The past era 3

"Queen Skalia, he told everyone about it last week," Purmel said, looking at her sister with a smirk on her face, seemingly reveling in the revelation.

Dentinia couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire, "Even the king does not like you. No wonder." He looked at Skalia with a look of disgust, relishing the opportunity to belittle her.

Skalia tried her best not to show any reaction, maintaining her composure as the words stung her heart. Dentinia's disdainful remarks always cut deep, even though she had grown accustomed to his animosity. Deep down, she knew that he favored Purmel over her, and it had always been a source of resentment for him.

However, Purmel was quick to jump to her sister's defense, her love for Skalia overcoming any lingering hurt from their past. "Uncle Dentinia!!! Don't you ever speak ill of my sister. I'm warning you, uncle. I don't like it," Purmel retorted, her eyes burning with anger.

Despite the tension in the room, Skalia appreciated her sister's support. The bond they shared was unbreakable, and Skalia knew that Purmel would always stand by her side, no matter the circumstances. Even though thieir paths had diverged, and they had taken different roles in the kingdom, their sisterly love remained constant.

Skalia took a deep breath, quelling the tumult of emotions inside her. She had learned to pick her battles wisely, and engaging in a confrontation with Dentinia would only escalate matters. Instead, she chose to rise above his provocations, maintaining her dignity as the queen.

"Thank you, Purmel," Skalia said calmly, her voice betraying none of the turmoil she felt inside. "Let's focus on the matters at hand—the charity meeting and the donation to the orphanages. That's what's truly important right now."

Purmel nodded, her anger slowly subsiding as she realized the wisdom in her sister's words. "You're right, sister. I'm sorry for losing my temper," she replied, her tone softened.

"But, Purmilia, she is..." Dentinia started to say, but Purmel interrupted him.

"You always didn't want my sister as the queen, right?" she asked, her voice firm and assertive.

Skalia decided to intervene before the argument escalated further. "Enough now, Purmel. Let him say what he likes. I don't care," she said, her face displaying an indifferent expression. She had grown accustomed to Dentinia's criticisms and didn't see the point in engaging in a futile argument.

"But sister Skalet, he is talking ill of you," Purmel persisted, her protective nature shining through.

"Let him do so. I don't care. Besides, I need to tallk to you now," Skalia said, looking at her sister with a light smile. It surprised her to see how much her sister cared for her. Despite their differences, Purmel's love and concern for her were evident.

Purmel glanced at Dentinia with a lingering glare, expressing her displeasure with his disrespectful words towards her sister. However, she decided to set the matter aside for the moment and focused her attention on Skalia.

Dentinia huffed in annoyance, not getting the reaaction he had hoped for. He grumbled under his breath but decided not to push the matter any further. Skalia's composed demeanor had always been her strength, and it was a quality that Dentinia couldn't undermine, no matter how hard he tried.

"What is it, sister? Is there something bothering you?" Purmel asked with genuine concern.

Skalia took a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking. She appreciated her sister's support and kindness, and she knew that Purmel would always be there for her. However, there was something she needed to share, something that had been weighing on her heart for a long time.

"I need to talk to you now," Skalia said, looking at her sister with a light smile, surprised by Purmel's caring demeanor.

"You mean now?" Purmel asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Yes, meet me at the garden for lunch. Please do come," Skalia invited warmly as she made her way to the exit of the meeting room.

"Of course, Your Highness," Purmel replied respectfully, feeling a sense of joy that her sister wanted to spend time with her.

"Good," Skalia replied before gracefully leaving the room. Meanwhile, Dentinia was seething with anger. He had never expected Purmilia to be so protective of Skalia, considering his belief that Purmilia despised her sister for marrying Kenia. If they got along together, his plan to have Purmilia marry King Kenia and become the queen would be ruined. The mere thought of it made him worried, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and ordered his guard.

"Tell my son, Justilia, that I want to meet him tonight, and tell him to cancel all his plans," Dentinia commanded, knowing that despite his first son's perceived laziness, he could still count on him.

"Yes, master," the guard acknoowledged before leaving to deliver the message to Justilia. Dentinia was determined to ensure that his plan would succeed, even if it meant manipulating the lives of those around him


In the garden of the Lia palace, the view was nothing short of breathtaking. As one strolled through its pathways, the sight of majestic minarets stood tall in the distance, offering a glimpse of the valley beyond, where a charming little town nestled cozily. The minarets added a touch of grandeur to the landscape, hinting at the beauty that lay ahead.

Beyond the valley, a few miles further, the Malia mountains loomed with an air of mystique, creating a natural boundary that seemed to cradle the land within its embrace. Their snow-capped peaks glistened under the sun's gentle caress, adding a touch of enchantment to the already picturesque scenery.

Within the garden itself, a variety of colorful flowers bloomed, creating a tapestry of vibrant hues that delighted the senses. Delicate petals danced in the breeze, releasing their sweet fragrance into the air. The soothing sound of a nearby fountain added a touch of serenity, its gentle cascade a melody that echoed through the garden.

Skalia and Purmel found themselves seated at a small table adorned with a spread of delicious delicacies for their lunch. The garden's beauty provided a perfect backdrop for their heartfelt conversation.

Skalia glanced towards the minarets, contemplating the serene view. She felt a sense of tranquility wash over her, knowing that this beautiful place was a refuge she could always turn to when the weight of responsibilities became overwhelming.

"I always find solace in this garden," Skalia remarked, breaking the peaceful silence between them.

"It truly is a magical place," Purmel agreed, her eyes shining with appreciation for the surroundings.

In the heart of the garden, two elegant ladies were gracefully seated on the bent wood chairs, facing each other with a small table adorned with an array of delightful treats. Chopped fruits of pineapple, apples, pears, and watermelon, along with a variety of veggies, were arranged tastefully on the table. Italian bread and a jug brimming with refreshing lemonade completed the spread.

At first glance, one might assume that these ladies were on a diet to maintain their slim figures and light reddish skin, which gave them an ethereal, almost otherworldly appearance akin to Native Americans. Their poise and elegance exuded a sense of regal aura, making them appear like goddesses who had descended from the heavens themselves.

The two ladies, though different in certain features, shared an unmistakable resemblance that hinted at their sisterhood or possibly being twins. The most striking difference between them was the color of their eyes. One possessed doll-like purple eyes, akin to the enchanting hue off violets, while the other's eyes resembled the vastness of the ocean with their captivating medium blue shade*.

Their lips also set them apart, one with tiny pink lips reminiscent of a delicate flower's petal, and the other with tiny red lips akin to the bloom of a rose. The contrast in their hairstyles further accentuated their individuality. One boasted long, dark, and flowing locks that cascaded like a river of silk, while the other opted for a more refined look, wearing her brown hair elegantly in a bun.

As they shared this serene moment in the garden, it was evident that their bond ran deep, emanating a palpable sense of sisterly love and understanding. Their conversations were filled with laughter and shared memories, the camaraderie of siblings who had weathered life's storms together..

To an outsider, it might have seemed like they were goddesses of nature, surrounded by the beauty of the garden. However, beneath that celestial façade, they were simply two queens, bound not only by blood but also by the responsibilities that came with their titles.

In this tranquil sanctuary, they found solace in each other's company, cherishing the precious moments away from the burdens of the crown. Amidst the blooming flowers and gentle rustling of leaves, they embraced their sisterhood, grateful for the unbreakable bond that connected them.

The two ladies, united in both their similarities and differences, continued to create memories in this picturesque setting, their hearts intertwined with the shared love and admiration they had for one another. As the day drew to a close, they knew that they would forever find strength in each other, for they were not only princesses but sisters, a force of unity and compassion that would endure throughout time.

"Sister Purmel, how is everyone doing back in the kingdom of Bron?" Skaliia inquired with a hint of nostalgia in her voice. She missed her homeland and her family dearly.

"Everyone is doing great back home. Mother and Father send their regards, and Ladani gave me a gift to give to you, but I forgot," Purmel replied, recalling her meeting with their close friend.

Ladani, a duchess who had been a part of the twins' lives since childhood, had become like a sister to them. Despite being a year younger, she shared a deep bond with Skalia and Purmel, fostering a connection that transcended titles and positions.

"You know how much I cherish gifts from Ladani. Why would you forget to bring it?" Skalia expressed her disappointment with a subtle frown.

"I'm really sorry, sister. It was an oversight on my part, and I promise to bring it the next time we meet," Purmel said apologetically, realizing that she had forgotten something so dear to Skalia's heart.

Skalia took a deep breath, trying to shakee off her disappointment. "It's alright, Purmel. I understand. Just be sure to bring it next time. I always treasure gifts from Ladani," she replied with a warm smile, not wanting her sister to feel guilty.

In their sisterly bond, small matters like forgotten gifts were easily forgiven. Skalia knew that Purmel cared for her deeply, just as she cared for Purmel. They had been through so much together, and their love for each other surpassed any material possessions.

As they continued to enjoy the serenity of the garden, the conversation veered towards reminiscing about their childhood in Bron. They shared stories and laughter, cherishing the memories of their carefree days when their responsibilities as queens were yet to be shouldered.

Though their paths had diverged, with Skalia taking the throne of Malia and Purmel reigning over Bron, their sisterly bond remained unbreakable. They understood and supported each other through the trials and tribulations that came with their roles.

As the day gently transitioned into dusk, the two princesses reveled in the comfort of each other's company, finding solace in the familiarity of their sisterly love. For in this vast world of royalty and responsibilities, the garden was their refuge, and their sisterhood was their greatest strength.

"Sister Skalet earlier on, you said you want to talk with me about something," takiing a piece of Italian bread to eat, Purmel said to Skalia.

"Yes, I wanted to discuss something concerning you, Purmel. I hope you don't mind," Skalia replied while sipping the lemonade.

"What is it about?" Purmel asked with a worried tone and a confused expression on her face, thinking that she might have done something wrong.

"It's about your relationship with Kenia," Skalia said, her voice gentle and calm.

Purmel's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't expected her sister to bring up this topic. The relationship between her and Kenia had always been a complicated one,,, filled with unspoken feelings and unresolved emotions.