Is it over? - Part 4

It was dark. I couldn't see anything. But I could hear whispers.

The whispers came one after another, each time getting louder and clearer to my ears. Then came a gust of wind, cold to my skin. I shivered and held my body closer, but the cold never went away.

I looked around my surroundings, seeing nothing but darkness. I was in a room so wide and so big that I could never see the end of it. There was no one around, but it didn't sound like I was alone.

"You killed me."

A whisper came from behind me, and it was followed by a cold breeze that blew through my hair. I quickly turned around, seeing no one behind me. Another whisper came, but still, there was no one there.

Where is this? Why can't I see anything?

I started to walk around, trying to find a way out. No matter how long or how far I walked, I stayed in the same place, almost as if I was walking in place. The whispers came and went, following me everywhere I went.