the Xia garden


6:45 pm

The Xia Mansion's garden was abuzz with anticipation and excitement as the invited guests gathered for the elite birthday party. Among the early arrivals was a lady dressed in a stunning white Gucci dress. Restlessly tapping her heels on the perfectly manicured lawn, she couldn't help but express her concern to the guy standing nearby. "Oh God, I wonder why the Xia twins are taking so long. I've been here for almost an hour already!"

Her companion, sporting a charming smile, teasingly replied, "Maybe they're still in America. You know how they can get lost in their own world sometimes."

"I pray they don't do that or else I will never... wait, look!" Her words trailed off as her gaze locked onto the sight before her.

Two striking figures gracefully entered the garden, with a man in a black tuxedo accompanying them. The twins, Lila and Skylar Xia, looked absolutely breathtaking in their white qipaos adorned with intricate golden embroidery. Their hair was styled in elegant buns, accented by a golden butterfly hairpin. Their makeup was subtle yet enhancing, and their matching Tiffany accessories exuded sophistication. They wore customized red-bottomed glass high heels, adding an air of regal confidence to their steps.

The garden fell silent as the guests were captivated by the twins' beauty and aura. Nobody dared to utter a word as the twins and their father, Wang Xia, made their way towards the gathering. The trio exuded power and authority, leaving an indelible impression on everyone present.

Lily couldn't take her eyes off the twins as they approached. "Wow, they look like goddesses," she whispered to Feng Ting, her heart racing with admiration.

Feng Ting smiled, his gaze never leaving Lily. "They do. But you're my goddess," he said, pulling her closer and planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

Lily blushed, feeling the warmth of his affection. She couldn't help but feel grateful for Feng Ting's love and support. He had been her pillar of strength, and she knew she was fortunate to have him by her side.

As the twins and Wang Xia reached the center of the garden, the guests rose from their seats and bowed respectfully, acknowledging the presence of the esteemed Xia family. Lila and Skylar seated themselves on their designated royal-like chairs, radiating poise and composure.

Wang Xia took the stage, his voice commanding the attention of the guests. "Happy birthday to my two beautiful angels," he began, his affection for his daughters evident in his eyes. "I have been waiting for this day to come so that I can give you both the gift I have always wanted to. And now, the time has come for you two to become the CEOs of the Xia Empire. Happy 23rd birthday, Lila Xia and Skylar Xia!"

The garden erupted in applause and cheers as the significance of Wang Xia's words sank in. The twins, humbled by their father's decision, hugged him tightly, their hearts overflowing with gratitude. Skylar's eyes glistened with emotion as she said, "Thaank you so much, Dad. We are really happy you are finally taking your place as the chairman of the Xia Empire."

Lila, equally moved, chimed in, "Yes, Dad, it is time for you to have time for yourself. You have given the Xia Empire your lifetime and energy for almost thirty years."

Wang Xia, touched by their sentiments, lightly patted their cheeks, "You two are teasing me, right?" he asked, his voice tinged with emotion.

The twins giggled, their playful spirits shining through. "Maybe a little, Dad," Skylar said with a mischievous grin.

Lila added, "But we really mean it. You deserve this time for yourself."

Wang Xia's heart swelled with pride and love for his daughters. "Thank you, my angels. Your happiness is all that matters to me," he said, his voice full of affection.

As the celebrations continued, Wang Xia excused himself to attend a meeting with the board of directors regarding an important contract with the 212 perfume company. He entrusted the celebration to his daughters, knowing they would handle it with grace and charm.

In a corner of the garden, the twins discussed their upcoming business trip to Canberra, Australia. Their excitement was palpable as they spoke about the city's renowned collection of Aboriginal art.

"Canberra sounds like the perfect place for a vacation," Skylar exclaimed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Lila agreed, her face glowing with excitement, "Oh, please, Skylar, I know you like Canberra. Let's spend two weeks there!"

Feng Ting and Lily, who had joined the twins, exchanged a knowing smile. They admired the twins' strong bond and how effortlessly they understood each other's desires.

Feng Ting wrapped an arm around Lily's waist, pulling her close. "I think you're going to have a fantastic time there," he said, his eyes filled with love and admiration for his meerkat.

Lily blushed, feeling his affectionate gaze on her. "With you by my side, every place becomes fantastic," she replied, leaning into his embrace.

Skylar, noticing the tender moment between Lily and Feng Ting, couldn't resist teasing. "Oh, come on, lovebirds, leave some romance for the rest of us!"

Lila chuckled, playfully adding, "Yeah, we don't want to be third-wheeling on your vacation!"

Feng Ting and Lily laughed together with the twins

As the evening transformed into a magical setting, adorned with twinkling lights and lanterns. The atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and the sweet melodies of a live band playing in the background. Guests mingled and exchanged stories, cherishing the moments they spent together.

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Wang Xia gathered with the board of directors and major shareholders of the Xia Empire. The meeting room exuded an air of formality, but Wang Xia's calm demeanor put everyone at ease.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Wang Xia began, his voice commanding attention. "I apologize for leaving the party briefly, but there are some important matters we need to discuss."

The shareholders nodded respectfully, acknowledging the significance of the meeting. They had always admired Wang Xia's leadership and foresight, and they knew this meeting held great importance for the future of the Xia Empire.

"We are here to discuss the contract with the 212 perfume company," Wang Xia continued. "This collaboration has the potential to be a game-changer for our business, and I believe it will open new doors for us in the international market."

The shareholders listened attentively as Wang Xia elaborated on the details of the contract and the potential benefits it could bring. His words were persuasive, and his vision for the Xia Empire's growth was inspiring.

"I understand that some of you might have concerns or questions," Wang Xia said, inviting a discussion. "I assure you that we have carefully considered all aspects of this collaboration, and we believe it is in the best interest of the company."

One shareholder raised a hand, expressing a concern about potential risks associated with the collaboration. Wang Xia patiently addressed their worries, presenting a detailed risk assessment and outlining the strategies in place to mitigate any adverse effects.

Throughout the meeting, Wang Xia's professionalism and deep understanding of the business impressed the shareholders. His confidence in the Xia Empire's capabilities reassured them that they were in capable hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia," one shareholder said, appreciating the clarity of Wang Xia's presentation. "I must say, your passion for the company is evident in every word you speak. We trust your judgment, and we are fully supportive of this collaboration."

The sentiment was echoed by the other shareholders, and Wang Xia's smile reflected his gratitude. "I am humbled by your trust and support," he said. "Together, we will continue to grow the Xia Empire and make it a force to be reckoned with in the business world."

With unanimous approval from the shareholders, the meeting concluded on a positive note. They were confident in Wang Xia's leadership, and they knew that the collaboration with the 212 perfume company would propel the Xia Empire to new heights.

Back in the garden, the party was in full swing. Guests danced under the stars, celebrating the birthday of the Xia twins and the bright future that awaited them. Skylar and Lila, with their playful spirits, joined in the dance, moving gracefully with their friends and family.

Feng Ting and Lily shared a tender moment, swaying to the music in each other's arms. Their love and affection were palpable, and they felt grateful to be part of such a joyous occasion.

As the night continued, Wang Xia returned to the garden, a smile on his face as he witnessed the happiness surrounding his daughters. Skylar and Lila's laughter filled the air as they shared stories with their friends, making cherished memories on their special day.

Wang Xia approached his daughters, his heart swelling with pride and love. "My angels, I am so proud of the strong, capable women you have become," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "As you take on the responsibilities of being CEOs of the Xia Empire, know that I have complete faith in your abilities."

Skylar and Lila hugged their father tightly, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping them. "Thank you, Dad," Skylar said, her eyes shining with gratitude. "We couldn't have asked for a better mentor and role model."

Lila added, "You have taught us to be strong, compassionate, and resilient. We promise to make you proud."

Wang Xia's eyes glistened with tears of happiness. "You already have," he said, his voice soft with emotion. "Seeing the remarkable women you have become is my greatest achievement."

As the night wore on, the celebration continued, and the bond between the Xia family and their friends grew stronger. The Xia twins, with their infectious smiles and kind hearts, were surrounded by love and well-wishes from everyone present.

In the embrace of love, laughter, and support, the Xia twins embraced their roles as future CEOs of the Xia Empire. They knew that with their father's guidance and the unwavering support of their loved ones, they were ready to face any challenge that came their

As the night continued, Wang Xia returned to the garden, a smile on his face as he witnessed the happiness surrounding his daughters. Skylar and Lila's laughter filled the air as they shared stories with their friends, making cherished memories on their special day.

Wang Xia approached his daughters, his heart swelling with pride and love. "My angels, I am so proud of the strong, capable women you have become," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "As you take on the responsibilities of being CEOs of the Xia Empire, know that I have complete faith in your abilities."

Skylar and Lila hugged their father tightly, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping them. "Thank you, Dad," Skylar said, her eyes shining with gratitude. "We couldn't have asked for a better mentor and role model."

Lila added, ""You have taught us to be strong, compassionate, and resilient. We promise to make you proud."

Wang Xia's eyes glistened with tears of happiness. "You already have," he said, his voice soft with emotion. "Seeing the remarkable women you have become is my greatest achievement."

As the night wore on, the celebration continued, and the bond between the Xia family and their friends grew stronger. The Xia twins, with their infectious smiles and kind heartss, were surrounded by love and well-wishes from everyone present.

In the embrace of love, laughter, and support, the Xia twins embraced their roles as future CEOs of the Xia Empire. They knew that with their father's guidance and the unwavering support of their loved ones, they were ready to face any challenge that came their way,.

As the stars sparkled above, they symbolized the bright future that awaited Lila and Skylar Xia. With determination in their hearts and love in their souls, they were ready to lead the Xia Empire into a new era of success and prosperity. The Xia Garden would forever hold the memories of this unforgettable night, a night of love, unity, and the celebration of a family's leegacy.