Something wrong

" Who the hell gave you the right to sit here ?! Get off immediately ! " said Nikolai with a seriously angry expression .

" Excuse me but the owner of this seat wanted me to sit here ! Just because you're rich don't assume that everything on earth belongs to you . " said Amber with a serious tone .

" Where is my assistant ?! What did you do to him ?! You crazy girl ! " said Nikolai with an angry tone .

" You're the crazy one ! Thinking that I may have done something to a man ! I am a weak girl , what can I possibly do to him ?! " said Amber with a serious expression .

' That seems...logic !...I wonder what happened to Paul ?! He would never be corrupted , that for sure . When I was a kid I tried multiple times to nobble him so that I could go outside and have fun without my grandfather knowing . It was impossible ! ' thought Nikolai with a thinking expression .

" After what you did , you still appear in front of me as if nothing happened . What do you want ?! Money , or you wanna try and get my attention me again since your first attempt failed , huh ?! Explain ! " said Nikolai with an angry expression .

" Shhhh ! God curse your words just now ! I wanna have nothing to do with you . A man came and told me that he wanted to exchange seats with me . If you don't believe me ask the flight attendant , he's the one who introduced us !...Now that I have explained to you , don't bother me too much and let me enjoy my flight . If my presence is disturbing you , please pretend I am not here and continue to listen to your music or watch the view from the window . " said Amber with a fake smile and put her headphones when Nikolai was about to talk again .

" You....!! " said Nikolai and Amber pointed towards the headphones telling him that she couldn't hear a thing because she was listening to music .

' Phfff ! I shall bear with it for now and throw my temper at that idiot Paul when I see him ! He dared to allow a peasant like her to sit next to me , fool ! ' thought Nikolai annoyed and started to look out of the window .

After an hour the flight attendant came and was bringing lunch to those who were hungry . Amber raised her hand when she saw the delicious food that they brought . Nikolai also raised his hand looking at the flight attendant . When he turned his head he saw Amber's exited expression while looking at the food .

' Indeed a peasant ! Never seen a person look at food like that ! ' thought Nikolai and looked at her with a pouting face .

The flight attendant came towards Amber and Nikolai then placed the food on the table in front of them which was linked with the chairs which were also in front of them .

" Thank you ! " said Amber with a warm smile .

" You're welcome miss . " said the flight attendant who thought Amber was a cute girl .

He put another set of lunch on Nikolai's table then left . When they opened their lunches they realized that the flight attendant had mixed them . They looked at each other annoyed then at their lunches .

" Don't touch it with your peasant's hands , I will get it myself ! " said Nikolai with a serious face and got his lunch from Amber's side .

" You two , don't dare touch my lunch . I am afraid you'll get it dirty with all the care products or disinfectants you have put on your hands . " said Amber and the two of them looked in a fierce way at each other then got their lunches .

After getting their lunches , they started to eat . Nikolai had begun eating while Amber was looking at the lunch with dreamy eyes for a moment then took the fork and was ready to eat .

" This is so delicious !!!! Good food , good mood ! " said Amber with a shinig face as if she had won the lottery and Nikolai couldn't help but laugh a little when he saw her .

" How silly can you be ?! It's just food . " said Niikolai who had eaten this kind of food thousands of times .

" You don't understand . This is a masterpiece ! " said Amber with a happy tone .

" Hahahahahaha ! Oh boy ! You're really a poor girl who never got a chance to see the world . " said Nikolai while laughing .

" So what if I am poor huh ?! I haven't seen the world but I am the best student among the rich people like you ! " said Amber with a serious look in her eyes .

" You , the best student ?!...Maybe , it is reasonable judging that you can afford to attend such an expensive high school while wearing those shabby clothes . " said Nikolai with a serious tone .

Amber was very annoyed with his impolite attitude and decided to not talk to him . She finished the good food and raising part of her spoon she noticed that the girl who seemed afraid earlier hadn't even touched her lunch yet . Everyone in the first-class either had finished their lunches or had just begun . She was the only one who wasn't opening the lunch box . Although the image from the spoon was a bit shabby Amber could still recognize that it was the trembling girl she saw when she entered .

' Looking at that girl's complexion , she's definitely scared of something . I don't think it's the plane though . What is she so afraid of ?! She hasn't stopped trembling since the plane got up in the sky . ' thought Amber while looking at her shabby image from the spoon she was holding .

Another hand appeared and indicated the trembling girl to start eating in a rather forceful manner . When Amber saw that the girl flinched, even more , she started to think that maybe she wasn't afraid from the plane but from the man who was beside her .

' That girl , she's not scared of the plane , she's scared of the person sitting next to her . Maybe she has done a mistake and is being punished , but.....the way she's trembling , even her hands are shaking a lot to the point that she's not even holding the spoon tight , that's not the reaction of someone who's simply being punished....There must be something going on .' thought Amber with a bit of a worried face .

She turned her head behind , acting as if she was mending her chair's position and peeked at the girl again .

' If I try and get mixed with that girl's trouble my mom will beat the hell out of me , that's for sure . Yet , if I don't try and help her....she'll end up in more troubles than she already is in . Ufffff ! Looking at her is too pitiful...I'll help her ! I will just find an excuse to tell to, my mom , if I get caught . ' thought Amber with a hard thinking look on her face .

After cleaning the table and passing the box and plates to the flight attendant , she started to think of a way to know , which was the girl's actual concern . A few minutes passed and a lot of ideas came to mind . In the end, she managed to think of a good idea that would help that girl without Amber needing to get involved with her too much and be spotted by the man next to her .When Nikolai turned his face towards the chair in front , to get a magazine that was on the back pocket , he peeked at Amber and saw that she was thinking in a very serious way with her eyes fixed on the table .

' What's wrong with this pauper ?! ' thought Nikolai confused cause she was angry and uninterested a while ago .