The past era 2

"Purmel," Skalia said, surprised to see the girl who always seemed to steal her spotlight.

Purmilia's response was both assertive and composed. "Skalet, my name is Purmilia, not Purmel. I hope you get that, Your Highness," she stated firmly, her voice retaining its polite and calm tone.

"I just used the name I know you by; it's not like I care to know whether you are related to the Lia family or not," Skalia replied, a smile on her face that highlighted her exquisite features.

Purmilia was not actually related to the Lia family, despite her claims. In the kingdom, all members or relatives of the Lia family had 'Lia' or 'IA' added to their names. Skalia had become a Lia family member upon her marriage to King Kenia, hence her name transformation from Skalet to Skalia. However, Purmilia, being solely the princess of Bron, had no such connection.

The two sisters, though contrasting in their demeanor and outlook, stood face to face. Skalia, with her regal grace and poise, was the reigning queen with a sense of duty ingrained in her. On the other hand, Purmilia exuded kindness and a natural charm, her sincerity evident in her every action.

While Skalia had been groomed for leadership from a young age, Purmilia's heart leaned towards understanding and empathy for others. Their paths had diverged, leading them to different roles within the kingdom, each fulfilling their own unique responsibilities.

Despite their differences, there was a bond that only sisters could share. Beneath the formality and tension of the meeting room, Skalia could still see the little girl who had been her companion and confidant during their childhood.

The years had changed them both, but their connection remained strong. Skalia admired Purmilia's ability to bring warmth and coompassion to every encounter, while Purmilia admired her sister's strength and determination to lead the kingdom.

However, the prime minister, Dentinia, was not pleased with the display of unity between the sisters. His dislike for Skalia was no secret, and he had always hoped for King Kenia to marry Purmilia instead. Dentinia was captivated by Purmilia's beauty and kindness, seeing her as the perfect match for the king.

"Really?" Dentinia interjected, his anger evident as he addressed Skalia. "She is like a daughter to me, and you cannot tell her she is not related to the Lia family. I wish King Kenia had married her instead of you, this shameless girl," he spat, his expression contorted with bitterness.

Skalia wasn't surprised by Dentinia's outburst; she had long been aware of his sentiments. She knew that King Kenia had once admired Princess Purmilia since childhood, and Purmilia's feelings for him were no secret either. However, their paths had led them in different directions, and Skalia had married King Kenia out of duty, not love.

The memories of her childhood crush on King Kenia resurfaced, but she quickly pushed them aside. Her marriage to the king was a political alliance, and she had come to terrms with the fact that their relationship was more of a political union than a romantic one.

Remaining composed, Skalia responded calmly, "I understand your feelings, Prime Minister Dentinia, but my marriage to King Kenia was a decision made for the kingdom's stability and prosperity.".


Dentinia's anger simmered, but he couldn't refute the logic behind Skalia's words. Despite his wishes, the alliance between Skalia and King Kenia had brought stability to the kingdom, and they had managed to govern effectively together.

Purmilia, sensing the tension, interjected with her characteristic kindness, "Dentinia, let us put aside such discussions for now. We are here to plan the charity event, which requires all our focus and collaboration or I should just live this meeting instead "

Her words defused the situation, reminding everyone of their purpose in the meeting. Dentinia begrudgingly nodded, realizing that he needed to set aside his personal feelings for the greater good of the kingdom.

"Purmel, please forgive me for my outburst. I don't want to cause trouble," Dentinia said, his voice now softened as he realized the impact of his words on the princess. He knew that his deep admiration for Purmilia had clouded his judgment, and he didn't want to hurt her with his harsh comments.

Purmilia turned to face him, her expression foorgiving and understanding. "Uncle Dentinia, there's no need to apologize. I understand your feelings, but we should focus on the charity meeting instead."

Before she could make her way to the exit, Dentinia stepped forward and gently held her arm. "My child, you are not leaving this meeting. Please stay. Your insights are valuable, and we need your presence here," he said earnestly, realizing that he had been too quick to dismiss her.

Purmilia hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to stay or leave. However, she decided to remain in the meeting, acknowledging that her voice could make a difference in shaping the charity event.

With the tension diffused, the lawyer spoke up, eager to get back on track. "Yes, let's proceed with the meeting. We were discussing the logistics of the charity event, and we need to finalize the guest list and the activities for the day," he said, regaining control of the situation.

Skalia, who had been observing the interaction between Dentinia and Purmilia, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, let's put the drama behind us and focus on what truly matters—the charity event that will benefit our people," she said, her voice steady and composed.

As the meeting resumed, the atmosphere shifted from one of animosity to one of collaboration and cooperation. The participants engaged in lively discussions, sharing their ideas and suggestions for the event. Purmilia's presence brought a sense of warmth and kindness to the room, making it easier for everyone to work together.

"Your Highness, the meeting today is about the donation to the orphanages of the neighboring villages that are in need," the lawyer announced as he passed the contract to Queen Skalia for her review. The initiative aimed to extend a helping hand to those less fortunate and provide support to the underprivileged children living in the neighboring villages.

Skalia carefully examined the documents, perusing each detail with a focused gaze. As she read through the proposal, she couldn't help but be impressed by the noble intent behind the charity event. "It's not a bad idea at all," she remarked, her expression thoughtful. "We have the rresources to help those in need, and it would be a significant step in the right direction for our kingdom."

Looking around the room, she sought the input of the participants, making sure everyone was on board with the philanthropic endeavor. "If anyone has any concerns or objections, please let me know. Open discussion is crucial for making informed decisions," she encouraged, her eyes resting on the prime minister and then her sister.

However, as Skalia glanced in Purmilia's direction, she noticed something intriguing. Her sister appeared lost in thought, gazing at a particular spot in the room. Curious, Skalia followed her gaze, only to find Purmilia staring at a portrait—the portrait of Skalia's husband, King Kenia.

A pang of sadness tugged at Skalia's heart as she realized the depths of her sister's unrequited love. She knew that Purmilia had harbored feelings for Kenia since their childhood, and it had always been a delicate matter for Skalia. Although she was now married to Kenia, she had never forgotten her sister's feelings, nor had she ever wanted to come between them.

In her heart, Skalia wanted to grant Purmilia's wish—to see her with Kenia—but she was bound by duty and tradition. She couldn't allow her personal feelings to sway the course of the kingdom or disrupt the established order.

"Your Highness, I fully support the charity event. It is a wonderful initiative," Dentinia said, breaking Skalia from her thoughts. He was genuinely impresed by her dedication to the kingdom and her willingness to help those in need.

Skalia smiled faintly, grateful for Dentinia's support. "Thank you, Uncle Dentinia. Your backing means a lot," she replied, her mind still partially occupied with the bittersweet sight of her sister's longing.

As the discussion continued, Skalia's resolve strengthened. She knew she had to be the guardian of the kingdom's stability, even if it meant carrying the burden of denying her sister's heart's desire. Purmilia's happiness mattered to her, but so did the well-being of the kingdom.

As the meeting progressed, the plans for the charity event were finalized, and everyone eagerly contributed ideas and suggestions. The atmosphere was one of unity and camaraderie, as all present shared a common goal—to make a positive impact on the lives of those less fortunate.

It's not a bad idea, is it, Princess Purmilia?" Prime Minister Dentinia looked at Purmilia, curious if she had any suggestions or concerns.

"Huh? No, not at all, Uncle Dentinia. It is a good idea, Queen Skalia," Purmilia repliied, coming back to the real world after her brief daydream.

"Excellent! That means the charity meeting went well, and the contract should be signed here, there, and right here," the lawyer said, guiding Queen Skalia to the spots where she needed to sign her signatures. He was pleased that everyone seemed to be in good spirits.

Dentinia then brought up an important point. "When is the donation starting? The annual apple festival is just around the corner, so the preparation for both events might be too much for us to handle."

"Yes, when is it?" Skalia pondered for a moment, realizing that if the charity event coincided with the apple festival, they wouldn't be able to give the orphanages the attention they deserved.

"We will start the donation process within two weeks or so," the lawyer replied..**

"Alright, that's good. We shall start next week, then," Skalia declared with a determined look on her face. She wanted to ensure that both the charity event and the apple festival received the proper focus and care they deserved.

"There is something else, Your Highness," the lawyer said, his eyes focused on the documents.

Skalia's brow furrowed as she asked, "What is it?"

"The king has to sign this document to imake the contract official," the lawyer explained.

Skalia nodded in understanding, "Alright then, since the king will be returning from his trip tomorrow, that should not be a problem, right, sister Skalet—I mean, Queen Skalia?" Purmel chimed in confidently.

Skalia's mind raced wiith thoughts, "Coming to think of it, the king never mentioned anything about coming back tomorrow. Does that mean he sent her a letter or are they still in a relationship?" The sudden realization made her gasp inwardly.

"Purmel, how did you know he is coming back tomorrow?" Skalia asked, a hint of worry in her voice. She didn't want any rumors to circulate about the king's faithfulness or any betrayal from her sister. The uncertainty clouded her mind, and she couldn't help but feel anxious about the situation.