Skalet and Purmel

As Justin Mar continued to stare at the Xia twins, his mind was flooded with awe and wonder. He had always been fascinated by history, particularly the royal families and the stories of ancient kingdoms. The Xia twins standing before him now looked like they had walked straight out of the history books he cherished so much.

As a child, Justin Mar had always been fascinated by art and history. While other kids played with toys or watched cartoons, he would spend hoours at the library or the historical museum, immersing himself in the stories of the past. His siblings often teased him, calling him a "freak" for his unusual interests, but Justin didn't mind. He found solace and joy in the world of ancient artifacts and paintings.

His love for art began when he was just a toddler, ddoodling with crayons and creating intricate patterns on paper. As he grew older, his artistic talent blossomed, and he started creating beautiful paintings and sketches. But it wasn't just the act of creating art that captivated him; it was the history behind the masterpieces that truly intrigued him.

Justin would spend countless hours studying famous works of art, delving into the lives of the artists who created them. He was fascinated by their techniques, their struggles, and the stories that inspired their creations. To him, each painting was a window into the past, a portal to another world.

His interest in history was equally passionate. He devoured history books, eager to learn about different cultures, ancient civilizations, and the heroes and heroines who shaped the course of time. Justin found himself drawn to the mysteries of lost civilizations, the tales of legendary figures, and the lessons that history could teach the present.

The portraits of historical figures adorned the walls of his room, and he cherished each one like a treasured possession. Among them were the royal sisters of Bron, Skalet and Purmilia, who he thought were only fictional characters from history books. To see two ladies who resembled them standing before him in real life was like a dream come true.

As Justin gazed at the Xia twins, he couldn't help but marvel at their beauty and regal aura. They exuded a grace and elegance that reminded him of the ancient queens and princesses he admired in paintings. His heart raced with excitement, and he couldn't wait to strike up a conversation with them.

Despite his siblings' teasing, Justin never felt deterred from his passion. Art and history were his refuge, his sanctuary from the world. They allowed him to escape into a realm of imagination and wonder, where anything was possible.

As he grew older, Justin's love for art and history only deepened. He pursued a degree in art history, and his expertise in the field earned him recognition and respect. He became a curator at the city's most prestigious museum, where he had the privilege of preserving and sharing the legacies of the past with the world.

Meeting the Xia twins, especially Skylar and Lila, was a serendipitous moment for Justin. Little did he know that their encounter would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey, where art, history, and destiny would intertwine in ways he could never have imagined. His passion for the past would lead him to discover secrets hidden in the present, and he would find that his seemingly "freakish" interests were not just a hobby but a key to unlocking the mysteries of the heart and soul.

As he stood there, still awestruck by the Xia twins' presence, Justin knew that this encounter was no coincidence. It was the start of a new chapter, where his love for art and history would intertwine with the lives of these remarkable women, Skalet and Purmilia, and lead him on a path to an extraordinary destiny.

"Is that Skalet and Purmilia?" Justin couldn't contain his excitement as he asked Lily Mar, almost unable to believe his eyes.

Lily Mar chuckled at her brother's reaction. "No, Justin, they're not the princesses of Bron," she said with a playful smile. "But I must admit, they do have an air of royalty about them."

Justin nodded in agreement, still mesmerized by the Xia twins' presence. "They look so regal and elegant," he said, his eyes never leaving the twins.

Meanwhile, Skylar and Lila Xia had noticed the curious gaze of a young man fixed upon them.

"Hey girls, what are you guys doiing in this bar?" Leaving her brother's embrace, Lily Mar ran to the Xia twins with excitement.

"We're supposed to ask you that, Miss Mar," Emma Wang said in a teasing way.

"I will go get the drinks ready," Steve Wang said and left.

"I can see you guys are done with your second round because the marks on your neck are still visible," Lila Xia said, trying to point out the marks on Lily Mar's neck.

Lily Mar's face turned red because Lila Xia knew what was really going on between her and Feng Ting. "Lila, how dare you bully me like this? You know these are just reactions I got from the new skincare product I used."

"Oh really? And that's why you look so red all of a sudden," Lila Xia said, teasing her.

"Forget about all of that and let's have a drink," Skylar Xia said, about to go have some drinks, but she stopped and asked, "Lily Mar, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that me and Feng Ting came here to meet my brother, Justin," Lily Mar said as she walked to the table where Justin Mar and Feng Ting were sitting.

"CEO Feng, CEO Mar, good evening," Emma Wang said with a slight bow.

"Good evening, CEO Wang," Feng Ting and Justin Mar said at the same time.

"Justin ge, these are the Xia twins, CEOs of the brand XT," Lily Mar said to Justin Mar and added, "Skylar Xia and Lila Xia, this is my brother, Justin Mar, the CEO of High-Level."

The Xia twins just bowed at him, and he bowed back, but Justin Mar couldn't take his eyes off the two ladies before him.

Steve Wang came back with a waiter holding a tray of glass cups and three different flavors of liquors.

"CEO Mar, CEO Feng, Miss Mar, good evening," Steve Wang said as he bowed, then asked the waiter to place the tray on the table, and then the waiter left.

"CEO Mar, I'm a big fan of your architectural designs," Skylar Xia said in a professional tone.

"That's what everyone says, CEO Xia," Justin Mar replied nonchalantly, still captivated by the Xia twins.

Lila Xia was surprised to hear her sister praising Justin's architectural designs, and it made her wonder how much Skylar knew about High-Level.

Feng Ting, who had been engaged in conversation with the others, noticed Justin Mar's intense staring at the Xia twins. Curiosity got the best of him, and he approached Justin, asking in a low voice, "Justin, why are you staring at them like that?"

Snapping back to reality, Justin Mar said, "I'm staring at them because they look like the ancient historical royal twins," also in a low voice.

"What?! You're really a weirdo. At least stop staring; it's getting weird," Feng Ting teased.

"What are you two talking about?" Lily Mar asked, feeling left out of the conversation.

"It's nothing," Feng Ting said, trying to divert her attention by attempting to kiss her cheek.

"No, baby, there's something you two are discussing about. Justin ge, please tell me what it is," Lily Mar insisted, giving him a pleading look.

Ignoring her, Justin Mar stood up and said to Feng Ting, "Ting, I wanted to discuss something with you earlier, but I don't think this is a good time."

"Meerkat, I'll be right back, and don't hook up with any guy," Feng Ting said to Lily Mar before leaving with Justin Mar to find a more private place to talk.

As the two men left, Lily Mar was left with a curious expression. She wondered what they were discussing and why it seemed like they were talking about her. She shrugged it off for the moment, deciding to enjoy the rest of the evening with her friends. Little did she know that the conversation between the two CEOs would have far-reaching consequences, affecting their lives and destinies in unexpected ways.


Skylar Xia and Emma Wang burst into laughter at Lily Mar's embarrassed response. "Oh, Lily, you don't have to be shy about it," Skylar said, trying to suppress her giggles. "We're all adults here."

"Exactly," Emma chimed in. "No need to hide anything from your best friends."

Lily Mar pouted, feeling a little self-conscious. "Fine, fine, you caught me. But seriously, it's just a skincare reaction!"

"Sure, sure," Lila Xia said, winking playfully. "We believe you."

Steve Wang returned with a tray of drinks, and they all settled back at the table, enjoying the lively atmosphere of the bar.

"So, Lily, tell us more about your mysterious brother," Emma said, raising her eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yeah, we never knew you had such a good-looking CEO brother," Skylar added with a mischievous grin.

Lily Mar rolled her eyes at their teasing. "Justin is not that mysterious, and stop trying to set me up with him!" she said, knowing exactly where their minds were going.

"Who said anything about setting you up?" Lila Xia said innocently. "We just want to know more about him."

Lily Mar sighed but couldn't help but smile. "Well, he's the CEO of High-Level Corporation, one of the leading architectural firms in the country. He's passionate about history and art, and he spends most of his free time reading historical books or visiting museums."

"That sounds intriguing," Emma said, genuinely interested. "And what else?"

"He's also protective of me, probably because I'm his little sister," Lily Mar continued, glancing at her brother from afar. "He's always looking out for me and making sure I'm safe."

"Aww, that's sweet," Skylar Xia said, touched by the sibling bond.

"And what about his love life?" Emma asked with a sly grin. "Any special someone in his life?"

Lily Mar smirked. "Well, he's quite a catch, but he's been single for a while now. I think he's just too focused on his work and doesn't have time for relationships."

"Really? A handsome, successful CEO like him is single?" Lila Xia said, raising an eyebrow. "That's hard to believe."

"He's just waiting for the right person," Lily Mar said, defending her brother. "He's not one to rush into things."

Steve Wang blushed at Lila Xia's teasing and tried to regain his composure. "Alright, alright, you got me," he admitted, chuckling. "But seriously, I am straight, and I do like girls."

The girls couldn't stop laughing at Steve's reaction, finding his embarrassment utterly adorable. "We believe you, Steve," Skylar Xia said, still giggling.

"Come on, Lila, give the poor guy a break," Lily Mar added, trying to contain her laughter.

Steve finally managed to compose himself and playfully swatted Lila's arm. "You're relentless, Lila," he said, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Lila Xia grinned mischievously. "Well, it's just fun to see you blush, Steve."

As the teasing subsided, Lila Xia took another sip of her drink and turned the spotlight back to Steve. "So, tell us about your girlfriend. Is she pretty?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Steve's lips. "Yes, she is," he replied, his tone softening. "Her name is Emily, and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She has these mesmerizing blue eyes that can light up any room, and a smile that warms my heart every time I see it."

"Aww, that's so sweet," Emma Wang cooed, genuinely happy for her friend.

"We've been dating for almost a year now," Steve continued, his fondness evident in his voice. "She's smart, funny, and incredibly kind. I feel so lucky to have her in my life."

"Sounds like you're head over heels for her," Skylar Xia said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"I am," Steve admitted, a blush creeping back onto his cheeks. "I never thought I'd find someone who understands and accepts me the way she does. She's everything I've ever wanted in a partner."


As the night went on, they continued to chat and enjoy each other's company. They laughed and shared stories, creating memories that would last a lifetime.
