Poison the math witch !

Amber went to the pharmacy and brought a special medicine before going to school . She hurried to go to school and saw that the security guard was already guarding outside .

' If I try to enter from the front door they won't let me . I better enter from the passage in the garden . ' thought Amber and rushed to the passage at the garden .

She often looked at her wrist watch to make sure that she was in time to put the medicine in her teacher's tea and food .

' This hole down here is getting even smaller with each passing day . Maybe I have gained some fat ? ' thought Amber with an annoyed expression on her face while passing through the passage in the garden which was a hole in the wall .

Amber found that when she was in her first year when she saw it and since then she covered it with a bunch of bushes .

After passing through the passage , she covered it again with the bushes before leaving . She walked towards the entrance and quietly managed to enter inside the school unnoticed by the guards . When entering the school she went to the kitchen to search for her teacher's breakfast . In her school breakfast and lunches that were prepared by the cooks in the canteen and put in lunch boxes , for both teachers and students . Each box had the name written up and was delivered to the students and teachers when it was time to eat . Amber searched through the boxes of the teachers till she found her math teacher's lunch .

' Found it ! ' thought Amber and opened the box then started to put almond powder on the food . She saw that they had prepared the fruit juice that her teacher would always ask for during her breakfast and she decided to put five pills of laxatives , which she bought at the pharmacy , in it .

' With this , she is sure to stay at least three weeks in the hospital . ' thought Amber with a devilish smirk .

Amber went to the toilet to wait for the time the school would open . When Amber heard the student's footsteps , she went out of the toilet and mixed in with them .

" Amber , morning ! " said a voice from behind . Amber turned her head and noticed that it was her best friend Aya .

" Morning , Aya ! " said Amber with a smile . She noticed the dark circles under Aya's eyes and the tired expression she had .

" Are you alright Aya ?! " said Amber when she saw her .

" No , I am not Amber . All night I kept thinking about the test the math teacher mentioned to us the day before . My parents told me that they would take every technological gadget from me if I didn't pass . I am very worried Amber , you know how my parents are . " said Aya with a disturbed tone .

Aya was a good girl and came from a rich family . She was a bit shy and cute . When they first met , Amber was still unwelcomed by the students . When they passed the first test , Aya hadn't studied that much for it , Amber kinda noticed that she was scared and decided to help her . After the results were out , the students remained amazed when they saw that Amber had gotten full marks on the test and Aya was the second one . Aya couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the board . She thanked Amber a lot for her help and since then they became best friends .

" Don't worry , that won't happen . We will be free from that witch's hands soon . " said Amber with a grin .

" Why do I have the feeling that you did something again ?! " whispered Aya .

" Shhh ! I did do something . I'll tell you later , now , just enjoy the show . " whispered Amber .

The moment the bell rang and all the students went to their classes . They sat on their seats and waited for the teacher to come and start the annoying lesson as usual . All the students I the class were very worried about the test that was approaching . They knew their math teacher's temperament and were well aware of how difficult her test were . In the class you could hear the tired and annoyed voices of the students which complained about the upcoming test .

" Silence ! Open your books ! " said a harsh tone and the math witch entered the class .

Amber looked at her with a calm face and opened the book . The students in the class started to listen to the lesson till the break bell rang . The student went out of the class and headed towards the canteen to get their breakfast boxes and eat them . After eating the bell rang again and they went back to the class . Amber glanced at the teacher to see whether she had eaten her breakfast or not , then she noticed the breakfast box which was thrown into the trash can and smiled in a happy way .

" Okay , now we will start with the geometry part of the math , the rectangular….. " said the math teacher then suddenly her tummy started to hurt .

Not only that but her skin felt itchy and she started to scratch it . The students saw that she was scratching her skin like crazy and her face was becoming like a balloon . Aya looked at her and then looked at Amber with a worried expression .

" Don't look at me like that , she won't die . Evil people never die easily ! " said Amber in a low tone and watched the math teacher .

" Call...call…..a doctor ! " said the math teacher with a serious tone .

" I'll go immediately ! " said Amber and got up from her seat to go call the doctor .

' I really wonder how can she stay calm after causing the teacher to be in this condition ?! ' thought Aya surprised .

Amber arrived fast with the doctors . They gave the math teacher a tranquilizer then put her on a hospital barrel then took her to the hospital . Another teacher had come with Amber and she told the students to be quiet and maintain calm .

" What happened to her ?! " asked the students .

" Did you see her face ?! She was very pale . " said another student .

Amber wasn't effected by the words of the students while Aya was sweating and had a nervous expression .

" Amber , aren't you afraid that they will do something to you ?! " whispered Aya .

" No , or rather , they wouldn't dare . I may be a commoner with no important background but I am the top student of this school so even if they do discover something , they wouldn't do a thing . Do you know ?! When the wealthy families heard that a commoner was the top student in this school with rich students , they enrolled their kids here because they think that the education is the very effective . I have no money to bribe the teachers so the only way I can be on top is by studying a lot . That's what they think that the teacher's explanation here is very effective . " said Amber with a proud tone .

" That makes sense ! " said Aya who knew very well how greedy the head master was .

After an hour the director of the school came .

" Students , I have an announcement to make . The math teacher was sent to the hospital and after getting the results of her check –up , the doctors said that she had eaten some food which caused her an allergy reaction and some other problem . She now will be hospitalized for a week and will also take two weeks leave as per the doctor's orders . Due to the fact that we do not have an alternative math teacher for the time being , I will declare the make-up classes finished . Once you hand over today's homework which will also be considered as your exam , you guys are free to go . " said the director with a serious tone .

The students kept a serious and sad expression . After they handed over the homework , the director went out . A student looked at the door if he really left . When they made sure there was no one , they screamed with joy , they were finally free from these annoying classes . They rushed out of the class and headed to the entrance door .

" Finally free !!! " said the students at the same time with a happy face and went out of the school .

Amber and Aya were walking normally till they arrived at the entrance . During the time they were walking , Amber started telling her what she had done .

" I really can't believe that you actually did such a thing ! How many laxatives did you put again ?! " asked Aya who was enjoying this situation .

" Hahahaha ! Five ! " said Amber while laughing .

" Wow ! I guess she will suffer from her butt too ! Well she deserved it ! " said Aya with a smile .

" Totally !...You know , I will be going with my mother , sister and brother at the new resort that's opened in Dubai . I am so excited , I can't wait to go there . " said Amber with a happy tone .

" Really ?! That's awesome ! The new resort there is very magnificent , I was with my parents there at the day of the inauguration . You definitely have a lot of fun but was it , expensive ? " said Aya .

She knew Amber's financial situation , so she remained a bit surprised when she heard her .

" Oh , about that ! My aunt won the lottery and we will go with her . She won two tickets fro two families . " said Amber with a smile .

" That's awesome ! I hope you pass a great time there , you deserve it ! " said Aya with a warm smile .

" Thanks Aya ! " said Amber with a happy expression .

" Miss , time to go ! " said Aya's driver .

" I gotta go now that they are here to pick me up . See ya soon Amber ! " said Aya with a smile .

" See ya Aya ! " said Amber and Aya went to the car then then left .

Amber looked around then looked at the school behind her for the last time .

' I won't be coming here anymore ! When I first came here I thought that I would pass the greatest time in my life . The moment I stepped in I realized that I wasn't fit to be here . This school showed me the true meaning of different worlds that I often read in novels and books . Well then , goodbye my dear prestigious school ! It was nice looking at you . ' thought Amber and headed towards her home .

" Vacations , here I come ! " said Amber with a happy tone .