The past era 10

Approaching Maxia with her polite inquiry, Skalet was met with a hint of something she hadn't anticipated—his lingering resentment. She sensed his gaze on her blue eyes, and it was clear that the memory of her past rejection still held weight in his heart. The tables had turned since then, especiallly after her divorce, prompting him to reevaluate his opinion of her.

Maxia's words carried a teasing tone as he responded, "You know how your lover is sometimes; he doesn't seem to enjoy all these kinds of festivities." His devilish smile played on his lips, hinting at a shift in their dynamic that left Skalet intrigued.

The word 'lover' caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily stunned. How did he know about her relationship with Justilia? Her surprise was evident as she struggled to process his unexpected revelation.

Maxia's smugness persisted as he continued, unapologetic. "Come on, sister-in-law, don't pretend to be innocent. I'm well aware of everything," he remarked, his tone carrying a sense of triumph.

Skalet's facade of indifference wavered as she pressed for an answer to her initial question. "I don't know what you're talking about, Maxia. Just tell me, where is your brother?" Her voice held a subtle edge, a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.

Unfazed, Maxia responded with an air of casualness, his words laced with a playful tone. "Please, calm down, Angry Cat. He's at the art museum," he revealed, a hint of mischief in his expression.

With that, Skalet chose to end the conversation, leaving Maxia's antics behind. Her indifferent demeanor shielded her thoughts as she departed the grand hall, which was now transformed into a wedding venue—a setting that juxtaposed the complexities of her past and the path she was now walking.

Skalet entered the art museum with elegance, her footsteps echoing through the hallways as she gracefully navigated the space. Her gaze wandered, absorbing the paintings that adorned the walls and ceiling, their beauty captivating her senses.

Among the collection, she found a particular painting—one that held a special place in her heart. Approaching it, she discovered Justilia standing before it, his presence drawing her closer. With a melodic voice that held a mixture of admiration and pain, she spoke, "I still can't believe that you're the artist behind this incredible masterpiece." Gently wrapping her arms around him from behind, she continued, her expression a mix of sorrow and vulnerability. "This painting of a woman holding her child—it's become my favorite, not only for its emotional resonance, but because it's your creation. I regret marrying someone else instead of you, Justilia." Her words were filled with heartfelt regret, their depth evident even though he couldn't see her face.

Justilia turned to face her, a moment he had been waiting for. His hand found its place on her petite waist, and his other hand lifted her chin, ensuring her gaze met his. Meeting her eyes with unwavering intensity, he conveyed his sentiments, his words carrying both reassurance and love. "Sky love, there's no need for remorse. You made the right decision in the end, and that's why my affection for you remains steadfast. Your actions brought two lovers together," he declared, his voice imbued with a sense of closure and understanding.

In that shared moment surrounded by art, their unspoken emotions and the power of their connection created an aura that seemed to transcend time and circumstance.

With both her hands resting gently on Justilia's nape, *Skalet spoke in a soft, intimate voice, her eyes brimming with emotion and love. "Justin, have you ever dreamt of us getting married, starting a family, and living peacefully together?" Her words were laden with a longing for the future they could have shared.

Justilia's slow nod confirmed her question, his response touching her deeply. "Every single night, Sky," he admitted, his gaze fixed on her as he revealed the depth of his aspirations.

Confusion lingered in her expression as she inquired about his absence from the festival and the wedding. "So, why didn't you attend the festival with me? Why weren't you there for the wedding?"

His explanation held a mix of honesty and regret. "At first, I was too upset to witness the woman I love attending with another man. So, I left. Besides, I wasn't aware of the wedding until my guard informed me just a while ago," he explained, his sincerity evident as he looked at her.

Skalet silenced any further objections with a tender gesture, placing a light kiss on his lips. "I believe you, but you should have stayed for the sake of Malia. After all, it's still your kingdom," she reasoned, her concern for their shared responsibilities taking precedence.

With his agreement, they decided to return to the festival and wedding, their steps leading them to the exit. Just as they were about to leave, a man entered and delivered an unexpected message, leaving both Justilia and Skalet surprised.

Young Lord Justilia and Princess Skalet were summoned by the prime minister, Dentinia, at his office. An unspoken tension hung between them as they exchanged glances, uncertainty painting their expressions. Skalet's mind raced with questions as she wondered what had prompted this sudden summons. Could Dentinia have somehow uncovered their relationship? The journey to Dentinia's office would undoubtedly be a revealing one.


Deciding to confront the situation head-on, Skalet and Justilia made their way to the prime minister's office right after extending their congratulations to the newly wedded couple. Leaving the art museum behind, they directed their steps toward the grand hall, where a remarkable moment was unfolding.

Inside the grand hall, the long-anticipated ceremony had come to fruition. Kenia and Purmilia were now united in marriage, and as a testament to this union, Purmilia was crowned the new queen of Malia. With the formalities complete, the apple festival continued to envelop the atmosphere in joyful celebration. A heartfelt speech from the king and queen of Malia paved the way for relaxation and enjoyment for all present.

Amidst the festivity, a dramatic entrance marked a significant turning point in the evening. The royal golden door swung open to reveal Princess Skalet and Justilia walking side by side, their status as a couple taking everyone by surprise, including Kenia and Purmilia.

Whispers filled the air, a chorus of curiosity and astonishment rippling through the crowd. Speculation and excitement stirred as conversations erupted among the attendees:

"Are they in a relationship?"

"Could this mean there's another wedding on the horizon?"

"Today truly marks a historic day in Malia's history."

As the murmurs spread, it wasn't just the common people who were taken aback; the royal family of Bron shared the astonishment as well.

In the midst of the buzz, Princess Heera leaned close to her husband, Dev, her words a mix of intrigue and amusement. "Dev, my love, did your sisters suddenly decide to surprise everyone today?" Her tone was hushed, reflecting the intrigue that this unexpected turn of events had stirred.

"I truly have no idea what they're up to this time, my dear," Prince Dev admitted to his wife, a worried expression etched onto his features.

Skalet and Justilia approached the royal couple, displaying a gesture of respect with their bows. "Congratulations on your wedding," they offered, their words carrying genuine respect for the newlyweds.

Kenia's gaze held a hint of surprise as he remarked, "And what a surprise to see the two of you getting along." His observation seemed to reflect a curiosity about the sudden change in their relationship.

Justilia stepped forward, addressing the king and queen with a request. "Your Highnesses, we would like to speak to both of you in private."

Purmilia interjected elegantly, her expression composed. "I agree with Justilia. However, now might not be the appropriate time, considering this is a public area. Perhaps after dinner, when we have more privacy." She directed her attention to a servant who was presenting a tray of apple wine in three glass cups.

The servant bowed and presented the wine, and Kenia and Purmilia each took a glass cup, sipping from them. Kenia, in his customary manner, extended an offer to Justilia. "Won't you have a drink too, Justilia, now that you've just arrived?"

Justilia accepted the wine, raising the glass in acknowledgement. He downed the entire contents in one swift motion and turned his attention back to the matter at hand. "Now that we've congratulated them, may we proceed to meet the prime minister, Princess Skalet?" With the glass cup placed on the servant's tray, his gaze met Skalet's.

Skalet acknowledged the reminder, her expression holding a hint of realization. "Yes, of course. I almost forgot that the prime minister wanted to see us," she admitted. Looking back at Justilia and then to the king and queen, she added, "My Lords, we shall talk later then."

With their conversation concluded, Justilia and Skalet exchanged a glance before turning to leave. "Shall we go?" Justilia inquired.

"Absolutely," Skalet agreed, their purpose clear as they left the grand hall, embarking on the next chapter of their unfolding journey.

As Skalet and Justilia were about to leave, a familiar voice pierced the air, calling them back. "And where are you two going without explaining why all of a sudden you're getting along?" The voice belonged to none other than Skalet's father.

"Father," Skalet responded, taken aback by his unexpected presence and inquiry.

The King of Bron's demeanor was calm but assertive as he addressed them. "Princess Skalet, tell me what's going on between you two."

With a nervous edge to her voice, Skalet explained, "Father, Mother, Justilia and I have decided that, since we're both single, we should get married." Her gaze avoided direct contact, a reflection of her apprehension.

Turning his attention to Justilia, the king's disappointment was palpable as he questioned, "Justilia, you decided to agree with her about this. Why?"

"Justilia said, his response sincere, "Your Highneess, I apologize if my decision is not in alignment with your expectations. I believed it was the right path."

Rejecting the notion, the king interjected, his tone carrying a touch of excitement. "Nonsense. You both made the right decision, and I would like to see you both married."

Skalet's reaction was akin to that of a child receiviing a long-awaited gift. "Father, are you serious?" Her voice echoed her elation.

"Yes, my child, I am," he responded with warmth and care.

Concerns about the logistics of an immediate marriage emerged, as Skalet's worry etched across her features. "Father, we can't get married right away. There's so much to prepare."

Her mother, the queen, added a surprising twist. "My child, your marriage won't take place in Malia. It will be hosted in the Kingdom of Bron."

The king shifted gears, suggesting they involve the prime minister of Malia in their plans. "We should inform the prime minister of Malia about this."

The realization dawned on Justilia that their meeting with the prime minister was still pending. "Oh, right. We should discuss that with your father, Skalet."

Skalet agreed, and Justilia continued with a proposal. "Your Highness, should we convene an evening meeting to discuss the wedding preparations together with my father?"

"Sure, why not," the King of Bron agreed.

"Very well, then. Shall we go?" Justilia prompted, his gaze shifting between Skalet and the king.

Skalet nodded her approval, and together they departed, their destination set for the office of the prime minister, where they would engage in discussions that would shape the course of their shared future.