Chapter 13 (Vol. 1 Epilouge)



I could hear the house phone ring, again, for the nth time, ticking me off.

I picked up the phone and placed it over my ear, listening to whoever was calling. I was the only one that was connected to the call.

"Hey, uh, Abbeigh," It was the guard from the gate.

"There are cops in the distance" They continued, I could hear their scared tone even from the phone.

"Don't let them in, I'm going" I hissed, ending the call and making another one.

I waited for a few moments before hearing the others pick up the phone. "Hide your business, cops are here" I spoke before ending it then and there.

Mallory was already sleeping upstairs and it wouldn't be better if she tried to escape at night since there's crawlers everywhere.

I wrapped my jacket around me and started walking to the entrance. I promised that I'll protect them from the police, and I'm going to make that promise.

The cops were still driving at a bit closer distance from the entrance, a good thing since I can just let them pull over by the gate.

My parents and Mallory's had a connection to the police due to their economical importance, so it's just another wind that's gonna pass by.

"Abbeigh! Good to see you!" The cop, that my mother was friends with, greeted, waving to me.

"Hey, Mister MacQuoid, what brings you here?" I ask with a smile.

"Oh, you know, weekly night rounds at your subdivision to keep you safe" He replied.

"I forgot it was Wednesday, silly me," I chuckled, "Please, please, come in" I said, welcoming their car.

There were only two cars tonight, usually they have three, but I guess they're short on officers this week.






"Thanks for cooperating, sweetheart, your parents would be so proud that you can run a crime free and safe neighbourhood all by yourself" Mister MacQuoid smiled.

"Yeah, they sure would" I replied before I waved them goodbye as they drove off.

I handed the guard some money before tapping his arm, "Good job, man" I said before walking back to the house.

"Oh, man, I completely forgot" I groaned as I stretched myself out, entering the house.

I walked up the stairs and headed inside the room, Mallory and I shared.

"Mallory? You're still up?" I asked as I saw Mallory, staring at the ceiling, when I opened the lights.

Mallory looked at me, not moving her head, and smiled. "I got woken up by the flashing lights of the police car" She said.

I walked to the bed and crawled to her side, gently stroking her hair. "Sorry," I apologized, "I forgot to tell you that there were weekly night rounds every Wednesday" I explained, smiling at her.

"It's fine" Mallory sighed, looking back at the ceiling, keeping her mouth shut.

I looked at her in confusion. Mallory was never this quiet. Only when she's overthinking something or finds something uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

I stared Mallory in the eyes and could see how the tears formed in her eyes, "I wanna go home..." She croaked.

I sighed and held her close to me, "You know, I can't let you do that... You know, I WON'T let you do that..." I said, empashizing how much I wanted her to be with me.

"I've longed for you for so long..." I say, finally breaking down in front of her as I held her tight in my arms, "So, I can't just let you go, now that I have you close to me" I whispered in her ear as I felt her hand stroke the back of my head.


(Will be back next week for Volume 2 ^*^)