surprise wedding

"Is that Chen?!" The twins couldn't contain their excitement and surprise, and they both exclaimed in unison, hugging their younger brother tightly. Chen Xia found himself enveloped in their sisterly affection.

"Baby bro, I can't believe it's you," Skylar Xia's voice trembled with emotion, and her eyes filled with tears.

Lila Xia, still weakened from her recent ordeal, added, "Oh, baby bro, I don't know what to say to you. I just want to hold onto you like this forever."

Chen, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden outpouring of affection, chuckled and said, "Alright now, stop squeezing me. It's making me breathlless."

Apologizing, they released him and stepped back, wiping away their tears. Chen found the twin connection intriguing, marveling at how in sync they were.

In another corner of the room, Lily Mar, Justin Mar, and Feng Ting were trying to grasp the unexpected turn of events. Kevin Mar approached them, realizing they needed an explanation.

"Listen, guys, everything's a bit complicated, but I can explain," Kevin began, ready to shed light on the situation.

"So, this kid is their sibling?" Lily Mar asked, still trying to wrap her head around the revelation.

Feng Ting, feeling uncomfortable in the crowded space, inquired, "Why are there so many people in here?"

Kevin calmly explained the situation, including the arrival of the long-lost brother and the involvement of the Xia family in Daniel Tang's death. His words left Lily Mar and Feng Ting surprised and bewildered.

Meanwhile, Wang Xia couldn't hold back his tears of joy as he embraced his son, Chen, for the first time. "Son," was all he could say, overwhelmed with emotion.

"Father," Chen replied, hugging his dad tightly.

Skylar Xia, still beaming with joy, commented, "Lila, I think Chen looks more like Dad."

Lila agreed with a laugh, "Yeah, he's like a mini version of Dad."

Luna joined in the conversation, teasing her daughters, "And you two, my angels, are just a younger version of me. Except for the eyes."

The twins smiled and replied simultaneously, "Speaking of our eyes, Mom, we're using eye drops daily, so we won't need contact lenses anymore."

"That's a relief," Luna said in a whisper, "Skylar, I think you should talk to your boyfriend. He looks puzzled."

The twins turned to look at Justin, who seemed lost in thought. Lila suggested to her sister, "I think you should go talk to him."

Skylar agreed, "Yes, let me go talk to him," and she left to join Justin outside the ward, leaving behind a room filled with newfound family and joy.

"Mom, it seems you like him so much," Lila said with a knowing smile as she observed her mother's reaction to Kevin.

"Well, he makes Sky happy, and that's all that matters, my dear," Luna replied, her smile soft and warm.

However, Kevin Mar suddenly appeared and interrupted their conversation, whisking Lila away with him, leaving Luna a bit puzzled.

"Kevin, wait, I'm not done talking to Mom," Lila protested, but Kevin didn't heed her.

"Should I be worried about what just happened?" Luna asked, turning to Anita.

"I think you should definitely get worried," Anita replied with a knowing look.

In the meantime, Feng Ting and Lily Mar decided it was time to leave the hospital, thinking it was getting late. But when they stepped outside, they were met with an unexpected sight.

Skylar and Justin were engaged in a passionate kiss along the private hallway, seemingly lost in the moment.*

"Justin ge!!!" Lily Mar exclaimed in shock.

"Oh, why does it have to be one of my siblings to interrupt me when I'm with you?" Justin Mar muttered.

Skylar, her face flushed with embarrassment, lowered her head and scolded him, "Justin, get your hands off me. I told you this isn't a good place for this."

Ignoring their words, Feng Ting and Lily Mar quickly left the scene, leaving Justin and Skylar to their own devices.

Inside the hospital room, the rest of the group was still reeling from the unexpected events.

"Mom, what's going on?" Chen couldn't help but ask.

Luna decided to focus on Kevin's suggestion, saying, "Anita, take him with you to Joel's. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Anita nodded, saying, "Alright, let's go, big guy."

Skylar Xia and Justin Mar returned to the room, looking a bit disheveled. Luna couldn't help but notice Skylar's slightly swollen lips and wondered what her daughters had been up to.

"I think these Mar Brothers are just a bad influence. One got Skylar's lip swollen, and the other is doing God knows what in the bathroom with Lila," Luna thought to herself.

"Mrs. Xia," Justin Mar greeted Luna.

"Justin, it seems like Skylar told you everything that just happened," Luna noted with a knowing look.

Justin nodded and said, "I'm happy that you're finally back."

Luna smiled and gave some instructions, "I think it's time to take my husband with us. Please, get those two out of there."

Turning to Wang Xia, who was contemplating how to handle the two lovebirds, Luna called him, "Wang, let's go."

Wang Xia agreed, "Alright, let's go," and they left the hospital together, leaving the rest of the group behind.


In the bathroom, Lila Xia was initially annoyed by Kevin's impulsive actions.

"Kevin, why did you drag me in like that?" she demanded an explanation.

Kevin Mar couldn't resist her cute anoyed expression and responded with a charming smile. He leaned in for another kiss, and Lila, despite her frustration, didn't resist. The kiss was deep and passionate, causing Lila to instinctively place her hands on his nape and lose herself in the moment.

After the kiss, they both needed to catch their breath. Kevin, still entranced by her, couldn't help but praise her, "Damn Dora, you taste so good that I think I'm addicted to you." He admired her slightly swollen lips, a testament to their passionate kiss.

However, Lila, while blushing, put some distance between them. "Kevin Mar, you can't just keep kissing me like this. I still feel like you're in love with Purmel, not me. If you really want me, you have to work on it."

Kevin was puzzled by her words and just stared at her.

"So now cat got your tongue, huh? It seems like I'm not important to you. I love everything about you. Yes, I loved Kenia, but you, Kevin, you are a better version of him. You were always my dream man. I just want to marry you, have kids like we planned, and wake up every morning cuddling up with you. But I guess I'm just the Princess of Bron to you, not Lila Xia," Lila said, disappointment evident in her voice and expression.

Kevin could see her disappointment and chuckled. "Damn Dora, why do I feel like I'm the girl, and you're the guy? All those things you said, that's what a guy is supposed to say."

"That's not funny! I'm being serious here," Lila retorted, crossing her arms and looking away.

Kevin's smile faded as he replied, "Okay, Dora, now I'm serious. I don't love Purmel. I just love the love story that she and Kenia shared. Ever since I saw you on that roof two years ago, I fell for you. When you took my lollipop and ran away, I chased after you, but you were gone. I didn't even know your name, let alone how to get you to be mine. But then I saw your sister with my brother, thinking it was you. I felt disappointed because her eyes weren't melon-shaped, and the way she talked was different from my Dora-like dream girl. But still, I didn't give up because I was ready to steal you away from my brother, even if it took me years. I even decided to be the bad guy. I couldn't sleep that night, thinking that you would be in the hands of my brother made me sick. Then the next day, I got ready and decided to discuss business-related stuff with my father, only to find you at home with Mom. I got to know that you are a twin, and you are my same Dora. Still, to me, very well, Lila Xia, 'I' 'LOVE' 'YOU'." With that declaration, he kissed her again.

The kiss was once again passionate and deep, and Kevin couldn't help but hold her tightly. After a few minutes, they broke apart to catch their breath.

"I love you too, Kevin. I love you," Lila Xia confessed with a slightly red face due to blushing.

"Damn, Dora, you're reallly beautiful. I can't get enough of you. Let's get married tomorrow," Kevin Mar proposed while still holding her.

Lila was taken aback. "Wait, what?! We can't! I'm not ready, and besides, we haven't even told our parents yet."

"But we can inform them after the marriage, right before the wedding. How does that sound?" Kevin Mar suggested, kissing her neck.

Lila Xia could feel something hard poking her abdomen, and she knew that she had awakened the beast in him. She felt an urge to escape from the bathroom before things got too heated.

"Dora, what do you think about the idea?" Kevin asked eagerly.

She replied, "I think we should get married after we tell our families, okay?"

Before Kevin could respond, he received a text from Justin: 'Hey bro, stop messing around with her. Get out of the bathroom; everyone left, it's just us.' Kevin knew what Justin meant, so he reluctantly placed Lila down.

"Let's go, Dora. Everyone has left already," he said, and they left the bathroom together.


Back in the ward, Justin and Skylar were brainstorming ideas on how to make Luna Gomez and Wang Xia renew their vows and have a wedding again.

Justin was a bit skeptical, asking Skylar, "How will we make it happen, Mi Lady? I don't think it's possible."

Skylar, however, had a clever idea. She suggested, "Now I know, let's throw a surprise wedding for them, and also include Uncle Joel and Anita. How does that sound?"

Before Skylar could finish her thought, Lila and Kevin emerged from the bathroom. They seemed to have been occupied, as Lila was blushing and had love bites on her neck.

Skylar couldn't help but tease her sister. She whispered in Lila's ear, "It seems like you're going to be having a baby soon, sis, because you look dolled up with love bites."

Lila playfully scolded Skylar, "Skylar, your behavior! It seems like Justin has taught you some naughty tricks."

Skylar laughed and retorted, "What you said is wrong. I was the one who actually taught him dirty tricks, right babe?" She winked at Justin, who joined in the laughter.

Kevin, blushing slightly, interjected, "Mi Lady, don't pressure them too much. Let's get back to what we were discussing."

Kevin's brother, Justin, quickly redirected the conversation. "What were you discussing?"

Skylar responded, "We were planing a surprise wedding for Mom and Dad, so they can renew their vows. We thought we'd include Uncle Joel and Anita in the plan. We were thinking of having it next week."

With that, the focus shifted back to planning the surprise wedding for the two couples.