Dangerous package - Part 1

"My, my, who do we have here?" A woman called from behind us, and the black mist around her was enough to tell us that she wasn't one of us. "Isn't it our little Wings?"

Opposite to the priests, she was dressed in all black, her face hidden by a cloth. She ambled out of the flowers, not the least distracted by them. Not long after she revealed herself, another walked out, dressed in a similar manner.

"The key," the other woman said, her voice hoarse with animosity. "Give us the key."

The stench of their black magic now wafted in the air, overturning the sweet scent of the flowers. Each time their magic touched the flowers, they wilted, their petals falling like leaves in the autumn.

How did they get here? We're in the White Church; it shouldn't be possible for them to be here! And judging by their clothing, they would have definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. Did something happen to the church?