The past era 9

"Father, Mother, I was pleasantly surprised by your presence here tonight, and I am truly glad you both came," Purmel's voice carried a blend of respect and warmth as she bowed to her parents. Her gentle smile radiated a soothing calmness that diffused the earlier tension.

A playful glint entered her eyes as she addressed Skalia, her words a teasing jest, "I can foresee an heir to the Bron throne in the near future." Her gaze shifted to Princess Heera, who was holding her baby bump. A shared understanding passed between the women, highlighting the anticipation that surrounded the kingdom's future.

"Absolutely, Princess Purmel," Princess Heera chimed in with a touch of humor, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Her light-heartedness caught Skalia off guard, and a stifled chuckle escaped her lips.

Purmel, embracing her role as the familial jester, addresed her sister with a nickname that had deep roots in their history. "So, Purple Melon, when shall we expect your return to Bron?" The endearing moniker spoken by their mother reflected the intimate connection between the sisters. Skalia's eyes were blue, resembling the vast ocean, which earned her the name "Skalet." Purmel's eyes, on the other hand, were large and purple at birth, hence the name "Purple Melon," or "Purmel" for short.

The exchange between the sisters, wrapped in affectionate reminiscence, served to lighten the atmosphere and brought forth the unique dynamics that defined their bond.

"Mother, actually—" Purmel began, her intention to continue the conversation apparent. However, before she could proceed, Skalia interjected, bringing attention back to herself.

With determination etched on her face, Skalia addressed her parents and the entire assembly, a palpable sense of seriousness filling the air. Standing before the stand usually reserved for royal speeches, she took a deep breath and began, "Good day, esteemed guests, fellow rulers, and the people of Malia. I am here today to make a significant announcement, and I ask for your understanding and your trust."

With her voice clear and unwavering, she continued, "I am stepping down from the throne." Her words hung in the air, followed by a hushed murmur that swelled through the hall. Skalia maintained her composure, asserting her decision with a firm resolve. "Please, allow me to clarify. I am making this choice for the betterment of Malia, and I implore you to trust that it is the right path forward."

However, amidst the audience's murmurs, a voice cut through, questioning the abruptness of her decision. It was Dentinia, whose motives weren't entirely aligned wiith Skalia's choice. "Wait, but why this sudden decision? You're well aware of the consequences," Dentinia interjected, his concern barely veiling his true motives. She recognized that Skalia's departure from the throne would thwart his plans to seize power.

Skalia's announcement had ushered in a pivotal moment, one that would not only impact the kingdom but also reveal the intricate webs of ambition and loyalty woven among its inhabitants.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I do understand the consequences very well, and I have my reasons for this decision. I specifically requested that no one inquire further, yet you stilll chose to do so," Skalia's voice held a hint of frustration, tightly reined in by her determination to remain composed.

Dentinia's concern was voiced, and Skalia's eyebrows knitted at the gravity of the situation. "Worried or not, the fact remains that my decision is made, and I am preparred to face whatever comes my way," she stated, her tone laced with both conviction and a touch of indignation.

The queen of Bron's voice carried a mixture of disbelief and concern as she spoke, imploring Skalia to reveal the motivations behind her choice. "This cannot be, Skalet. Please, tell us why you're doing this," her words a plea for understanding.

King Kenia, who had been relatively quiet, stepped forward, his hands reaching for Skalia's as he spoke, revealing his underlying concern. "My lady, you can't undertake such an action that would have dire consequences for Malia. Please, reveal the reason behind your decision," his voice carried a sense of urgency, hinting at a deeper understanding of the situation that wasn't yet revealed.

As the moment unfolded, it became clear that Skalia's decision wasn't just a personal matter—it held the potential to alter the fate of the entire kingdom and those who cared for her deeply. The intricate dance of motives, emotions, and the weight of responsibility continued to unravel in this critical juncture.

"Listen, my Lord," Skalia began, her gaze steady and calm as she addressed King Kenia, "please allow me the chance to explain." His nod of acknowledgment granted her the opportunity she sought.

"Thank you," she breathed, gathering herself before she began to speak. The hushed expectancy in the room hung thick as Skalia's words held their attention.

"I have made the difficult choice to step down from my role as Queen," she said, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and vulnerability. Her eyes found King Kenia's as she continued, "This decision arises from the fact that I cannot provide our kingdom with an heir." Her tone carried a weight of sorrow, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

The assembled crowd remained silent, all eyes fixed on Skalia as she laid out the reasons for her choice. "Nearly three years have passed since my marriage to King Kenia," she explained, her gaze steady despite the emotions that swirled within her. "Yet, I have not conceived. This led me to consult a doctor, and the diagnosis is that I am unable to bear children."

The room seemed to hold its collective breath, the truth of her words settling in the air. Skalia's expression was a tapestry of emotions, ranging from determination to sadness, and a few tears escaped her eyes as she spoke.

Skalia's mother couldn't contain her own emotions, her heart aching for her daughter. Overcome with empathy, she moved forward and embraced Skalia in a comforting hug, a gesture that symbolized the unconditional love and support that transcended any royal duties or expectations.

"My child, you've made the right decision, and I wiill support you no matter what," Skalia's mother offered in a reassuring tone, her words infused with the warmth of a parent's unwavering love.

Kenia's voice held a hint of concern as he addressed Skalia, his heart touched by her journey. "But, my lady, why didn't you tell me about this?" His worry was palpable, reflecting his desire to be part of her struggles.

"I intended to share this with you, but circumstances never allowed for it," Skalia responded, her voice carrying a blend of understanding and emotion. With a gentle hand, she wiped away her tears, her gaze locked onto Kenia's.

As the conversation continued, Dentinia's voice cut through the moment with a practical concern. "If you step down from the throne, who will be our queen?" His words held a note of urgency, addressing the pressing question of leadership that loomed in the wake of Skalia's announcement.

Stepping forward with a sense of purpose, Skalia positioned herself before Purmel, their bond shining in their gaze. "My sister will be the queen of Malia," she announced, the gravity of her words resonating through the hall. As she removed her crown and placed it in Purmel's hands, Skalia's voice carried a mix of reverence and love. "You are now the queen of Malia, and your name shall be Queen Purmilia."

Tears welled in Purmel's eyes as she processed her sister's profound sacrifice. "Sister, are you really going to face such consequences?" she asked, her voice choked with emotion.

A surprising intervention came from King Kenia, his words carrying an air of finality. "No, she won't face that fate. I have ensured it," he declared, his gazee firm as he looked at Skalia, then at Purmel. In an unexpected twist, he grasped Purmel's hand, his gesture infused with purpose. "Since you will be the queen, and we will be wed, your highness, I respectfully request your permission to marry your daughter."

As Skalia and Purmel listened to their father's words, their destinies seemed to take an unforeseen course. The king of Bron's pronouncement brought clarity to the situation. "In that case, Skalet will be known as the princess of Bron, while Purmel shall take her place as Queen Purmilia," he affirmed, his touch on their cheeks solidifying their roles.

With these declarations, a surge of understanding rippled through the crowd. The impending convergence of a festival and a wedding signaled a celebration unlike any other—a union of kingdoms and hearts, bound by love and solidarity.

Anticipation buzzed in the air, a collective excitement as the throne was about to be rightfully reclaimed. The era of the witch's rule was coming to an end, and the righteous heir was set to ascend her rightful throne. The crowd waited with bated breath for the decisive moment that would usher in a new era.

Amidst the hushed anticipation, the formalities of the divorce process unfolded as Skalet and Kenia signed the necessary papers. As the ink dried on the pagess, Purmel approached Skalet with a heartfelt hug, gratitude shimmering in her eyes. Their bond, forged through shared experiences and challenges, stood unbreakable.

With the conclusion of the legal proceedings, a shift in energy marked the transition from the past to the future. It was time for the much-awaited wedding ceremony to commence. Kenia stood at the forefront, his patience palpable as he awaited the arrival of his bride, the woman who would soon become his wife.

Through the grand golden doors, emerged a figure that commanded attention with her elegance and grace. Clad in a simple yet stunning wedding gown, the gown featured a turtle neck and sleeves, accented by a delicate white belt that cinched at her waist. A gold bracelet adorned her right wrist, adding a touch of sophistication.

Her makeup was understated, enhancing her natural beauty, while her eyes exuded a mesmerizing charm. She cradled a bouquet of purple flowers, each bloom a reflection of her presence—majestic and ethereal. As she walked towards Kenia, her groom, an aura of radiance enveloped her. His gaze locked onto hers, and their connection felt like destiny personified, a testament to the union that was unfolding before their eyes.

Skalet couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before her—the couple standing together, their love story unfolding in front of her eyes. Their bond and devotion reminded her of the depth of connection she once shared with Justilia. As thoughts of him crossed her mind, she felt an urge to find out his whereabouts.

With that in mind, she sought out Maxia, Justillia's younger brother, someone who might have insight into his current location. Approaching him with a courteous smile, she inquired, "Hello, Maxia. I've been searching for your elder brother. Can you tell me where he might be in the pallace?" Her words held a blend of politeness and curiosity as she hoped to gather more information about Justilia's whereabouts.