night of love and departure

After the enchanting birthday party, the Xia twins, Skylar and Lila, returned to their luxurious villa, feeling both exhausted and exhilarated. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the warm glow of soft lighting and the soothing fragrance of scented candles that adorned their living room.

"Dad, thank you so much for the party. We really appreciate it, but we have to go back to our Villa," Skylar said respectfully, her voice tinged with fatigue.

"Angel, won't you two spend the night here?" Wang Xia requested, his eyes filled with love for his daughters.

"Dad, but..." Lila began to protest, only to be gently interrupted by her father.

"No buts. Besides, you two are going to leave country B and move on to country M because the East Xia Empire and West Xia Empire are over there, leaving me alone here. So please, just stay for the night," Wang Xia said calmly, though his expression showed a mix of emotions.

Skylar stepped forward, holding Wang Xia's hands with care and a loving smile on her face. "Dad, I and Lila will stay for the night if that will make you happy."

Lila chimed in, her voice slightly choked with emotion, "Yes, Dad, nothing means more to us than your happiness."

Wang Xia's eyes shimmered with affection, "Okay then, my angels, let's have dinner."

"Dad, I'm not really hungry, so I'm just going to head back to my bedroom and have a nap," Skylar said, her face expressing her exhaustion.

"I am really tired too, and besides, tomorrow, Skylar and I will be heading to Canberra for a business meeting, so we need to sleep early," Lila added, her excitement palpable.

"Canberra is a nice city to spend a vacation, so I guess you will have fun there. And please, don't get tricked by some kind of guy..." Wang Xia joked, earning a playful scold from his daughters.

"Dad!!!" the twins said with an annoyed look, cutting him off from his playful banter.

"I'm just joking, my angels. I hope you enjoy your stay over there," Wang Xia said with a hint of emotion in his voice.

"Okay, Dad, I think we will, especially since Lily Mar and Feng Ting are also coming. God, I need to get out of this qipao; I think it's the reason why I'm so tired," Lila said, venting her frustration.

"Me too," Skylar agreed, causing all of them to share a light laugh.

With goodnight kisses on their foreheads, the twins headed to their rooms to get some much-needed rest.

The next morning, the Xia twins, Lila and Skylar, woke up with groggy smiles, rubbing the sleep from their eyes as they stretched lazily in their cozy beds.

"Ugh, why does morning have to come so early?" Skylar mumbled, her voice still thick with drowsiness.

Lila chuckled, ",Tell me about it. I could use a few more hours of beauty sleep."

Skylar playfully glared at her sister, "Hey, watch it. You're already the prettiest girl I know."

Lila rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile tugging at her lips, "Oh, please. You just want to butter me up because we're going on that business trip today."

Skylar grinned mischievously, "Maybe I do, but you have to admit, it's exciting. I can't wait to see what Canberra has to offer."

As they got out of bed and headed to their bathroom, Lila replied, "True, it's going to be an adventure. But let's not forget, it's also about work. We need to impress those business folks!"

Skylar nodded, "You're right, sis. We'll show them what the Xia twins are made of!"

After freshening up and getting ready, the twins headed to their private gym for their morning workout session. As they started their warm-up exercises, Skylar couldn't help but tease her sister, "Lila, you know, you always look so serious when we start working out. It's like you're about to face a battlefield or something!"

Lila huffed playfully, "Well, someone has to keep us on track. And don't act like you're not competitive too!"

Skylar grinned, "Okay, you got me there. I love a little friendly competition, especially when it comes to you, my dear sister."

After their workout, they moved on to their meditation area to center their minds and find some inner peace. Lila closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, and said, "You know, Skylar, meditation really helps me stay focused. It's like a reset button for my mind."

Skylar nodded in agreement, "I totally get it. It's like taking a mental vacation, and it helps us handle all the craziness in our lives."

As they finished their morning routine, they headed to the kitchen, where their favorite chef had prepared a delicious and nutritious breakfast for them. Sitting at the breakfast bar, they chatted animatedly about the day ahead.

"I can't wait to get on that plane and explore Canberra," Skylar said, excitement shining in her eyes.

Lila took a sip of her orange juice, "Me too! And you know what's even better? We'll be making new memories with Lily Mar and Feng Ting."

Skylar's eyes sparkled, "That's right! I love those two. They're like family to us."

"Yeah, it's amazing how close we've become," Lila agreed, a soft smile on her face.

After breakfast, they helped their father with viewing some paperwork before preparing for their departure. As they gathered their belongings and headed out, they coiuldn't contain their enthusiasm.

"I wonder what new opportunities await us in Canberra," Skylar pondered.

Lila nodded, "I'm sure it'll be a fantastic experience. Let's make the most of it!"

As they left the Xia Mansion, the twins felt ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead. With a bond that only twins could understand, they knew they could conquer anything as long as they had each other by their side. And so, they set off on their journey, eager to embrace the opportunities that awaited them in Canberra.

Around 5:00 pm in the evening, Skylar and Lila bid farewell to Wang Xia and left the Xia Mansion to head to the airport. After an hour's journey, they finally reached the airport.

As the twins approached their private jet, adorned with the caption "XT" for Xia Twins, they noticed a dark blue Maserati with the license plate "Feng Ting." They knew instantly who it belonged to.

Exiting their Ferrari, they were welcomed by Lily Mar and Feng Ting stepping out of the Maserati. Lily Mar ran towards them and enveloped the twins in a warm hug.

"Girls, I'm so excited! It was hard to convince my parents and brothers," Lily Mar said with enthusiasm.

"Wow, tell us what happened!" Lila eagerly asked.

"Yes, Lily, do tell us," Skylar added, curious about the developments.

Lily Mar grinned mischievously, "Let's get on the plane first, and then I'll tell you everything."

"Wait, isn't Ting coming with us?" Lila inquired.

"He is. He's just on a phone call with one of my brothers. You know how protective they are of me," Lily Mar explained, grateful for Feng Ting's presence and support.

As Kevin Mar was preparing for his underground work, he received a call from Feng Ting. He picked up the phone and answered in a brisk tone, "Hey."

"Kevin, it's Feng Ting. I heard you wanted to talk to me?" Feng Ting's voice carried a sense of concern and curiosity.

"Yeah, I do," Kevin replied, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "Look, I found out that my sister Lily and you are heading to Canberra."

Feng Ting's eyebrows furrowed, sensing that there was more to Kevin's words than met the eye. "Yeah, that's right. Lily was really excited about the trip, and I wanted to join her."

"Be careful, Feng Ting," Kevin warned, his voice lowering. "Canberra is not as safe as it seems. I've been getting some strange vibes from there lately, and I don't want anything to happen to Lily or you."

Feng Ting's concern deepened, and he replied earnestly, "Don't worry, Kevin. I'll make sure Lily stays safe. I won't let anything happen to her."

"I appreciate that, Feng Ting. You've been like family to us," Kevin admitted, his tone softening. "I know I can trust you to look out for my sister."

"You can count on me, Kevin. Lily means everything to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe," Feng Ting reassured.

"Thanks, Feng Ting. I know you've always had Lily's back," Kevin said, feeling a sense of relief.

"Just like you've had mine," Feng Ting replied warmly. "We're family, Kevin. And family looks out for each other."

Kevin nodded, grateful for the support. "You're right. We are family, and I trust you."

As the conversation came to a close, Feng Ting added, "I promise you, Kevin, we'll be careful and stay alert during the trip. Lily and I will have each other's backs."

"Good to hear that. Take care, Feng Ting," Kevin said, feeling a sense of reassurance.

"You too, Kevin. If there's anything you need, just let me know," Feng Ting offered.

"I will. Thanks again," Kevin said, ending the call with a sense of relief that his sister would be in good hands during the trip.

Both Kevin and Feng Ting understood the value of family and the importance of protecting their loved ones. As the call ended, Feng Ting felt a strong sense of responsibility to keep Lily safe, while Kevin knew that he could trust his sister's happiness in Feng Ting's hands. With a renewed sense of purpose, they both prepared for the journey ahead, knowing that their bond would withstand any challenges that came their way.

"I'm back, meerkat," Feng Ting said, finally joining them and planting a kiss on Lily Mar's lips.

"Who took you away from me?" Lily Mar pouted playfully.

"Your brother," Feng Ting chuckled, brushing her hair away from her forehead tenderly.

"The freak or the rude one?" Lily Mar asked, referring to her two brothers.

"The rude one," Feng Ting replied, teasingly imitating her.

"I knew it was him!" Lily Mar exclaimed, sharing a laugh with Skylar and Lila.

Skylar playfully commented, "You two are so cute."

Lila added with mock annoyance, "Yes, they just can't stop being lovey-dovey all the time."

Once on the private jet, the atmosphere was filled with excitement as the Xia twins settled into their places. Lily Mar and Feng Ting joined them, taking seats nearby. The four friends were eager to catch up and continue their playful banter.

"So, spill the beans, Lily! How did you manage to convince your parents and brothers to let you join us on this trip?" Skylar asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Lily Mar leaned back in her seat, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Oh, you know me. I pulled out all the charm and persuasion I could muster. I may be the youngest, but I'm also the most persuasive."

Lila laughed, "No doubt about that. You're like a force of nature when you want something."

Feng Ting chimed in, "I can vouch for that. She's a little tornado."

Lily Mar playfully poked his side, "Hey, you love me anyway, right?"

"Of course, I do, Meerkat," Feng Ting replied, pulling her into a warm hug.

As the plane's engines roared to life, the cabin crew announced that they were preparing for takeoff. Lily Mar clutched Feng Ting's hand tightly, showing her rare vulnerable side. "I still get a little nervous during takeoffs."

Feng Ting squeezed her hand reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'm here with you. We'll be up in the air before you know it."

Lila, watching the sweet interaction, nudged Skylar and whispered, "See? They really are a cute couple."

Skylar smirked, "Totally lovey-dovey. But hey, at least it's entertaining."

As the plane ascended, Lily Mar's nerves settled, and she let out a sigh of relief. "You know, I can never get used to flying. But it's worth it to be with all of you."

"Aw, Meerkat, we wouldn't be the same without you," Lila said, reaching across the aisle to hold Lily Mar's hand.

The plane journey was filled with laughter and joy, and the time flew by as they shared stories and inside jokes. The twins and their friends felt a deep connection that only grew stronger with each passing moment.

All four of them chatted happily throughout the flight, their excitement growing for their adventure in Canberra.


Back at Country M, Kevin Mar was dealing with the complexities of his underground work. Unable to risk communicating with Feng Ting through the phone, he decided to contact Justin.

"Hey, Justin," Kevin spoke in a cold tone.

"Hey, bro, missed me already?" Justin replied, sensing the seriousness in his brother's voice.

"It's not about that. Feng Ting and Lily are heading to Canberra," Kevin said nonchalantly.

"Why? What happened?" Justin asked, curious about the sudden trip.

"I don't really know. I haven't told them you're there. So, in the next few hours, just meet up with Feng Ting and do what I asked you to," Kevin instructed.

"Alright, fine," Justin agreed, understanding the urgency in his brother's request, and the call ended.

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, a storm was brewing in Canberra, and the Xia twins were about to face challenges they never saw coming.