You'll work as a waiter !

" When are the vacations ? " asked Amber who had fixed her expression .

" After two months ! You have already completed the next year , so just take a break now my smart daughter . " said madam Adley with a happy tone and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner .

Amber didn't tell her that she would have to attend extra classes all summer because she was late in handing the project to the math teacher .

' I don't dare tell my mom or else she will definitely call me an idiot for three months in a row . ' thought Amber in a serious tone .

After the last days of school passed , Amber went to school . Amber was expecting to get a lecture by Louis when she got back to school but to her surprise he didn't come . She knew that he would be notified about what happened and found it quite weird . Usually when something happened , she would always receive a lecture from him and the others members of the student's council . The math teacher started to explain the lesson and ordered the students to get notes . Amber felt that it was so boring that she could hardly keep her eyes open .

' I have to listen to this witch for the next three months !...Haaaa ! Why didn't god gift me with the ability to understand math easily ?! ' thought Amber when listening to the teacher .

Just like this Amber spent the two months studying math . In order to not be found by her mom , she said all the excuses possible , she could come up and went to attend the extra classes .

During this time , things hadn't been going that well for the handsome guy who disturbed Amber .

" I have had enough of this situation . Look at this ! This is just way too much ! " said mr Joseph in a serious tone .

" Sir , please try to calm yourself down ! " said the assistant of mr Joseph , Paul .

" How am I supposed to calm down ?! Huh ?! How am I supposed to calm down Paul ?! This kid had giving me a headache . Look at this bill ! Four million spent in only a week's time . Last month he had spent twenty millions and this month's expenses are likely to be fifty millions . " said mr Joseph in an angry tone .

" Sir , please don't be like this ! Understand the fact that young master is still a teenager . He's a playboy and he likes to play around . All teenager never thing about serious stuff . " said Paul trying to calm mr Joseph .

" His irresponsible behaviour will ruin our company ! Will ruin everything that I created with all my heart and soul ! " said mr Joseph .

" We will limit young master's money in his card and make sure that he doesn't spend as much as he used to . Sir , please stay calm and be a little patient with the young master . " said Paul and mr Joseph finally managed to cool his anger a bit .

In that moment a servant came and told mr Joseph that breakfast was ready . He got up from his chair and started to head to the dining hall where his wife was waiting for him .

" Good morning dear ! " said madam Rose when her husband came in .

" Ah , darling ! Your smile is what I needed now . Good morning honey ! " said mr Joseph and kissed madam Rose on her cheek .

" What's wrong ?! " asked madam Rose .

" Nothing ! I just did some check-ups on the economical accounts and noticed that our precious grandson has spent nearly thirty millions in two months . I understand that he's a teenager and wants to have fun but he should understand that we are millionaires not billionaires . The way he recklessly spend money is what worries me . I am afraid that he will make the corporation go bankrupt . " said mr Joseph .

" What ?! Thirty millions ?! " asked madam Rose in a shock .

" Yes ! Plus , what annoys me the most is the fact that his parents don't talk to him at all . " said mr Joseph .

" They talk to him but is he who refuses to listen but don't worry dear ! I will talk with him . He always listens to his grandma . So calm down now and let's have breakfast . After this we will go for a walk in the garden . You should see the new roses I planted . " said madam Rose with a smile .

" That sound good honey ! " said mr Joseph .

The both of them started to eat breakfast . While eating the servant who brought the dishes , also brought the newspaper and gave it to mr Joseph . Mr Joseph started to read the newspaper and his calm expression changed .

" Honey ! I'm sorry but we will have to leave the walk for later . " said mr Joseph while joking the newspaper with an angry expression .

" What's wrong dear ?! " asked madam Rose .

" Bring me that troublesome brat here immediately . If he doesn't come willingly then you have my permission to break his legs . " said mr Joseph in a very angry tone .

" Dear ?! " said madam Rose a bit worried when she saw him .

" Read it for yourself ! " said mr Joseph and handed the newspaper over to his wife .

When she took the newspaper and started to read it she remained shocked . In the newspaper there was a photo of her grandson holding a girl and his clothes were wet with beer . The title of the article was , the young millionaire dead drunk .He was acting like any other teenager would at a party but that wasn't what angered mr Joseph the most . The article also mentioned that he had bought his girlfriend a dress worth fifteen millions . The thing which angered mr Joseph the most was the last part where the journalist wrote about the expensive gift he gave to his girlfriend and madam Rose noticed this right away .

Assistant Paul notified the bodyguards and they went to get Nikolai who was sleeping in a luxurious suit at a Famous hotel . They knocked the door then the head of the team of bodyguards that was assigned to guard Nikolai entered . He looked around and saw that Nikolai was on his bed with a girl next to him .

" Young master , your grandfather is asking for you to go at his private villa right away ! " said the bodyguard and waked him up .

" Tell him that I will meet him later . " said Nikolai .

" Young master , your grandfather has given us straight orders . If you don't cooperate we will have to take you by force . " said the bodyguard and Nikolai looked at the beautiful celling annoyed .

" annoying ! Wait till I'm dressed up . " said Nikolai then got up .

" Yes ! " said the bodyguard .

When getting up Nikolai looked at the girl who was next to him . He put his clothes on then ordered one of the bodyguards to send her home and to give her some money then warn her to not approach him anymore .

" I'm ready , let's go ! " said Nikolai and left the room .

The moment he stepped in the entrance hall of the hotel , ten bodyguards followed him from behind .

" Young master ! " said the driver in a polite tone then opened the door of the limousine .

After entering in the limousine , he arrived in his grandfather's villa within five minutes . He got out of the car and saw that assistant Paul was waiting for him outside .

" Paul ?! " asked Nikolai .

" Good morning young master ! " said assistant Paul .

" Each time that you wait for me at the door , nothing good happens . " said Nikolai with an annoyed face .

' I will just ask grandma for help ! ' thought Nikolai when he imagined his grandfather's angry face .

He knew that each time assistant Paul waited for him , it meant that his grandfather was very angry at him . He walked up the stairs followed by his bodyguards and assistant Paul .

" Here young master ! " said assistant Paul and opened the door then Nikolai saw his grandparents who were sitting on the golden chairs in his grandfather's office .

" Get in ! Apart from Paul , you others stay outside . " said mr Joseph .

" Yes sir ! " said the bodyguards then went out .

" Hello grandfather ! Hello grandmother ! " said Nikolai with a big smile .

When he looked at them he realized that his grandmother was looking at him with an angry expression . He remained really surprised when he saw her like that . She had never been that angry at him before .

" Grandma ?! " asked Nikolai with a nervous smile .

" Heh ! Don't think grandma will support you this time ! " said mr Joseph with a serious expression .

" Wha…. ?! " said Nikolai and looked at his grandmother but she still gave him the cold shoulder .

" Do you have any idea of what you have done ?! " asked mr Joseph then threw the newspaper at him .

Nikolai took the newspaper which fell on the floor and looked read the article about him .

" What's wrong with this article ?! It's normal for young masters at my age to appear on newspapers . " said Nikolai confused .

" Do you think I am angry because you have appeared on the newspaper ?! No my stupid grandson ! I am angry at you because you have been spending nonstop . You bought that girl a dress worth fifteen millions . A girl who you won't have a relationship for more than two weeks . " said mr Joseph .

" I thought it was something big when I saw your angry expression but it turns out you're angry just because of this ?! It's normal for guys like me to buy their girlfriends expensive stuff . Even if it's a girlfriend who lasts only two weeks . " said Nikolai with a weird face .

" Mind explaining to me why ?! " asked his grandfather angry .

" I brag to my friends about it ! We often gather and compare our girlfriends and expensive stuff we bought . " said Nikolai .

" Seriously ?! This boy !!! Do you have any idea of the current situation of the company ?! " said mr Joseph trying to hold his anger .

" It's…doing fine ! " said Nikolai .

" No it is not ! We are in a delicate period in which we aim to create connections with international companies . Now , instead of expanding the company we have to keep up with your foolish expenses . " said mr Joseph .

" It's not like I am doing something bad ! " said Nikolai .

" You didn't do anything bad ?! " said his grandfather pissed .

He stayed silent for a minute which scared Nikolai , then he looked at him .

" Fine ! Since you say that you didn't do anything wrong . It's because I worked hard that you have everything you have today ! You have never worked and you don't know how hard it is to earn money ! Why not try it ?! " said mr Joseph with a smirk .

" Wha….. ?!!! " asked Nikolai .

" I said , why not try it yourself ?! I will make the arrangement necessary . You will start working at the hotel we have in Dubai , as a waiter ! " said mr Joseph and looked at his wife . She nodded her head and agreed .

" WHAT ?!!! " asked Nikolai shocked .