
As Skylar and her mother walked through the woods, their conversation flowed freely. Skylar was still trying to grasp the reality that her mother was alive. "Mom, you have no idea how much I missed you over the past ten years," Skylar confessed, her emotions a mix of joy and relief as she looked at Luna while continuing to walk.

Luna turned to her daughter, her eyes filled with sadness. She gently caressed Skylar's cheeks and spoke soothingly, "Angel, I'm truly sorry for everything you've been through. I promise this won't happen again. Daniel's death will be staged as a suicide. He's gone bankrupt recently, all because of the Mar brothers, but very few people know about it—Anita, the Mar brothers, Daniel himself, and now you."

Skylar's puzzlement grew, and she realized the Mar brothers had indirectly played a part in Daniel's downfall. She couldn't help but feel proud of her fiancé. Luna sensed her thoughts and smiled. "I know my son-in-law is the best for you, my Angel, and I can't wait to meet him."

Skylar turned to her mother with a shocked expression. "Wait, Mom, who told you about Justin?"

Luna grinned again and replied, "My best friend, Anita. She was the only one who knew I was still alive. Oh, and here she comes."

Skylar turned and saw a purple Maserati, with Anita waiting beside it. "Thank goodness you two are back! Did you know I've been waiting for you, Luna?" Anita said, sounding annoyed.

Luna apologized, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Anita. Skylar was unconscious for two days because Daniel drugged her, so I had to deal with him. But everything is under control now."

Skylar was puzzled by her mother's words. "Mom, your scar... Is that why you never came back?" She asked, her voice filled with a mixture of emotions.

Luna paused, her hand on the car door. She brushed her hair aside, revealing a scar on her forehead. "Anita, take her to the hospital. I don't want Wang Xia to see me like this; he'll never accept me with this scar."

Skylar couldn't bear to see her mother leave like this. She held onto her mother's hand and hugged her from behind. "I love your scar, Mom, because it looks like the one I have behind my right thigh."

Luna turned around, her eyes filled with shock. "Wait, you got burned that night too?"

Skylar nodded and reassured her mother, "Dad still loves you, Mom. I can see it in his eyes. So, let's go and meet everyone."

Luna was concerned. "Angel, are you sure about this?"

Skylar smiled and afirmed, "Yes, I am."

With that, they got into the car, and Anita, who had been a silent witness to this heartwarming reunion, couldn't help but feel overjoyed. She understood the unbreakable bond of blood. With a smile, she glanced at her own abdomen, knowing that her child would be protected from evil. "Shall we head out now?" she asked, then took the wheel, driving towards their destination, eager to reunite Skylar with her loved ones.


In the hospital room, Lila had been expressing her worries about Skylar's disappearance for over 48 hours. She pleaded with her father, Wang Xia, and her uncle Joel to give her any information they had about her sister's whereabouts.

"Dad, Uncle Joel, at least let me know where my sister went. I'm worried she might be in trouble since she's been missing for more than 48 hours now," Lila anxiously implored.

Joel Gomez tried to reassure her, saying, "Lila, I've put my special team on the task of finding her, so please, calm down."

Wang Xia chimed in, attempting to ease his daughter's distress, "That's right, Angel, calm down. You know your sister can handle any situation."

However, Lila didn't seem comforted. She rolled her eyes and covered her face with her hands, the worry still etched in her features.

Joel Gomez and Wang Xia couldn't help but notice the glimmering ring on Lila's finger. It caught their attention, and Joel was the first to address it with a puzzled expression.

"Lila, is that a ring on your fiinger?" Joel inquired, his gaze fixed on his niece.

Wang Xia, too, noticed the ring and was intrigued. "Is that from Kevin Mar, or did you just wear it as an accessory?" he asked.

Lila gasped, surprised to find the ring on her finger. She responded, "I recovered from a coma. Why would I wear a ring?"

Before the confusion could be cleared up, Kevin Mar entered the room. He had a determined look on his face as he walked toward Lila and knelt beside her.

"I know this might seem too soon, Purmel, but considering our past lives and everything we've been through, I can't wait any longer," Kevin expressed sincerely. "I already knew you'd say yes, which is why I put the ring on your finger last night. So, Lila, would you marry me?"

Lila couldn't hold back her tears. She held her breath for a moment and then replied emotionally, "Of course, I will, my one and only Mr. Lollipop."

Overjoyed, Kevin hugged her and shared a heartfelt kiss, reminiscent of their past. Wang Xia and Joel Gomez were utterly amazed by what had just transpired.

"Looks like you might become a grandfather sooner than you thought," Joel teased Wang Xia, and they both shared hearty laughter.

Meanwhile, Skylar, Luna, and Anita, who had just arrived at the hospital, couldn't believe the surprise proposal they had just witnessed. Skylar, excited for her sister, ran to Lila and hugged her tightly.

"Congrats, Lil! I can't wait for us to get married together. And guess what? I have a gift for you, my dear sis," Skylar announced enthusiastically.

Kevin, feeling a bit left out, complained, "Skylar, can't you see I'm with her right now?"

Skylar brushed him off and headed to the door, urging, "Not now, Kenia. This is really important for her and everyone." She swung the door open and said, "You can come in; it's okay."

Lila, curious and bewildered, asked, "Who is it, Sky?" As the person walked in, holding Skylar's hand, Lila's eyes widened in astonishment. "M...M...Mom!" she exclaimed.

Joel and Wang Xia echoed in disbelief, "Luna!"

And there, in the hospital room, mother and daughter were reunited after a decade of separation.


Justin, Lily Mar, and Feng Ting had been tirelessly searching for Skylar throughout the day, but there was no trace of her anywhere. Lily Mar was growing increasingly concerned as she turned to Justin for answers.

"Justin ge, is there something that Skylar doesn't want to tell everyone?" she asked with a worried look.

Feng Ting chimed in, "Yeah, Justin, has she informed you about anything unusual?"

Justin Mar was visibly anxious when he received a text message from one of Kevin's men. He quickly read the message, his expression changing as he absorbed the information. He then shared the unsettling news with his friends.

"Guys, Daniel is dead," Justin said in a cold tone.

"Wait, what?!" Lily Mar and Feng Ting exclaimed in shock.

Justin continued, "Yes, I hope it has notthing to do with Skylar. I need to talk to Kevin because I think the same person who saved them from the accident might be behind this."

Feng Ting tried to console Lily Mar, who had been anxious the whole time, even though she hadn't vocalized her worries. He held her in his arms and reassured her.

"Meerkat, everything will be fine. Skylar will be back soon. I know she wouldn't just run away with someone else to make Justin anxious," Feng Ting said, his comforting words soothing her fears.

Lily expressed her hope, "I just hope she comes back soon."

As they discussed their concerns, a young boy approached them, seeking directions.

"Excuse me, husband and wife, with their friend, I guess. Please, where can I find room B12?" the boy inquired politely.

Feng Ting realized that B12 was Lila's ward and asked curiously, "Wait, isn't that Lila's ward?" Lily Mar nodded in agreement.

"Are you talking about Lila Xia?" Lily Mar asked the boy.

The boy confirmed it with a nod and a smile. He seemed excited to meet the Xia twins, prompting Lily Mar to agree to help him find the room.

"Sure," she said. There was something oddly familiar about the boy, but they decided to accompany him to Lila's ward before continuing their search for Skylar.


Wang Xia couldn't believe his eyes as he rushed towards Luna, cupping her face as he examined her, making sure she was indeed the real Luna. Tears welled up in his eyes as he held her face and said her name, "Luna."

Luna, too, was overwhelmed with emotion. She couldn't hold back her tears as she replied, "Wang."

Their reunion was filled with tears of joy, and Luna, for the first time in a decade, felt the warmth of Wang Xia's love as he embraced her.

Wang Xia whispered lovingly, "So, you were really the one who sent that letter ten years ago. I thought it was someone else, but I recognized your handwriting. That's why I held onto the hope that you'd come back for me."

Skylar couldn't believe what she was hearing. She remembered the letter and the hope it brought her father.

"Wait, Mom was pregnant back then? We still ran into the woods like that?" Skylar asked, her memories flooding back to the time when she and her mother had fled from the woods to the warehouse.

Lila, who was still processing the shock of her mother's sudden reappearance, asked about her long-lost sibling, "Mom, where is the child now?""

Luna's eyes widened as she realized they had forgotten all about him. "Oh my God, we forgot about him, Anita!"

Anita confirmed with a nod, "The baby is still alive, and it's a boy."

Wang Xia, filled with disbelief, asked, "Is that true?"

Luna nodded with tears of joy in her eyes, and before she could apologize for keeping everything a secret, Wang Xia silenced her with a kiss, expressing his understanding and love for her.

"I know you never ask for forgiveness, Luna. Don't say it; it would hurt my heart," Wang Xia said as he wiped her tears away.

Lila was overjoyed that her mother was now better, and she couldn't wait to embrace her fully. Luna shared the sentiment as she hugged her daughter, and they both expressed their love for each other.

Lila shared a memory, "Mom, do you remember the brown pony on my fourteenth birthday? I knew it was from you, but I thought no one would believe me if I said it."

Kevin, who had received the news of Daniel's death, leaned in and whispered it to Lila, leaving her in shock.

Lila turned to Skylar and asked, "Sky, where were you? Is Daniel dead all of a sudden?"

Skylar decided to share the truth, looking at her mother for reassurance. Luna nodded, prompting Skylar to speak, "Lil, Mom, and Mrs. Tang, we took care of it."

Joel Gomez couldn't beliieve what he was hearing. "Wait, you guys killed Daniel?"

Luna, who was still processing everything, noticed her brother Joel and hugged him, "Sis is good to see you back."

Joel returned the embrace warmly, "Well, I guess since Daniel is out of our lives, where's our baby bro?"

Lila and Skylar were eager to know about their long-lost sibling.

"Anita, have you called Chen?" Luna asked in concern, wondering where her son could be.

Anita replied, "Yes, he should be here any moment."

Meanwhile, Lily Mar entered the room with a child by her side, saying, "Lila, do you know who this kid is? He claimed to be here to see you, so I brought him with me."

The boy corrected her, "Hey, Miss, I'm not a kid, you get me?"

Both Lila and Skylar were taken aback, asking in unison, "Is that Chen?" They were eager to reunite with their youngest sibling.