Dangerous Package - Part 2

Overjoyed with the appearance of my fireball, I failed to realize that the instant the vines burned and released me from its wrath, I'd fall from ten meters above the ground. When I did realize it, however, I was already falling.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" My scream made the birds flying around me fly away, not wanting to take part in the disaster. They didn't even bother to lend me a hand—wings. 

As I fell, my life flashed before my eyes, with the brief appearance of Luke's laughing face and Bob's chocolate cake next to each other. I knew I was going to die at some point in my life, but never would I have thought that I'd die like this. At the very least, let me bring the key back to the church before I die. I'd rather die after I prove myself a little useful. 

Imagine how disappointed people would be if they heard about the Fire Wings' death. Imagine Ignacio haunting me even in my death. Even in my mind, it sounds dreadful.