Chapter 12



I watched from the window with my mouth hanging low.

Abbeigh tackled an injured girl to the ground and sat on her stomach. It was horror.

I could see Abbeigh unbuckle her belt and tie the hostage's feet together before picking her up, bridal style, before walking back to the house.

Abbeigh kicked the door open with the girl in her arms and threw her on the couch beside me.

I looked at the girl in horror. She had bruises all over her body and dried blood ran down her nose. Her shirt and the legs of her pants were ripped, almost looking like a two piece that clung to her for dear life. Having a shirt like that, she had cuts all over her arms, legs, and thighs in all sizes.

She looked at me with teary eyes, on the brink of insanity. "Please let me go..." She pleaded.

Abbeigh walked and picked up the phone, placing it over her ear before talking.

I looked at the girl with pity, knowing what she's gone through. I went through that too, but she's not the one who can't walk.

I hung my mouth open, attempting to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. Just air.

The tears then fell from her eyes as she started throwing a tantrum. "PLEASE! LET ME GO! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! WHY AM I EVEN HERE?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" She yelled as Abbeigh went back to us.

"They'll be picking you up anytime soon so you better shut up" Abbeigh hissed as she took off her shirt, putting on a new one.

I felt my cheeks heat up for a moment before subsiding. 'Mallory, no, you grew up with her' I scolded myself in my thoughts.

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE! NOBODY WILL TRY AND PAY THE RANSOM ANYWAYS! I'M HATED BY EVERYBODY! AT LEAST LET ME DIE OF OLD AGE!" She continued shouting as the doorbell rang, making girl give out a long, ear-piercing shriek.

"Took them long enough" Abbeigh sighed as she opened the door, revealing two innocent looking men, specifically, twins, standing by the door.

"Hey, Abbeigh" One of them greeted as she let them both in.

"Lukka, get her out or I'll be the one kicking you out" Abbeigh threatened, crossing her arms.

"Now, now, Abbeigh, we bought what you asked," The Lukka guy smiled. "Lucas, give it to Abbeigh, will you?" The Lukka guy instructed.

"Here, Abbeigh" The Lucas guy walked up to Abbeigh, handing her a package while trembling.

"Thanks" Abbeigh winked at Lucas before he withdrew to the safety of his twins' side.

"Up we go~" Lukka sang as he picked up the girl from earlier and settled her on his shoulder.

"Big thanks, again, Abbeigh, I owe you my life" Lukka said before heading out.

"You owe me more than your life, prick!" Abbeigh called as she closed the door behind them.

"Sorry, I had to leave you here and let you see that," Abbeigh apologized as she sat down beside me, putting her plate of food in her lap. "You'll get used to it sometime, right?" She asked, smiling at me, a tensed one.

I blinked at her a few times before smiling back. "Yeah... sometime" I said before eating. "It's not everyday that I get to see my 'best friend' tackle a girl who's trying to escape in the middle of the street and give her back to her kidnappers" I shrugged sarcastically.

I heard Abbeigh chuckle before saying, "That house phone over there," She said, pointing to the wall, "That phone is connected to all of the houses in this neighbourhood," she explained.

"Press the asterisk on the dialer and it will ring the whole neighbourhood at any given time," she continued, taking a spoonful of her food, "Usually, the ones who use the phone are the killers and the kidnappers since they're the ones who always bring their businesses here," she said.

"Once they ring the phone and give orders, everyone, including me, will help hunt down their business" She continued, "And the first to bring their business in their house gets a reward," She said, pulling out the package that Lucas gave her and threw it to me, it was a huge thick pile of money.

"Rewards can have a wide range of variation, from drugs to huge amounts of money, it's up to the killer or kidnapper or whoever lost their business to give a reward, or, in some cases, they let the ones who caught their business come up with a reward, just like Lukka and Lucas" Abbeigh smiled.

"Most of the people here have a fixed reward, but those who are more successful, like Lukka and Lucas, for example, they let those who caught their business come up with their rewards" Abbeigh continued.

"It has always been like that since day one, it was hard for some since not all of the people who live here are as good as the twins, but we all came to terms about low range rewards" Abbeigh shrugged.

I didn't notice that she already finished her food cause I was too focused on what she was saying.

She was giving me gold information about how this neighbourhood works, it can help me in the future.
