You again !!!

When Amber returned home , she saw that the front door was filled with luggage , she realized that they were getting ready to leave for the airport .

" Finally you came ! Didn't you know that today is the departure day ?! " said madam Adley in a serious tone .

" Mom , I had to take some documents to the school today . It wasn't my fault ! " said Amber .

" Do you have to go to the school again?! " asked madam Adley .

" No , mom . You know that they made me skip a year because I am very intelligent . " said Amber with a proud tone .

" Miss intelligence , can you hurry up and prepare your luggage ?! " asked Amelia , her sister in an annoyed tone .

" Amelia , thanks for the kind reminder . " said Amber in an annoyed tone as well .

' These two daughters ! Instead of getting ready , they keep on with their useless fight ! ' thought madam Adley with a tired expression .

After preparing the luggage , madam Adley ordered Amelia to call a taxi that would bring them to the airport . While Amelia called the taxi , madam Adley went to call Amber .

When she entered in the living room , she saw that Amber was looking at the desk her dad had given her as a present . In fact, that was the last present that she received before her dad divorced her mom .

" Who brought this here mom ? " asked Amber with a calm tone but yet she couldn't hide the anger that she was feeling .

The divorce was a huge blow to her . Amber and Amelia were young at that time . Madam Adley did everything she could to raise her daughters well , giving them all the care and love they needed and she succeeded in raising them , the best way possible . The only thing that she wasn't able to do well , was to make Amber forget about her dad . Amber was a great girl but she felt immense anger towards anything related to her father .

" sorry dear , I thought that it would be of use , that's why's not a bad thing to keep it as a decoration since it's brand new . " said madam Adley with a calm tone .

" Okay mom , since you want it as a decoration , keep it but please keep it out of my sight . " said Amber with a bitter smile while looking at it and her mom nodded .

' Just seeing this thing makes me feel angry ! ' thought Amber and looked at it with hate .

When they went out they saw that their mother and sister had already put the luggage inside the taxi .

Amber went and sat behind with Amelia leaving her mother to sit on the front .

The airport was a bit far from their home and they only arrived there only after thirty minutes .

While they were on the way to their airport , Nikolai and assistant Paul were also on their way to the airport .

" Here young master ! This will be your working schedule . " said assistant Paul and gave Nikolai the contract .

Nikolai took it in an annoying way and started to read it . His expression suddenly changed when he saw that he was assigned as the personal attendant and waiter of a girl in particular .

" Paul , tell me you're joking ! Tell me that you're joking , right ?! How in the world can a guy like me be the attendant and waiter of a lottery winning girl ?! " said Nikolai shocked .

" I am not , young master ! Believe it or not this is your assignment ! " said assistant Paul .

" No way ! Who knows if my friends will be there ?! If they see me serving a poor girl....I will become the laughing stock of the whole young rich people society ! " said Nikolai in a serious and worried tone .

" You can choose to bear the shame or to end up as a poor person ! The master gave strict orders . If you don't obey then you won't get any money until you become fifty years old . " said Paul with a serious expression .

Nikolai thought how his life would be when he turned fifty years . He never imagined life without money .

' A life without money and reputation which will vanish because I will become poor or reputation ruined and I get to still live like a rich , spoiled boy ?!.....I can fix my damaged reputation but I could never live without money . ' thought Nikolai with a troubled face .

" At least tell me that we will take the private jet to go there ?! " said Nikolai while touching his forehead .

" No , young master ! We will travel with the first class on a normal plane . You're grounded for two weeks . " said assistant Paul .

Nikolai looked at him and understood that his grandfather's orders were firm . He could do nothing but obey the orders and try to survive these two weeks .

After ten minutes Nikolai with his assistant and Amber with her family arrived at the airport . They walked through the check-in process and headed towards the stairs which could take the people inside the plane .

When climbing the stairs , Amber noticed the beautiful sunset view .

' Wow , it's magnificent ! ' thought Amber and couldn't take her eyes off until her mother called her to come in .

When they got in , Nikolai with assistant Paul headed towards the first-class while Amber with her family were walking towards their seats . When they entered inside , assistant Paul recognized Amber at first sight .

' Great , this girl has come too ! Now the master can rest assured ! ' thought assistant Paul with a satisfied expression .

When he was about to enter the first class , he looked at Amber again and an idea came to mind . He called over the flight attendant and ordered him to try his best to convince Amber in changing seats with him . He also gave him a bit of money and the flight attendant agreed to do as Paul said . He walked towards Amber and asked her to show him her ticket just like the other attendants were doing with the other people on board .

" Miss , the ticket please . " said the flight attendant .

" Here ! " said Amber and handed over the ticket to the flight attendant .

" Miss , there's a passenger on the first class that doesn't feel alright on the seat that he is and he asked me if you're willing to change seats with him . Would you like to exchange your seat for his seat in the first-class ?! " said the flight attendant with a shining smile .

' Wow.....first class seat ?! Has that passenger traveled for so much time in the first class that it has now become bothersome ?!...Who cares ?! What a luck ! The first time I travel , I travel in the first class ! Awesome ! ' thought Amber with a happy smile .

" Sure ! I will be glad to change seats with him . " said Amber with a smile .

The flight attendant nodded his head with a smile and went towards assistant Paul . He told him what the miss had said and assistant Paul looked at Amber .The flight assistant took him to Amber and told her that this person was the one who wanted to exchange seats with her .

" I am sorry for troubling you miss . " said assistant Paul with a nervous smile .

" No , it's no trouble at all sir ! " said Amber with a nervous tone .

" Amber what's wrong ?! " asked Amber's mom with a serious tone when she saw her talking with assistant Paul . She feared that Amber may have caused trouble again .

" Mom I.... " said Amber but assistant Paul moved foreward .

" I am very sorry madam ! I suddenly feel a bit uncomfortable on my current seat at the first-class area , so I asked your daughter if she could kindly exchange her seat with mine . " said assistant Paul with a very polite tone .

Madam Adley wanted to disagree immediately but when she saw Amber's eyes looking at her with a pleading look , she decided to let her go in the first class .

" Okay , you can go but promise me !....No causing troubles ! Got it ?! " said madam Adley with a smile .

' My smart daughter finished high school a year early by passing that hard exam . I haven't awarded her with anything since we don't have money.....she's looking at me like that now...How can I have the heart to say no to her ?! ' thought madam Adley with a warm yet sad smile .

Amber nodded her head and happily followed the flight attendant who would bring her to the first-class area . The moment she passed through the curtain , she looked around stunned . The seats of the first class were big and much more comfortable than the simple class ones . There was even a remote near the seat because the seats had massaging feature too .

' I will enjoy these four hours flight to the fullest . ' thought Amber with a dreaming smile .

When the flight attendant brought Amber to her seat , she saw that another person was sitting beside her watching from the window and was wearing headphones . Amber sat down and realized that he didn't change his position at all , then heard a noise that was coming from his headphones .

' It looks like this guy is listening to music with a high volume . He'll end up hurting his ears . ' thought Amber .

She looked around and she caught sight of a scared girl which was two seats behind her at the other side .

' Maybe that girl's afraid of highs...she looks very scared . The guy that 's sat on the other seat next to her doesn't help her at all , what a jerk ! Boys nowdays are the worst ! ' thought Amber with a serious expression .

Amber saw that there were a pair of headphones on her side and she decided to listen to music too since she couldn't look out from the window . While the plane got up Amber was listening to music and reading a magazine with a serious expression . After the plane got up , Nikolai noticed a leg next to his and thought that assistant Paul had arrived .

" Since when did you arrive ?! It's so unusual for you to be quiet Paul , did the cat eat your tongue ?! " said Nikolai .

Amber took her headphones and looked at him .

" Excuse me , did you want something ?! " said Amber in a bit of an annoyed tone .

When the two of them looked at each other they felt that they had seen each other before .

' This guy.....he's very impolite . Now I know why that sir wanted to exchange seats !.....This guy looks very familiar....He's...he's that rich brat who called me a pauper ! I am gonna strangle him ! Thanks to this bastard , I never got to spend a quiet day at school ! ' thought Amber with a seriously mad expression . At the time , the news spread out quickly that she was called a pauper by the whole school and turned into a laughing stock by the other rich students .

' This girl....I feel like I have met her somewhere...Oh ! That's right !....She's that impolite pauper girl who tried to get my attention...I remember her face . She dared to speak to me in a rude manner . How did she manage to sit here ?! Where's that damn Paul ?!....He's not the type to agree easily . I am she was able to make him change seats . She must have seduced him , sure enough ! What a shameless girl ! ' thought Nikolai with an angry face .

" You again ?! " said Nikolai and Amber at the same time with an annoyed expression and angry tone .