the bar

"So..." Emma Wang said with a mischievous look on her face, pausing for a dramatic effect. "Since the meeting was a success and we have everything settled, how about we celebrate with a little fashion show?"

"A fashion show?" Skylar Xia's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to showcase our designs on the runway."

"I'm in!" Lila Xia chimed in, her enthusiasm matching her sister's. "It's a great opportunity to introduce Ocean's Star to the world in a glamorous way."

Emma Wang grinned, pleased with their reactions. "I thought you'd both love the idea. Let's make it a joint fashion show featuring the best pieces from both EW and XT's Ocean's Star collection. It'll be a collaboration that will leave everyone in awe."

"I'm already imagining the models strutting down the runway in our designs," Skylar said, her mind racing with ideas.

"And we can choose a stunning location for the show," Lila added, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Emma Wang nodded in agreement. "Exactly! We'll make it a grand event that no one will forget."

Steve Wang, who had been observing the conversation, spoke up. "I'll handle all the logistics and make sure the event goes smoothly. We'll invite the top fashion influencers, celebrities, and buyers to witness the debut of Ocean's Star."

"It's going to be a game-changer for both our brands," Skylar said, a determined look in her eyes.

Lila Xia nodded, feeling inspired. "I can't wait to start working on the designs. We'll create pieces that will leave a lasting impression."

Emma Wang clapped her hands together. "That's the spirit! Let's make this fashion show a turning point for both EW and XT. The world won't know what hit them."

"So..." Emma Wang said with a mischievous look on her face, pausing for a dramatic effect. "Since the meeting was a success and we have everything settled, ,how about we celebrate with a little fashion show?"

"A fashion show?" Skylar Xia's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to showcase our designs on the runway."

"I'm in!" Lila Xia chimed in, her enthusasm matching her sister's. "It's a great opportunity to introduce Ocean's Star to the world in a glamorous way."

Emma Wang grinned, pleased with their reactions. "I thought you'd both love the idea. Let's make it a joint fashion show featuring the best pieces from both EW and XT's Ocean's Star collection. It'll be a collaboration that will leave everyone in awe."

"I'm already imagining the models strutting down the runway in our designs," Skylar said, her mind racing with ideas.

"And we can choose a stunning location for the show," Lila added, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Emma Wang nodded in agreement. "Exactly! We'll make it a grand event that no one will forget."

Steve Wang, who had been observing the conversation, spoke up. "I'll handle all the logistics and make sure the event goes smoothly. We'll invite the top fashion influencers, celebrities, and buyers to witness the debut of Ocean's Star."

"It's going to be a game-changer for both our brands," Skylar said, a determined look in her eyes.

Lila Xia nodded, feeling inspired. "I can't wait to start working on the designs. We'll create pieces that will leave a lasting impression."

Emma Wang clapped her hands together. "That's the spirit! Let's make this fashion show a turning point for both EW and XT. The world won't know what hit them."

As they continued to discuss their plans for the fashion show, the excitement in the room grew. They were all driven by the shared passion for fashion and the desire to make Ocean's Star a resounding success.

In the days that followed, Skylar and Lila Xia worked tirelessly, pouring their creativity into designing the perfect pieces for the fashion show. Emma Wang provided her expert input, guiding them to create a collection that would truly captivate the audience.

The day of the fashion show finally arrived, and the atmosphere backstage was electrifying. Models dressed in the exquisite Ocean's Star creations moved gracefully, getting ready to take the stage. The runway was set, and the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the show.

As the first model walked down the runway, the audience held their breath in anticipation. Skylar and Lila Xia watched from backstage, their hearts pounding with excitement and nerves.

The collection was met with awe and applause. Each design showcased the elegance and sophistication of Ocean's Star, leaving the audience mesmerized. The joiint collaboration of EW and XT proved to be a match made in fashion heaven.

After the show, fashion critics raved about the collection, declaring it a triumph for both brands. Buyers from around the world clamored to place orders for the Ocean's Star pieces, ensuring its global success.

As Skylar, Lila, Emma, and Steve Wang celebrated their achievement, they knew that the fashion show was just the beginning. Ocean's Star had made a splash in the industry, and their brands were now more prominent than ever and they decided to celebrate..


As the Xia twins and Emma divided to go to bar , Lila decided to call Lily Mar and Feng Ting to join them. She dialed Lily's number and was surprised when Feng Ting picked up.

"Why did you call?" Feng Ting's husky voice filled the line.

"What do you mean, why did I call? And why are you using Lily's phone?" Lila replied, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Lila, Lily is my girlfriend, and I can use her phone whenever I want. Plus, you never answered my question," Feng Ting explained.

Lila's frustration rose. "Ugh, where is Lily?"

"Is that Lila on the phone?" Lily Mar's exhausted voice came through.

"Feng Ting, let her rest so we can have our second round," , sounding a little worn out.

"I think I should let you two have fun. Bye," Lila said, cutting off the call before they could respond. "I guess it's just the four of us then."

Skylar laughed. "Did they feed you with dog food again?" she teased, referring to Lila's playful comment about being a dog in the relationship.

Lila playfully nodded, and they all agreed to head to Highball Express for some fun. Emma was excited about the idea and led the way.

Meanwhile, , Justin Mar received a call from Feng Ting. He was dressed in his checked black and white shirt and black pants, looking handsome as ever.

"You never told me you were going to leave Country M and go to Country B in the first place. I only found out that you are in Canberra," Justin said in a concerned tone.

"I am in Canberra, and I told you before that I informed Kevin about going on a vacation with Lily," Feng Ting explained.

Justin chuckled nonchalantly. "Good thing that I am in Canberra too. I want to meet up with you."

"Okay, where are you now?" Feng Ting asked.

"I'm at Highball Express bar," Justin replied.

"Alright, I am coming with your sister," Feng Ting said, feeling intrigued.

"Whatever, just come over," Justin said before hanging up the call.

Back at the hotel, Feng Ting spoke lovingly to Lily Mar, "Baby, I think you should get dressed because your brother is in Canberra, and he wants us to meet him at Highball Express."

Lily was taken aback by the sudden surprise. "What?!" she exclaimed.

"Just get dressed, and let's go to the bar," Feng Ting urged as he put on his shirt.

Curious, Lily asked, "Which one are you talking about, the freak?"

Feng Ting choked on his words for a moment, "Yes, the freak."

Lily Mar looked a little surprised. "What is he doing in Canberra?"

"I don't know, meerkat. I think that's what we're going to find out," Feng Ting replied with a sense of intrigue.


Walking into the bar Lilly Spots herc brother and the rush to his place

Lily Mar hugged her brother tightly, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and comfort in his embrace. After all, Justin was not just her brother but also her closest friend and confidant.

"I'm really glad to see you, Justin ge," Lily said, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Justin patted her back affectionately and replied, "I'm glad to see you too, Xiao Lily. It's been too long since we last met. You've been so busy with your modelling carrier that I hardly get to see you these days."

Lily pulled back slightly and playfully scolded him, "Hey, don't blame me for being busy. You know how hard it is to make a runway success."

"I know, I know," Justin said with a chuckle. "I'm proud of you for achieving so much at such a young age. But you should also take some time for yourself, relax, and have fun."

Lily smiled and nodded. "You're right. Tonight is a perfect example of having fun."

"And how are you doing you tov?" Justin glanced at Feng Ting, offering a friendly smile

Feng Ting extended his hand with a warm smile. "good I guess ,Justin. "

Justin shook Feng Ting's hand firmly, studying him carefully. " better have said good things," he joked.

Feng Ting laughed lightly, "Of course, Your sister means the world to me, and I promise to take good care of her."

Justin's expression softened as he looked at Lily. "Well, she means the world to me too, so you better keep that promise."

Lily playfully nudged Justin's arm. "Come on, Justin, give him a chance. Feng Ting is a good guy."

"I can see that, cause his my friend " Justin said, offering a genuine smile to Feng Ting. "Just don't break my sister's heart, or you'll have me to deal with."

Feng Ting's smile widened, and he replied, "I have no intention of ever hurting Lily. She's the most important person in my life."

The sincerity in Feng Ting's words touched Justin, and he nodded approvingly. "Good. As long as you make her happy, we're good."

"I promise she'll be the happiest," Feng Ting assured him.

Lily couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of acceptance between her brother and her boyfriend. She knew Justin was just being protective, but she was glad that he was giving Feng Ting a chance.


. Skylar and Lila, entered the VIP bar ball, they immediately spotted Lily Mar and Feng Ting standing beside Justin Mar. They exchanged surprised glances with each other before breaking into smiles.

Inside the VIP bar ball, the Xia twins, Skylar and Lila, were welcomed by Emma Wang and Steve Wang. Skylar's eyes scanned the room, taking in the cozy and exclusive ambiance of the VIP area. Her eyes landed on Justin Mar, and she felt a strange sense of familiarity, even though they had never met before.

"Emma, Steve, who is that?" Skylar whispered to her friends, gesturing toward Justin.

Lila followed her gaze and smirked. "That's Justin Mar, Lily's older brother. He's known as the 'freak' in the Mar family."

"Freak? Why?" Skylar asked, intrigued by the nickname.

"He has some peculiar abilities. I heard he can read people's thoughts, see glimpses of the future, and even recall events from past lives," Lila explained, trying to keep her voice low.

Skylar raised an eyebrow in surprise. "That's quite extraordinary. I wonder what he's like."