Teach him a good lesson !

" Grandpa , you must be kidding with me ?! I have never worked once in my life and now that I'll start working , my first work will be a waiter !!! No , this is way too embarrassing ! I'll never be able to show my face in front of my friends anymore . " said Nikolai with a serious tone .

" Your friend huh ?! Then...tell me , to you , who's more important , your credit cards , expensive car and clothes or your friends ?! " said mr Joseph with a devilish smirk .

" You...you're joking ! You would never do this to me would you ?! " said Nikolai in a shock .

" Of course I can . Why can't I confiscate your cards , expensive cars and clothes when I was the one who gave them to you ?! If you won't follow my orders then I will confiscate all of that and give them to you , only after you have fulfilled my orders . " said mr Joseph .

" Grandma !!! " said Nikolai with hope that she could convince him to take back his words .

" I love you a lot my dear Nikolai but this time you have really gone too far ! " said madam Rose in a serious tone .

Nikolai understood that his grandfather's decision was firm and his grandmother would not help him this time .

" You can chose to not follow my orders but keep in mind that you'll be living as a poor person till the age of fifty . " said his grandfather and this gave Nikolai the chills .

' It seems like they're very angry this time . ' thought Nikolai with a troubled expression .

" Okay...okay ! I will follow your orders ! " said Nikolai defeated .

" Good ! Now that we peacefully arrived at an agreement , I will ask Paul to make everything ready for you " said mr Joseph with a smile .

' Arrived at an agreement ?! You clearly left me with no choice ! ' thought Nikolai when looking at his grandfather who was smiling at him in a weird way .

Paul who was behind mr Joseph also smiled at him and handed over a contract to him .

" I can believe my first job in life is a waiter . " said Nikolai dejected .

" You should thank me for not having sent you to be a bricklayer in one of our construction sites ! " said mr Joseph with a smirk .

" Yes....thank you for your kindness ! " said Nikolai annoyed at his grandfather .

" Come on , I will show you a tiny bit of mercy by allowing you to do a week vacation in our latest hotel in Dubai . " said his grandfather with a smirk .

When Nikolai read the contact noticed that his new working place would be the newly opened hotel in Dubai that he had wished to visit for a long time .

' I really wanted to see our new hotel and do my vacations there but now I will have to work as there as a waiter . What a pain ! Well since I can't refuse , I should think about the positive , the last week I will be free to do whatever I like . Still I will be careful not to spend much money . I don't wanna experience such embarrassment again . ' thought Nikolai .

Mr Joseph , ordered Paul to take Nikolai with him and start to prepare for his trip to Dubai . After they left the room madam Rose looked at mr Joseph who was laughing .

" What's so amusing dear ?! And what exactly have you planned ?! " asked madam Rose with a smile .

" Nothing ! It's just that we will enjoy ourselves a lot during these two weeks . " said mr Joseph and laughed .

" I am still not getting you dear ! " said madam Rose .

Mr Joseph took his phone out and opened a video .

" Honey look at this ! " said mr Joseph and handed the phone to his wife .

" I....can't....believe.....my eyes ! Is this a real video or a fake one ?! " said madam Rose when she saw the video where Amber smashed the front glass of her grandson's car without a second thought . After that the girl in the video threw his the cheque that her grandson threw at her a minute ago and told him that this was the compensation for the damage .

" It's real honey ! Even though it's really unbelievable . I too was shocked at first when I saw her . " said mr Joseph while laughing a little .

" Joseph , is this girl by any chance going to the same hotel as him ?! " asked madam Rose .

" Yes honey ! " said mr Joseph with a smile .

" And...by any chance are you the one who paid for her expenses ? " asked madam Rose with a doubtful expression .

Mr Joseph showed a devilish smirk and looked at his wife .

" You're as sharp as always honey ! " said mr Joseph .

" That's because I know you very well . " said madam Rose .

" Since you know me very well then you must know my plan right ?! " said mr Joseph with a smirk .

" Let me check if my guess is correct . You are so mad at Nikolai and want to teach him a good lesson but without creating a bad relationship with him . When you learned of this event between Nikolai and this girl , you thought that it would be better if you use someone else's hands to punish him . From this girl's expression , she seems to have zero interes in our grandson which makes her the perfect candidate for you to use and teach that brat a harsh lesson . With this girl's temper she probably won't go easy on him . . So you , somehow , found a way to make this girl's family believe that they won a two week vacation at the newest and most expensive Dubai resort . Did I guess right my dear ?! " said madam Rose with a smirk and mr Joseph started to clap his hands .

" Correct ! Honey , you really know me the best ! " said mr Joseph .

" Still.....there's somethig that I don't understand . She already took her revenge for the mean things that Nikolai said . Why would she still mess with thim ?! She clearly stated that she wouldn't even bother glancing at him again . " said madam Rose .

" Oh , trust me ! She will definitly be very harsh on him ! After the incident that poor girl suffered a lot . All the school started to call her a pauper . Her friends distanced her too . She wasn't able to hand over the project in time due to the conflict with our grandson and ended up going to make up classes for the whole summer . That's why she still hates him to the core . She is a good girl and won't cause a lot of troubles but will surely make him remember those two weeks for the rest of his life . " said mr Joseph and his wife understood .

She nodded her head and the two of them continued to eat their breakfast . Paul had taken Nikolai to prepare his luggage and to start getting ready for the trip to Dubai .

On the other hand the date of vacation was approaching and Amber didn't know how could she tell her mother that she had to go for make up math classes . Each time she tried to tell her she saw her happy smile which made her change her mind but now that the date was approaching she had to tell her the truth . After a tiring day Amber went to bed and waited till she could falll asleep .

' What do I do about this situation ?! How do I tell her that I can't come ?! If I go with my mom I will be forced to do another year of school which I studied hard to get rid of , but if I don't go I will miss a once in a lifetime chance to experience all that luxury ! Damn you math witch , I hate you so much ! ' thought Amber while rolling at her bed from one side to another one .

While rolling on the bed , without realizing it Amber bumped her head at the table next to the bed .

" Oouuuch ! Amber , thinking too much is not good ! " said Amber to herself then suddenly an idea popped out .

' Hahahahahaha ! For the first time I feel like I really deserve the title of a genius ! This is perfect ! I can skip the school without getting grounded and I get to go to Dubai with my family and my dear aunt !!! Haaaa....now I can sleep at ease ! ' thought Amber with a smile and peacefully went to sleep .

The morning came soon and Amber woke up very early . When her mom saw her get out of the door she remained surprised .

' Amber never wakes up early ?! Maybe she's excited about the vacation ! ' thought madam Adley and went to sleep again .

While walking on the street , Amber arrived at a pharmacy .

' Hehehe ! Just you wait till I come to school today teacher . ' thought Amber with a devilish smile and entered the pharmacy .