The past era 8

Hearing those words, the weight of his apology resonatiing in his voice, Skalia felt her resolve waver. She felt his arms encircle her in a warm embrace, and then his lips brushed against her forehead, leaving a gentle kiss. "I love you, Skalet," he whispered, and before she could fully comprehend his words, his lips met hers in a passionate kiss.

Caught in the moment, Skalia's heart raced, and she found herself returning his kiss, allowing herself to feel the rush of emotions that had been buried for so long.

Unbeknownst to them, their intimate moment had an unexpected observer. Hidden from view, the eavesdropper took in the sight with a mixture of surprise and concern. As the intensity of Skalia and Justilia's connection played out before them, the obbserver muttered under their breath, "I have to tell Dad before this gets worse." Their thoughts filled with a sense of urgency, they turned to leave, determined to share their discovery with someone who held significant authority.


"pur, my love, I can't find Justilia anywhere in the palace," Kenia's worried expression caught Purmel's attention.

Seeing his distress, she approached him, her tone soothing, "My king, calm down first. We have enough time to fix their relationship. Remember that Skalia is stubborn sometimes, so it will be hard for us to convince her, and that will take time."

Gazing into her captivating doll-like eyes, Kenia sighed, "My love, where could he be by now? I know my cousin doesn't stay out late at night."

With her hands resting on his chest, Purmel whispered gently, "Justilia is still in the palace. Besides, maybe he's with his father."

Kenia's grip tightened around her waist as he kissed her forehead, his voice a soft murmur in her ear, "You're right, my dear. That's a possibility. But for now, let's talk about the festival."

She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mixture of affection and amusement. "So, what do you want to know about the festival?"

A sweet smile played on his lips, but before he could respond, she added playfully, "Oh, please stop looking at me like that. It's annoying." She lightly tapped his arm, their playful banter filling the air

He loved it when she blended childishness with seriousness, making their interactions all the more endearing. "My love, Pur, I'm serious. Please tell me about your plan."

"No, I won't."


"Because Skalet and I have made a plan, and I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone, including you, my love."

"Okay, if that's the case, then you're choosing me over her?" His expression seemed genuinely hurt and betrayed.

"Oh, please, I'm not choosing her over you."

"Really? Then what are you doing?" He wore a


expression, his concern evident.

"I'm choosing my baby over both of you."

Kneeling down, he tenderly placed his hands over her stomach, his voice a soft whisper, "Little hero, can you please tell Mommy that Daddy wants to know her plans so he could help her? And don't forget to be a good boy." His words were interrupted by a light hit on the head. "Hey, what did I do wrong by telling our baby to ask on my behalf?"

"I want a girl, not a boy," she said, her annoyance palpable.

"Really?" He stood up, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It's okay if we have a baby girl, but please don't be mad at me for changing her gender."

"Okay, I forgive you," she relented and hugged him tightly.

He embraced her warmly, relishing the moment, and before they realized it, the tranquility of their shared affection had led them into a peaceful slumber.


Amidst the festival's enchanting ambiance, the air was filled with a sweet and tangy aroma, courtesy of the countless apple delicacies prepared with care. The apple pies boasted flaky crusts, hiding warm, cinnamon-spiced apple filling within. Glasses of refreshing apple juice sparkled, and indulgent apple puddings tempted taste buds with their creamy textures.

As the sun painted the sky with hues reminiscent of the ripest apples, the grand hall stood as a symbol of the kingdom's reverence for the fruit. Intricately woven tapestries depicted scenes from apple orchards, and garlands of apples adorned every nook and corner, creating a mesmerizing visual tapestry.

The joyous chatter of the attendees, adorned in their finest red and green attire, resonated through the halls as they eagerly awaited the arrival of the distinguished guests. The presence of royal families from distant lands was a testament to the shared significance of this festival, as it united people from various backgrounds in a celebration that transcended boundaries.

Amidst the animated conversations about the anticipated attendees, an air of anticipation enveloped the gathering. Unbeknownst to them, the royal golden entrance door silently swung open, revealing the radiant figure of Queen Skalia, the revered sovereign of Malia, known as the goddess of the realm.

Her entrance was as breathtaking as the sunrise, as she graced the scene in a resplendent red ball gown that boasted sleeveless elegance. A gleaming golden bellt, adorned with the emblem of an apple, cinched her waist, drawing attention to the regal poise she exuded. The gown flowed gracefully, echoing her every step.

In perfect harmony, she wore crimson gloves that matched her attire, and her high-heeled shoes added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble. A symphony of gold embellishments adorned her, from intricate necklaces to dainty bracelets, each piece a testament to her royal stature. Atop her head, a magnificent crown encrusted with precious gemstones held a prominent emblem of an apple, fashioned in dazzling green.

The sight of Queen Skalia's arrival stole the breath of those assembled, rendering them momentarily speechless as they gazed upon the embodiment of their kingdom's grace and majesty.

While the populace held mixed feelings about her, there was an undeniable admiration for the mesmerizing beauty that Queen Skalia embodied. Despite the undercurrent of dissent, her stunning presence commanded attention and respect from the onlookers.

With a serene poise, she glided across the expanse of the hall, her every step a testament to grace. Settling into her designated seat, she emanated an air of regality that both intrigued and captivated those around her.

However, a whisper of intrigue swept through the assembled crowd as they observed her solitary entrance. The anticipated joint arrival of the king and queen was a custom cherished by the people, yet today, Queen Skalia had appeared alone. Perplexed murmurs circulated among the attendees, giving rise to a blend of curiosity and speculation. While some pondered the reason behind the king's absence, others held onto the notion that perhaps there existed a valid explanation, shrouded in royal affairs that were not privy to common folk.

Amidst the lively chatter and the ongoing festivities, guests from various realms continued to arrive, infusing the event with a rich tapestry of cultures and backgrounds.

Queen Skalia found herself thoroughly immersed in the atmosphere, indulging in the delectable apple pies and savoring the palpable joy that radiated from the faces of the attendees. Yet, amidst the bustling celebration, her keen gaze fell upon the very guests she had been eagerly awaiting — her own kin.

With a heart brimming with delight, Skalia gracefully rose from her seat, her movements a dance of elegance. Making her way towards her parents, she bowed with utmost respect, expressing her joy in their presence. "I am overjoyed to have the King and Queen of Bron join us on this momentous occasion," she conveyed, her words laced with warmth.

Turning her attention to her brother, Prince Dev, and her beautiful sister-in-law, Princess Heera, Skalia extended her greetings. "Prince Dev and Princess Heera, your presence brings me immense pleasure. Please, make yourselves comfortable, your highness," she graciously offered, directing her words towards Princess Heera, who carried the precious gift of life within her, evident from her gentle pregnancy.

The sight of family reunion amidst the festivities added an extra layer of sentiment to the already vibrant celebration, as bonds were renewed and conections rekindled.

"We are all deeply honored by your invitation, Queen Skalia," expressed the King of Bron with a sincere tone of appreciation, acknowledging the gesture graciously.

As Skalia was about to respond, her words were preempted by a distinct voice that captured her attention. She turned her gaze in the direction of the source, her eyes landing on the Prime Minister. With a courteous bow and a warm smile directed at the king, he addressed the situation. "Your hiighness, it is indeed a delightful surprise to see you in our kingdom," he began, his words carrying a note of intrigue. "The king mentioned that he is occupied and that attending the festival might require some time."

A ripple of understanding passed through the gathering as the Prime Minister's words unfolded. Skalia's initial intention to speak was now replaced by the knowledge that her husband, the king, was otherwise engaged. The King of Bron, noting the situation, interjected with a composed demeanor. "I was just about to inquire with the queen, but your timely explanation has resolved any concerns. It seems we are well-informed," he responded, his tone maintaining a subtle composure.

The diplomatic exchange showcased the intricacies of royal protocol and the art of communication in such esteemed settings

Amidst the ongoing conversations, an unexpected shift in attention occurred as all eyes converged on the entrance. The royal golden door slowly swung open, unveiling a captivating couple that seemed to emanate an otherworldly aura. The lady, resplendent in a lavish levied dress, wore an apple belt that accentuated her ethereal appearance. Her presence appeared almost divine, evoking admiration from all corners of the hall. Beside her stood a man whose charm was undeniable, and together, they exuded an aura of perfection that captivated the onlookers' imagination.

Before Queen Skalia could respond or inquire, her parents swiftly voiced the question that echoed in the minds of many. "Why is Purmel entering with your husband?" Their inquiry hung in the air, sparking intrigue and curiosity among the assembled guests. The unexpected arrival of the couple and their apparent connection to Skalia's husband hinted at a web of intrigue that left everyone waiting for an explanation..

As all eyes turned to her, Skalia found herself caught in a moment of uncertainty, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. Clutching at her dress, she atempted to form words, but they eluded her, the unexpected turn of events leaving her at a loss.

Yet, amidst the growing tension, a glimmer of an idea surfaced in her mind. Gathering her composure, she drew in a deep breath, releasing her grip on the fabriic of her dress. Meeting her parents' inquiring gazes, she addressed the situation head-on. "Mother, Father, there is truly no cause for concern. King Kenia and Princess Purmel are collaborating on a charity project, which is why their arrival wasn't part of the initial plan."

Her brother's curiosity mirrored her parents', and she seized the opportunity to elaborate. With newfound confidence, Skalia continued, "Indeed, they have been dedicating their efforts to this charitable endeavor. It is a testament to the strength of their partnership and the goodness that they aim to spread."

King Kenia gracefully bowed to the king and queen, acknowledging their presence with a respectful gesture. "Your highness, both Princess Purmel and I have been passionately engaged in this endeavor. Your daughters possess remarkable talents that contribute significantly to our joiint efforts," he conveyed, offering a soft smile towards Skalia as he spoke.

The explanation offered a semblance of resolution, and the atmosphere eased as the truth behind the couple's arrival came to light. The unexpected converrgence of personal and charitable pursuits added a layer of depth to the festivities, making it a day of both celebration and unity.