The arrival in Canberra

After reaching the airport in Canberra, a sleek black Lamborghini with a customized plate number reading "XT" in pure gold pulled up. A man dressed in black stepped out of the car and bowed respectfully, greeting the Xia twins.

"Good afternoon, young Miss Lila Xia and young Miss Skylar Xia," the man, Steve Wang, greeted them.

"Steve Wang, I can't believe we're meeting again," Skylar Xia replied nonchalantly.

"Miss Xia, please follow me," Steve gestured towards the Lamborghini with a slight smile.

"Hey, Steve, you still remember us after all this time," Lila Xia said with a playful grin.

"Of course, how could I forget the famous Xia twins?" Steve chuckled as they walked towards the luxurious car.

As they approached the car, another one arrived, a fire-red BMW. It seemed to be meant for Feng Ting, as Steve welcomed him and Lily Mar into the car.

"Sorry for the disrespect earlier, young master Feng, young Miss Mar. I wasn't informed you were coming to Australia," Steve Wang apologized, his tone apologetic.

"It's okay, since Miss Mar isn't offended by your act," Feng Ting replied indifferently.

Steve made a quick phone call, and within minutes, another car arrived to take Skylar and Lila to their meeting with Wang Cooperation. As they drove, Skylar spoke up, "The Xia twins never spoke of any meeting."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. They are having a collaboration with Wang Cooperation. Since XT is launching a clothing line, they decided to partner up with Wang Cooperation because EW is under it," Lily Mar explained while trying to wriggle out of Feng Ting's embrace.

"Baby, is EW Emma Wang's brand," Feng Ting clarified, enjoying her playful response.

"Do I really need to answer this question?" Lily Mar teased, slightly annoyed.

"Okay, I'm sorry, meerkat. I won't ask any more questions. Happy?" Feng Ting playfully touched the tip of her nose.

"Yes," Lily Mar replied, her annoyance fading into a gentle smile.

As the black Lamborghini pulled away from the airport, Lily Mar and Feng Ting settled into their seats, enjoying each other's company. The luxurious interior of the car provided a sense of comfort as they embarked on their journey.

"Canberra is a beautiful city, isn't it?" Lily Mar said, gazing out of the tinted window at the passing scenery.

"It certainly is, just like you," Feng Ting replied with a soft smile, his eyes fixed on her.

Lily blushed slightly, playfully rolling her eyes. "You always know how to make me blush, Feng Ting."

"Only because you're incredibly easy to love," he said, reaching for her hand and intertwining their fingers.

Lily leaned her head on his shoulder, feeling a sense of warmth and security. "I still can't believe you asked me to marry you the first time we met," she said, reminiscing about their unusual love story.

Feng Ting chuckled, brushing her cheek with his thumb. "Well, you had the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. It was like the sun breaking through the cllouds on a gloomy day."

"You really know how to be poetic, don't you?" Lily replied, amused.

"I can't help it when I'm with you. You bring out the best in me," he said sincerely.

The car drove through the streets of Canberra, and they arrived at the luxurious Crown Plaza Resort. The grandeur of the place was impressive, and Lily was excited about their stay.

"I can't believe we get to stay in a place like this," Lily said, her eyes widening in awe.

Feng Ting smiled, pleased to see her excitement. "You deserve nothing but the best, my love."

As they entered the resort, the receptionist greeted them warmly. "Welcome to the Crown Plaza Resort, Mr. Feng, Miss Mar. We hope you enjoy your stay with us."

"Thank you," Lily replied, her excitement evident in her voice.

Feng Ting completed the check-in process, and they were shown to their suite. The opulent room featured a breathtaking view of the city, and the spacious layout exuded luxury.

Lily jumped on the plush bed, sinking into its softness. "This is like a dream come true!"

Feng Ting chuckled, joining her on the bed. "You deserve to have all your dreams come true, Lily Mar."

Lily turned to face him, her eyes filled with affection. "And you are my biggest dream, Feng Ting."

Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Feng Ting leaned in, and their lips met in a tender kiss, filled with loave and passion.

"I love you, Lily," Feng Ting whispered against her lips.

"I love you too, Feng Ting," she replied, a smile gracing her lips.

with that they couldn't just forget the day they;


Flashback to two years back....

Lily Mar was strolling through the beautifully landscaped gardens of the Mar mansion, enjoying the tranquility and the colorful blooms that surrounded her. It was a sunny afternoon, and the gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of flowers, adding to the enchanting ambiance.

As she turned a corner, she was taken aback to find a tall, handsome man standing in her path. He had striking features and an air of confidence that commanded attention. His deep, dark eyes seemed to hold a world of secrets, and his dark hair was swept back in a casually elegant style.

Lily was momentarily speechless, feeling a flutter of nerves as she looked into his intense gaze. It was as if time had stopped, and she was captivated by the magnetic pull she felt towards this stranger.

Breaking the silence, the man smiled warmly at her, his lips curling into a charming grin. "Hello," he said, his voice smooth and velvety.

"Hi," Lily replied, her heart racing in her chest. "Can I help you with something?"

The man extended his hand towards her, a gesture of politeness. "I'm Feng Ting, a friend of the Mar brothers. I'm visiting from country B."

Lily's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, you're the friend they were talking about. I'm Lily Mar, the youngest sister."

Feng Ting's smile widened. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lily Mar. Your brothers have told me so much about you."

Lily blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and embarrassment. "I hope they haven't embarrassed me too much."

Feng Ting chuckled softly. "Not at all. They speak highly of you."

As they continued chatting, Lily found herself drawn to Feng Ting's charismatic personality and his ability to make her feel at ease. He had a way of making her laugh, and she felt like she could be herself around him.

As the afternoon turned into evening, they found themselves sitting on a bench in a secluded corner of the garden, engrossed in conversation. Time seemed to fly by as they shared stories and discovered common interests.

"You know," Feng Ting said, looking at her thoughtfully, "I've never met someone like you before. You have this light in you, a warmth that's truly captivating."

Lily blushed again, feeling a mixture of flattery and vulnerability. "Thank you. You're not like anyone I've met either. There's something about you that's both intriguing and mysterious."

Feng Ting smiled softly, his eyes holding hers. "Maybe it's fate that brought us together."

Lily's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't deny the spark she felt between them. It was as if they had known each other for much longer than just a few hours.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the garden, Feng Ting reached out and took Lily's hand in his. The touch sent shivers down her spine, and she felt a rush of emotions she couldn't quite explain.

In that moment, they both knew that something special had happened between them, a connection that was beyond words. Their first meeting had sparked a flame that would grow into a love that was destined to change their lives forever.

And so, in the gardens of the Mar Mansion, amidst the beauty of nature and the magic of destiny, Lily Mar and Feng Ting began a love story that would transcend time and distance, bringing two souls together in a journey of love, passion, and devotion.


As they arrived at Wang Cooperation, Skylar and Lila Xia were greeted by Emma Wang, the CEO of the company. Emma was an elegant woman with a strong presence, and she had a warm smile that instantly put people at ease.

As the Xia twins, Skylar and Lila, entered the office of Emma Wang at Wang Cooperation, they were greeted with warm smiles. Emma was an elegant woman, always dressed impeccably in her signature power suits, exuding confidence and grace.

"Skylar, Lila, it's so wonderful to see you both," Emma said, rising from her chair to give them each a hug.

"It's great to see you too, Emma," Skylar replied, returning the hug. "You look stunning, as always."

Lila nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, you always have a way of making a statement with your style."

Emma laughed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Well, you two are no less stylish. XT has taken the fashion world by storm, and I couldn't be prouder of you both."

The twins blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, Emma," Lila said. "Your support means the world to us."

Emma motioned for them to take a seat. "Please, have a seat. I've heard about your collaboration with EW, and I must say, it's a brilliant move."

Skylar grinned. "We're really excited about it. EW has such a strong presence in Australia, and we believe this partnership will take both our brands to new heights."

Emma nodded in agreement. "I couldn't agree more. It's a win-win situation for both XT and EW."

As they discussed the collaboration, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and genuine camaraderie. Emma and the Xia twins had been friends for years, having met at a fashion event in their early twenties. Since then, they had supported and encouraged each other's ventures, forming a bond that went beyond business.

After the meeting, as they were leaving the office, Emma pulled Skylar aside for a private chat. Lila winked at them, playfully teasing before stepping out of earshot.

"Skylar, can I ask you something personal?" Emma said, her expression serious.

"Of course, Emma. You can always ask me anything," Skylar replied, concerned.

Emma hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's about Feng Ting. I've noticed that he and Lily are very close. Are know, together?"

Skylar's eyes softened, and a knowing smile played on her lips. "Yes, they are together. Feng Ting is deeply in love with Lily, and she feels the same way about him."

Emma's face lit up with excitement. "Oh, that's wonderful news! I always thought they had a special connection."

"They do," Skylar confirmed. "Feng Ting is a different person when he's with Lily. He's still the powerful and enigmatic CEO of Feng Entertainment, but she brings out a softer, more caring side of him."

"I'm so happy for them," Emma said, her voice tinged with emotion. "They make a beautiful couple."

"They really do," Skylar agreed. "And they complement each other in ways that are hard to put into words. Lily brings light into Feng Ting's life, and he brings stability and protection to hers."

"Please, have a seat," Emma said graciously, motioning towards the plush chairs in her office.

"thanks" Skylar and Lila replied

"Miss Wang, here are the documents you asked for," Steve Wang said, bowing and handing over the papers.

Emma Wang and Steve Wang were cousins, and although Steve was older, he respected Emma's dedication and hard work for the company.

" nice proposal , I like it " still wearing her warm smile as she glanced at the documents.

" we thought it would be a great opportunity to collaborate with Wang Cooperation," Skylar replied, taking a seat.

"Absolutely, we believe that our brands complement each other perfectly," Lila added, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Indeed, XT is renowned for its chic and contemporary designs, while EW is known for its timeless elegance. Together, we can create a powerful synergy," Emma said, her excitement matching that of the Xia twins.
