Xia Empire

At the Xia company, every corner was buzzing with activity and filled with employees who were deeply focused on their work. It was a place where productivity and excellence were not just encouraged but expected. No one wanted to be on the bad side of their formidable boss, Wang Xia, as they knew all too well that a single mistake could shatter their reputation and jeopardize their career. As a result, everyone was perpetually on their toes, their minds sharp and attentive, ensuring that not even the slightest error escaped their grasp.

Wang Xia, the king of the business world, was a man of commanding presence and breathtaking charisma. His striking looks had earned him the title of the most handsome man in country B during his youth, and even as he aged gracefully, his charm remained unrivaled. Emotionless and enigmatic, Wang Xia exuded an aura of power and authority that left an indelible impression on anyone who crossed his path.

Standing in his expansive office, which offered a panoramic view of the bustling city below, Wang Xia gazed down at the numerous companies he had effortlessly taken over. With just a flick of his finger, he could alter the course of the business landscape, and his decisions were regarded as indisputable. It was no wonder that no one dared to challenge him; his statements were akin to immutable laws that governed the corporate world.

As Wang Xia stood by the window, lost in thought, a slight knock interrupted his reverie. He turned around to find Mu Tang, his capable and loyal secretary, entering the room. Mu Tang, an intelligent and handsome man in his late thirties, had a distinct air of professionalism that complemented his medicated eyeglasses. With utmost respect, he approached Wang Xia and placed a stack of files on the impeccably designed office desk.

"President Xia, here are the files you asked for this morning," Mu Tang said, bowing slightly as a sign of deference.

Wang Xia acknowledged his secretary's efficiency with a nod, "Thank you, Mu Tang."

Mu Tang, ever diligent, took the opportunity to update Wang Xia on the progress of the birthday preparations for the twins. With his tablet in hand, he reported, "We are almost done with the preparations, sir. The only remaining item is the birthday cakes, and I've been informed that they are ready for the celebration."

Wang Xia's countenance softened as he considered his daughters, Skylar and Lila, who were about to celebrate their special day. "Good," he replied warmly, "I want everything to be perfect for them. Their happiness is all that matters."

His thoughts briefly drifted to the framed photograph on the wall, capturing a moment of bliss when his late wife stood beside him, radiating love and joy, with their two beloved daughters by her side. The picture was a cherished reminder of the family he held dear, and he vowed to protect and nurture his daughters' well-being with unwavering determination.

Recalling the present moment, Wang Xia addressed Mu Tang again, "Is my schedule for today free after lunch?"

"Yes, President Xia, your schedule is clear after lunch," Mu Tang confirmed, efficiently checking the itinerary.

"Good, then," Wang Xia said with finality, subtly indicating that the meeting was over.

With another respectful bow, Mu Tang left the room, leaving Wang Xia to focus on the remaining tasks for the day. As he delved into the paperwork on his desk, his thoughts often wandered to his daughters and their upcoming birthday celebration.


In the Xia Twins Villa, a grand and luxurious abode within the compound, Skylar Xia was lazily waking up from her slumber. Her bedroom was adorned with opulent furnishings, and the dark curtains shrouding the windows shielded her from the brightness of the day. Meanwhile, Lila, her identical twin sister, was the polar opposite; she was more assertive and organized, and she was already wide awake, her mind buzzing with the day's plans.

"Skylar, what's up with you today?" Lila called out to her sister with a hint of exasperation in her voice.

Barely opening her eyes, Skylar responded in her lazy tone, "Lila, can't I get a few more minutes of sleep?"

Frustrated, Lila couldn't believe her sister's forgetfulness, especially on such an important day. "Skylar, today is our birthday, and you've forgotten it again!" Lila retorted, her annoyance becoming evident.

Skylar finally managed to sit up, her curiosity piqued by her sister's claim, "Wait, really? I forgot again? Oh no, I've been having this weird dream lately, and it keeps distracting me."

In a dreamy tone, Skylar Xia leaned in towards her sister, Lila, and began to narrate her vivid dream. "Lila, you won't believe the dream I had last night! I found myself in a stunning palace garden, surrounded by enchanting flowers and a gentle breeze. And there he was, a mysterious guy standing under the moonlight."

Lila raised an intrigued eyebrow. "Go on, tell me more," she urged.

Skylar blushed, reliving the moment. "He had this mesmerizing smile and kind eyes. I couldn't resist, so I approached him. As we talked, there was something magical about the connection we shared. It felt like time stood still."

A playful smirk danced on Lila's lips. "And then what happened?" she prodded.

Skylar's cheeks turned even rosier. "Well, as we continued talking, the atmosphere grew more intense. And then, out of nowhere, he leaned in and kissed me," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

Lila gasped, pretendiing to be shocked. "Skylar Xia, a stolen kiss in a palace garden! How romantic!"

Skylar giggled, trying to shake off her embarrassment. "It was just a dream, Lila. But it felt so real. I can't stop thinking about it," she confessed, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Maybe it's a sign, Skye," Lila teased, nudging her sister playfully. "Perhaps it's time to let yourself be open to new adventures and romance."

Skylar pondered her sister's words, a dreamy smile still lingering on her lips. "Maybe you're right," she said, feeling a surge of anticipsation for whatever the future might hold. Little did she know that fate had intriguing plans in store for her beyond the confines of dreams and the boundaries of a palace garden.

Amused by her sister's explanation, Lila tried to suppress her smile, "A weird dream, huh? Well, you better get up and get dressed now. We have a big day ahead of us, and I won't let you forget our birthday this time."

With a resigned sigh, Skylar conceded, "Fine, fine, I'll get up. But seriously, I think I need to see a psychologist or something. These dreams are driving me crazy."

Ignoring her sister's musings, Lila left the room, fully aware that Skylar would take her time to get ready. As the more organized and responsible twin, Lila had taken on the role of keeping track of important dates and events. She had been planning their birthday celebration meticulously, and she hoped everything would go as planned.

Skylar, the more carefree and artistic of the twins, and Lila, the organized and responsible one, shared an unbreakable bond. They were inseparable not only as sisters but also as best friends. Their vibrant personalities were complemented by their group of close friends, who were an integral part of their lives.


In the luxurious Xia Mansion, Wang Xia arrived, and his presence immediately commanded respect and admiration. As he entered the opulent living room, an old butler, who had served the Xia family for generations, bowed respectfully.

"Master Xia, everything is set according to your orders. The twins will be arriving any minute now," the butler informed him.

Wang Xia acknowledged the butler's words with a nod, appreciating his dedication to detail. He then made his way to the Xia garden, where the birthday celebration would be hosted. The garden was a haven of natural beauty, adorned with an array of flowers, fruit trees, and medicinal herbs. It was a testament to his late wife's love for nature, and he had maintained it as a tribute to her memory.

The sight that greeted him was breathtaking. The garden was adorned with various flowers in hues of blue, purple, and pink, creating an enchanting atmosphere. In the center of it all, a magnificent decoration stood tall, displaying the letters "S" and "L" made of pink flowers, representing the initials of Skylar and Lila.

Wang Xia couldn't help but smile as he admired the effort put into the decorations. He had always been a firm believer in celebrating life's precious moments, and his daughters' birthdays held a special place in his heart.

The old butler, who had been following Wang Xia, received a call and discreetly excused himself to answer it. It was a message informing him that the twins had arrived. With a sense of urgency, he informed Wang Xia, "Master Xia, the twins have arrived."

"Thank you," Wang Xia replied, tiurning to make his way back to the living room to meet his beloved daughters.

In the living room, Skylar and Lila sat elegantly on the sofas, their composed expressions betraying their excitement for the day's celebrations. Skylar wore a knee-length, sleeveless black dress that accentuate her graceful figure, while Lila looked equally stunning in her lavender skirt and white turtleneck shirt. The twins had their hair styled in buns, reflecting their chic and sophisticated personalities.

Their father, Wang Xia, entered the room with a warm smile on his face. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and love as he looked at his daughters. "My beautiful angels, you both look absolutely elegant," he praised, his affectionate gaze flitting between them.

Skylar and Lila beamed at their father's compliment. "Thank you, Dad," they chorused in unison.

Wang Xia stepped closer to them and hugged them tightly. "How have you both been doing?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I've been great since I'm together with Lila," Skylar replied with a cute smile, teasing her sister playfully.

Lila rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her own smile. "Of course, you'll say that since you are the lazy one," she retorted, playfully poking Skylar's side.

Wang Xia chuckled at their banter, appreciating the bond his daughters shared. "It seems my angels are getting along well," he remarked with fondness, patting their cheeks affectionately.

The twins nodded in agreement, and Lila added, "We are thrilled about the birthday celebration, Dad. We've invited our close friends to join us."

Wang Xia's smile widened at their enthusiasm. "Of course, my dear angels. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Let's make it a memorable day for all of you," he said, his love for his daughters shining in his eyes.

With the preparations for the birthday celebration in full swing, the Xia Mansion buzzed with activity. Invitations had been sent out to the twins' close friends, and the guest list included some of the most influential families and business figures in the country. The grandeur of the event matched the magnitude of the Xia family's status, and Wang Xia ensured that no detail was overlooked.


Meanwhile, at Country M's national airport, Justin Mar was preparing to board his private jet for a business trip to Canberra. He was the second young master of the Mar family, known for their influential wine business. Justin, however, had chosen to follow his passion for architecture and founded his own company, High-level.

As he approached the private jet, he noticed a familiar figure in a professional suit walking towards him. It was his elder brother, Kevin Mar, the CEO of Mar Wine. Kevin's face was serious, and he looked like he had something important to discuss.

"Brother, you just seem to find me wherever I go," Justin greeted with a slight smile, observing his brother's stern demeanor.

Kevin nodded, acknowledging his brother's presence. "You're leaving the country without saying goodbye," he stated with a straight face.

Justin raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "What do you want this time?" he asked, knowing that his brother rarely approached him without reason.

"I want you to go to Country B and meet up with Feng Ting," Kevin replied, his tone indicating the urgency of the matter.

Justin sighed, his initial excitement about his business trip waning. "Can't you tell Sis she's with him currently?" he questioned, referring to their sister and her relationship with Feng Ting.

Kevin's expression darkened slightly, and he explained, "I don't want her to get involved in this. It's better if you handle it."

Justin reluctantly agreed, knowing that Kevin had his reasons. "Alright, fine. I'll meet with Feng Ting after I'm done with my work in Canberra," he conceded, trying to balance his personal life and professional commitments.

Kevin nodded in approval. "Thank you, Justin. I appreciate your understanding," he said, visibly relieved that his brother had agreed to help

Kevin's serious expression remained unwavering, showing the weight of the situation they were about to encounter.

"Justin, I need you to be careful in your dealings with Feng Ting," Kevin advised, his voice tinged with concern. "His connections and affiliations run deep, and we must tread carefully."

Justin nodded, understanding the gravity of his brother's warning. "I'll be cautious, Kevin. I know this is more than just a casual meeting," he replied, acknowledging the potential implications for their family.

Kevin placed a reassuring hand on Justin's shoulder. "Thank you for taking this on, Justin. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary," he said, genuine appreciation in his eyes.

With a nod of mutual understanding, the brothers parted ways, each embarking on their separate journeys. As Justin delved into the unknown thought, he couldn't help but wonder how this encounter would unfold