The past era

their past life ( you guys ready for some past live drama šŸ˜‰ ... so let's unfold what really happened )....

At the art museum, the atmosphere was filled with creativity and beauty. The exquisite paintings adorned the walls and ceiling, while the natural light streaming in from the windows added a peaceful aura to the place. Amidst the magnificent artwork, stood a woman in a sky blue ball gown, adorned with royal accessories. She exuded an air of power and elegance, her appearance commanding attention and respect.

The woman was none other than Queen Skalia, the ruler of the kingdom of Malia. Her dark, shiny hair cascaded down her shoulders, perfectly complementing the crystal diamond crown atop her head. Her piercing blue eyes held an indifferent and emotionless expression, giving her an air of coldness that none would dare to challenge.

The lady in the sky blue ball gown was none other than Queen Skalia. Her regal appearance was captivating, and she exuded an air of power and authority. The intricate details of her gown, gloves, and accessories showcased her impeccable taste and status as a queen. The crown, adorned with pure crystal diamonds, shone brightly atop her head, emphasizing her position as the ruling monarch of Malia.

As she walked through the art museum, the paintings on the walls and ceiling came to life with colors and stories. Skalia's eyes carefully examined each masterpiece, appreciating the skill and talent of the artists who had created them. Her presence in the museum added an aura of elegance and grandeur to the already majestic surroundings.

The natural light streaming in through the wall-like windows illuminated the artwork, creating an enchanting atmosphere. The suuspended metal balls with lights cast a soft glow over the exhibits, enhancing the museum's beauty. It was evident that Skalia had an eye for art and appreciated the creative expressions displayed before her.

Among the paintings, one caught her attention - a portrait of a woman holding a child tenderly. The emotions conveyed in the artwork resonated with Skalia, and she couldn't help but reach out to touch the child's face gently. Her calm and composed expression softened as she admired the love and care depicted in the painting.

The queen's presence in the museum did not go unnoticed, and whispers of admiration followed her wherever she went. Her elegance, beauty, and grace captured the attention of everyone present. As she walked through the exhibits, her entourage followed closely, including her loiyal personal guard, Madah, who remained vigilant in his duties.

Skalia's regal persona was not just confined to her appearance but extended to her actions and demeanor. She carried herself with poise and dignity, and her every move exuded confidence and authority. The museum visitors couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of their queen amidst the breathtaking artistry surrounding her.

As she continued to explore the museum, Skalia's mind wandered to the upcoming royal annual apple festival. It was an event she took great pride in, and the kingdom eagerly awaited its grand celebration. She pondered whom she would invite to join in the festivities and share in the joy of the occasion.

The museum provided a brief respite from her royal duties, allowing Skalia to immerse herself in the world of art and creativity. It was a welcome escape from the responsibilities that came with ruling a kingdom, and for a moment, she could be just a woman with a genuine appreciation for beauty and expression.

As she concluded her tour of the museum, Queen Skalia's presence lingered in the minds of those who had the privilege of witnessing her grace and regal splendor. Her love for art and her connection to the creative world remained a testament to her depth and multifaceted nature as a queen, and her legacy as a patron of the arts would continue to flourish under her reign.

As Queen Skalia admired the famous portraits on the walls, she came across a painting of a woman cradling a child in her arms. The artwork conveyed a touching and emotional message, prompting the queen to reach out and touch the child's face gently. Just as she was lost in the beauty of the painting, her personal guard, Madah, approached her in a warrior-like outfit with a sword at his side.

Bowing respectfully before her, Madah spoke, "Your Majesty, the royal annual apple festival is next week, and the king wishes to know if you have anyone in mind whom you'd like to invite. You have the right to invite whoever you desire."

Skalia's expression remained calm as she replied, "Invite everyone, excluding my sister Purmilia."

Noticing a change in Madah's demeanor, Skalia became curious and asked, "And...?"

Madah hesitated before answering, "The king also mentiioned that all maidens should be invited, including Purmilia."

Skalia's response was collected and composed, "Very well. Invite everyone, including her. After all, she is my sister."

As Skalia prepared to leave, Madah brought up another matter. "One more thing, Your Highness..."

Skalia turned to face him, her expression serious. "What is it?"

"There's a charity meeting today. Will you attend it, or...?"

"I will attend," she interrupted, leaving no room for further discussion. However, before leaving, she turned back and inquired, "Is there anything else?"

"No, Your Highness," Madah replied.

"Good. You may leave," she said, signaling the end of their conversation. Madah bowed once more before departing.

As Queen Skalia continued her exploration of the art museum, she couldn't help but reflect on her sister, Purmilia. Their relationship had always been complicated, with a mix of love and rivalry. Despite their differences, Skalia felt a sense of duty and responsibility towards her sister. While their bond was not without its challenges, Skalia believed that inviting Purmilia to the festival could be an opportunity to bridge the gap between them.


Malia Palace..

The palace, a majestic symbol of the kingdom's rich history, stood proudly as a testament to the glorious past of the ruling dynasty. Its architecture bore the influence of both Egyptian and British styles, a fusion that added to its timeless charm. As visitors approached the grand entrance, they were met with a sight to beholdā€”a large gate crafted from heavy metals, intricately designed and imposing. Upon passing through this gate, they were greeted by the opulent interior, adorned with beautiful decorations and exquisite artwork, showcasing the artistic talents of the kingdom's finest craftsmen.

The palace was not just a symbol of power and authority; it also served as a tranquil haven for those seeking solace and respite. To the left of the main building lay a mesmerizing garden, a floral paradise teeming with life and colors. A gentle breeze swayed the blossoms, creating a serene atmosphere that encouraged peaceful contemplation. Every flower, every plant, and every tree seemed to thrive under the care of skilled gardeners, their vibrant hues adding a touch of enchantment to the surroundings.

On the right side of the palace, the stable yard was bustling with activity. Servants diligently tended to the horses, grooming them to perfection, while others ensured that everything was in order. The clinking of harnesses and the gentle whinnying of the horses blended harmoniously with the melodies of the birds that perched on nearby branches.

As the sun began its descent in the sky, casting a warm and golden glow over the palace, the garden's beauty intensified. The play of light and shadow created a captivating dance on the walls, giving the palace an almost ethereal quality.

Within the halls of the palace, echoes of past events resonated through time. The walls seemed to whisper stories of kings and queens who once graced these chambers with their presence. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting the kingdom's most significant historical moments. Paintings by celebrated artists adorned the ceiling, showcasing scenes of valor, love, and beauty.

The palace was not just a residence for royalty; it was a living museum, preserving the cultural heritage of the kingdom. Each step taken within its hallowed halls was a step back in time, an opportunity to connect with the legacy left behind by those who came before.

As the day drew to a close, the palace remained a beacon of grandeur and elegance, a symbol of the kingdom's enduring strength and resilience. Its walls held the secrets of centuries, its gardens bore witness to countless tales of joy and sorrow, and its gates welcomed generations of rulers and subjects alike. The palace was not just a physical structureā€”it was the heart and soul of the kingdom, a reflection of its past, and a promise of a glorious future.

The meeting room was an elegant space, exuding an aura of importance and purpose. The walls were adorned with paintings that depicted historical moments and celebrated the kingdom's cultural heritage. The ceiling, too, bore masterful artwork, displaying intricate designs that seemed to come alive under the soft glow of the chandeliers.

A long, polished table dominated the center of the room, surrounded by a set of finely crafted chairs. Each chair was adorned with the royal crest, symbolizing its significance in the proceedings that took place within these walls. The room could comfortably accommodate the kingdom's most esteemed dignitaries, who often gathered here to discuss matters of great importance.

On this particular day, the room was filled with indviduals from different walks of life, all united in their purposeā€”to organize and plan a charity event that would benefit the less fortunate in the kingdom. Lawyers, ministers, and advisors were among those seated, their expressions a mix of eagerness and anticipation. It was a rare occasion when the queen herself would attend such meetings, and her presence always added an air of authority and importance.

As time ticked by, the atmosphere in the room became increasingly tense, for Queen Skalia had not yet made her appearance. The lawyer, in particular, looked visibly worried, as he had been eager to discuss the charity meeting for weeks. However, the queen's reputation for tardiness preceded her, and the prime minister, Dentinia, could not help but express his frustration.

"The queen isn't serious about her duties. She always comes late to meetings and important events," Prime Minister Dentinia commented with a hint of anger. His disapproval of Queen Skalia was well-known, as he openly expressed his preference for her sister, Princess Purmilia. Dentinia belived Purmilia to be more suited to the throne, as she possessed qualities he admired, such as kindness, hard work, and a sense of responsibility.

As the discussion continued, the door finally opened, revealing a lady dressed in a pinch-colored gown, with matching shoes and gloves. Princess Purmilia, the queen's sister and the princess of Bron, entered the room with a graceful stride. Her presence brought a sense of calm and elegance, and she greeted the members of the board with a polite smile.

"Forgive my uninvited presence, but I heard about the charity meeting and thought I could be of assistance," Purmilia said in her angelic voice, bowing respectfully to the members of the board.

"No need to apologize, Princess Purmelā€”I mean Purmilia," Dentinia corrected himself, and Purmilia graciously smiled in response.

"Not a problem, You are always welcome , . After all, it's just a charity meeting, and you are the queen's sister and the princess of Bron. You are also like a daughter to me,, and your insights are invaluable," replied warmly, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of the princess as Dentinia said, his face lighting up upon seeing Purmilia.

"Thank you so much, Prime Minister Dentinia," Purmilia replied,

Purmilia took her seat beside the lawyer, her presence soothing the tension in the room. Dentinia's admiration for her was evident, as he viewed her as the epitome of what a royal should be.

Before anyone could utter another word, the grand entrance doors swung open once more, and Queen Skalia entered, accompanied by her loyal guard, Madah. The queen, adorned in her regal attire, looked every bit the powerful and dignified ruler she was. Despite her late arrival, Skalia exuded an air of confidence and authority as she addressed the room.

"Apologies for my delay. I had some urgent matters to attend to outside the palace" Skalia said, bowing slightly as a gesture of respect. However, her words were met with a disapproving frown from Dentinia, who believed her excuses to be mere pretense.

The atmosphere in the room was a delicate balance of formality and underlying tension. The clash between Dentinia's open disdain and Skalia's composed demeanor created an intriguing dynamic that those present were accustomed to. Yet, beneath the surface, the emotions simmered, waiting for the right moment to break free.

Dentinia, with a frown of disapproval, retorted, "Always with these silly excuses. Can't you come up with something better?"

Though used to his behavior, Skalia couldn't help but feel hurt inside. She composed herself and sat down, about to say sometthing when she turned to her left and saw her sister Purmilia. In surprise, Skalia voiced out her name, "Purmel!"