Chapter 3



"You're still the same old Heartthrob, no matter where you go, huh?" Mallory giggled as she took another sip out of her wine glass.

"Yeah, and since you weren't around, I had to give the flowers to another friend of mine" I said, giggling along with her.

"Do you live somewhere near here?" Mallory asked as she placed down her glass.

"My place is an hour walk, what about yours?" I replied with another question, leaning in on the table.

"I need to take a train to get here," She laughed. "But, it's fine, nothing's better than good ol' Mickey Dee's" Mallory sighed of content.

I wish I could be as content as her, but just being able to eat with her just wasn't enough.

"Think I can crash at your place tonight? I forgot that the last train to my place leaves at 9:30" Mallory asked as she checked her phone before putting it away.

"Yeah, sure, that's not a problem" I smiled at her.

"I should have scheduled the dinner earlier" Mallory laughed as she payed for the check, thanked Aria and headed out.

"Bloody hell! You own your dream car?!" Mallory exclaimed as she touched the hood of my car.

"Yeah, I still have a few months before I own it entirely" I said as we both got in the car.

I started the car and drove off the driveway while Mallory waved goodbye to Aria.

"Right," Mallory sighed as she sat herself back down. "Do you live in an apartment or a house? Since I only own an apartment, I'm really curious" Mallory asked, looking at the road.

She was always the one who keeps track if I'm about to bump into someone and stuff. I don't get why she didn't get a driver's license, she's more connected to the road than I am.

"I had my parent's house" I smiled at her, trying my best not to take my eyes off the road.

"Your parent's house? Which one?" Mallory asked, thinking of all of the properties my parents own.

I laughed at Mallory's enthusiasm. "The Teenager" I replied.

Mallory actually named all of my parent's house, my folks didn't mind it though, they were fine with it.

"Really? That's the one in that small, quiet neighbourhood right? I like the people there, they don't mind other people's businesses unless it's an emergency" Mallory smiled as she remembered the times we had a vacation at that house.

"Yeah, they're very considerate" I nodded.

It was always Mallory, who keeps the conversation going. She never talks overly, just the right amount to a person's comfort. Maybe that's why she was always elected as class representative. She really knows her way with words.

"When was the last time we visited The Teenager?" Mallory asked.

During our high school years, we had vacations in all of the houses my parents owned.

All of the people in those neighbourhoods were really kind, it's no wonder that my parents bought a house there.

"Maybe... 4th year high school summer vacation?" I answered.

"Was it summer? I think it was winter" Mallory half asked half replied.

"I'm not sure, but what I do know is that we went to that lake near the park that time" I answered back.

"Oh! The time that we caught all those fishes and cooked them for dinner for almost three days!" Mallory exclaimed as she remembered all the things that we did that time.

It always amazed me how she remembers what happened all those years, even though we're both in our fifth year in college.

Mallory was always the one that reminds me of certain things. Back in high school when we talked about our middle school days, I would only remember small scenes while she remembers all of the details of those events.

"You think the people there still remember me? It's been 4 and a half months, maybe, since the last time I visited?" Mallory asked, counting the years.

"I think some will find you familiar, back then there were grandmas and grandpas there, right? Well, some of them are no longer there," I said, turning the car to the right. "Most of them passed away and some moved away, probably retired" I finished.

"What were their jobs anyway?" Mallory asked, looking out of the window.

"I'm not entirely sure of their occupation" I answered, shaking my head.
