White Church - Part 10

Following the eager frogs, they led us to the deepest part of the garden, where the dancing flowers were getting even more persuasive with their dance invitations. Each of the flowers tried to stop us in our tracks, swaying their petals almost desperately for attention. Elliot spared no attention to the flowers and instead beamed proudly at his frogs.

It seems that he has the same adoration for his little frogs as I have for Tutu. "Adorable" was the word we used the most in a conversation concerning our little friends.

But somewhere along our way to meeting the head trickster, the air seemed to shift around us. The previously gentle wind was no more, and the bright sky was clouded with darkness. The glowing pink flowers turned dimmer as the fog surrounded us, hindering our vision. It was now cold as winter, dark as the night.