The doctor - Part 1

"What? They are safe?" I asked, couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

How could that possibly be? It's great that they're safe, but that's impossible when I clearly saw them burn in the fire. I saw it far too clearly to be mistaken.

"They are," he said, nodding. "I saw them with my own two eyes. They're not hurt anywhere, just unconscious. I asked Jack to look after them and the rest of the villagers." Perhaps noticing my confusion, he asked, "Why?"

"But I saw them burn," I added. "The fire burned them alive, and you're saying they got out of that fire unharmed? How is that possible?"

"Well, it appears to be possible," he shrugged, though not knowing the answer to my question. "But that's no longer important, is it? The most important thing is that they're safe, and you're safe too. That village would be dead if it hadn't been for you."