get up and take a shower! You haven't taken one in two days!" Lores shouted as she grabbed my ankle and pulled me out of the couch and dragged my back on the ground.

I admit, I'd just let her drag me to the bathroom, but then I heard a ding from my phone.

I opened my phone and saw that she responded to my text. I opened the message and it read,

Abbeigh: Mallory! What's up??

I screamed and kicked Lores' arm as I wiggled my ankle out of her grip and stood up, jumping around.

"She replied! She replied!" I screamed as I typed back to her.

Me: Everything's good! Say, wanna have dinner sometime??

"Get back here! Text her later!" Lores shouted as she tried to grab me by my waist.

I bent down and turned on my heel, heading to the door. I grabbed and twisted the doorknob, running out of my apartment as my phone dinged once again.

Abbeigh: Sure! Tuesday night, sound good?

I smiled to myself as I continued to run, with Lores chasing after me. We passed other people in the halls, but none of them bothered the both of us, maybe it's because this always happens.

I tried to type as fast as I can, despite the fact that I'm trying to run away from someone.

Me: Yeah! Maybe around 8? B)

I was starting to run out of breath when I stopped by a tree in the park. Lores was still far from me so I decided to climb up to the highest branch.

Abbeigh: Sounds like a plan ;)

Was what she replied back to me. I smiled at my phone like crazy. After 3 years, I'm seeing her again. And I'm even having dinner with her.

"Mallory! Get down here, this instant!" Lores shouted from the bottom of the tree.

"Okay! Okay! Catch me!" I said as I let myself fall back from the tree.

It wasn't that high, but Lores just doesn't like climbing trees. Let's just say that she's not that good, so she avoids them as much as possible.

Lores caught me in her arms, dropping me to the ground, butt first, she hit my head once again.

"I AM GIVING YOU A SHOWER NOW GET WALKING!" Lores shouted. "Yes, Ma'am" I smiled at her and stood up from the ground, as she pulled me back to my apartment.
