The kiss

"Mi lady, I think you should wake up because we're going to be late," Justin Mar urged gently, trying to rouse the sleepy Skylar.

"Huh, Justin, I don't want to wake up now. Just let me get some more morning nap"," Skylar Xia mumbled lazily, pulling the blanket over her head.

Amused by her antics, Justin chuckled and teased, "Mi lady, I'm freezing out here while you're cozily covered up. What a selfish girlfriend."

Rolling her eyes, Skylar replied in a slightly annoyed tone, "Oh, please, Justin. Stop making me feel bad just because I'm sleepy and you're not."

"But, mi lady, I want you to have a peaceful nap. The problem is, you left me out here freezing," Justin complained playfully.

"Is that so?" Skylar said as she sat up and looked at Justin. Then she added, "Are you so desperate for attention that you can't keep your mouth shut?"

Justin grinned mischievously. "Yes, mi lady. I want you to give me a morning kiss."

Skylar's eyes widened as he pulled her closer. Justin Mar had been sleeping with Skylar Xia lately, but he maintained a gentlemanly distance, respecting her boundaries even though he desired more intimacy.

"Darn it, Justin. It's just seven in the morning, and you're already acting shameless," Skylar groaned. Last night, she had been unable to sleep, preoccupied with what to tell her father about her relationship with Justin Mar when they returned to Country B.

Skylar looked at Justin's face and sighed affectionately. She then kissed him on the cheeks and added with a smile, "Happy."

"Sweetheart, I want you to kiss me on the lips," Justin whispered, his lips grazing her neck.

Skylar was taken aback by his sudden boldness but was pleasantly surprised. She kept quiet, her eyes closed.

Seeing her reaction, Justin decided to take their relationship to the next level. "Sweetheart, I want to see your eyes," he murmured, planting soft kisses on her face.

Confused, Skylar's eyes flew open. "What are you talking about, Justin?"

Pausing his actions, Justin turned serious. "Sky, I know you're wearing colored contacts. Please let me see your natural blue eyes."

"Wait, how did you find out?" Skylar asked, a hint of surprise in her tone.

Justin laughed softly. "Sweetheart, I saw your contact lens on the bathroom sink while you were in the shower last night."

"I guess you've discovered my secret," Skylar said with a smile, removing her contact lens.

Looking into her ocean-blue eyes, Justiin was captivated and couldn't help himself. He pulled her in for a quick kiss, leaving Skylar shocked by his sudden action.

Before Justin could finish his sentence, Skylar pulled him in for a long, passionate kiss, leaving him pleasantly surprised.

Breaking the kiss after a moment, Skylar looked at Justin, her cheeks flushed. Justin was disappointed the kiss had ended. "Sweetheart, I can't believe you're so good at kissing, and damn, your lips drive me crazy, Skylar."

"You started it, darling. And I think you should do something about this," Skylar said playfully before darting into the bathroom and closing the door.

Justin felt a mix of embarrassment and desire. He realized a simple kiss from her could ignite his passions, but he didn't mind – it was Skylar after all.

"That tiny little thing can even awaken the demon in me. I promise you, I'll be the one to put that ring on your finger," Justin Mar whispered with a smile as he kept his gaze fixed on the bathroom door.


"Lila, can't you at least be with me during the flight?" Lila Xia complained, feeling left out as her sister had been spending all her time with Justin Mar during the vacation.

"But Lila, I want to be with Justin Mar because I think I'll miss him throughout the flight," Skylar Xia explained, trying to convey her reasons.

"Lila, let Skylar do as she wishes. I'll be with Feng Ting too," Lily Mar chimed in, attempting to persuade Lila.

"Meerkat, can't you see that Lila is feeling left out?" Feng Ting interjected.

"But Skylar wants to be with Justin ge," Lily Mar responded with a touch of sadness.

"Alright, Meerkat, don't be annoyed. Lila, you'll have the plane all to yourself tonight," Feng Ting reassured her.

"Hey guys, why not all of us go on the same plane?" Justin Mar suggested.

"That's a great idea, love," Skylar Xia exclaimed.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go, guys," Feng Ting said, and they all headed to the airport together.


The flight went smoothly for everyone except for Lila Xia, who grew increasingly annoyed with the constant displays of affection between Feng Ting and Lily Mar. They seemed to be constantly kissing, hugging, and touching each other.

On the other hand, Skylar Xia and Justin Mar were relaxed, lying down, and engaged in a deep conversation. They discussed their wedding plans, future children, and other aspects of their life together.

Feeling left out, Lila Xia put on her headphones and decided to listen to calmiing music for the remainder of the flight.


Upon landing, the Xia twins were finally back in country B. Justin Mar had decided to spend two more days with Skylar before returning to country M for some business matters. Feng Ting took Lily Mar with him to his place.

The Xia twins, accompanied by Justin Mar, were en route to their villa when their driver informed them of a change in plans. They were headed to the Xia Mansion because Wang Xia, their father, had something important to discuss with them.


Upon their arrival at the entrance of the Xia Mansion, a man in black approached the car and opened the door with a respectful bow to welcome them back home. Stepping out of the car, they entered the mansion and headed straight to the living room to meet their father and introduce Justin Mar to him.

"Justin, my love, listen to me. Everything will be alright. Trust me, my dad will understand," Skylar Xia whispered to Justin Mar, noticing his nervousness. She was trying to ease his anxiety, as she could sense he was quite tense about meeting her father.

"How can he possibly understand? You two have only been dating for less than two weeks, and you're already planning to get married," Lila Xia chimed in, her frustration evident as she couldn't help expressing her exasperation with the couple's rapid pace.

"Lila, try to see it from the positive side. He's the one my heart chose, and I believe Daddy will understand," Skylar Xia responded confidently, trying to reassure her sister.

Before Lila could retort, their father, Wang Xia, spoke in a calm tone, "Yes, I will always understand, my lovely angels." He walked over to them and hugged his daughters, clearly happy to have them back.

"Daddy, we've missed you so much," the Xia twins chimed in unison as they hugged him back.

"Really? So, how was Canberra, Australia?" Wang Xia inquired, patting their cheeks affectionately.

"It went great, Daddy. Oh, I almost forgot!" Skylar Xia exclaimed excitedly, pulling Justin Mar forward.

Wang Xia, intrigued by his daughter's enthusiasm, had never seen her so animated since his wife's passing. "What is it, angel?" he asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Daddy, this is my boyfriend, Justin Mar," Skylar Xia said with a smile, introducing Justin to her father.

Returning the smile, Wang Xia addressed Justin, "Mr. Mar, I can't believe you're the one who captured my angel's heart."

Justin Mar smiled back and replied, "What can I say, Master Xia? Your daughter is truly amazing; I had to make her mine."

"Dad, did you know that they just started dating when we were in Canberra two weeks ago, and they're already planning to marry each other within a month?" Lila Xia interjected, her incredulity evident.

"Lila! Can't you just keep quiet for once?" Skylar Xia snapped at her sister, frustrated by Lila's continuous objections to her relationship with Justin Mar.

"Angel, do you really want to get married within a month?" Wang Xia asked his daughter, his tone measured.

Skylar Xia kept her head lowered and replied, "Yes, Daddy, I want to get married to Justin Mar within a month."

Turning to Justin, Wang Xia inquired, "And what are your thoughts on this, Mr. Mar?"

"Master Xia, I love your daughter deeply, and I would be honored to marry her after receiving your blessings," Justin Mar replied with respect.

"Alright then, Mr. Mar. You have my consent to marry my daughter. However, I need to discuss something with you in private, if you don't mind," Wang Xia stated.

"Of course, Master Xia. I'm at your service," Justin Mar responded politely.

"Okay then, angels. I'd like to speak to you later about your undisclosed business plans in Canberra, as well as delve into the details of the Xia Empires in country M. For now, I'll speak with Mr. Mar," Wang Xia said before leaving the living room with Justin Mar.

"Wait, who told Daddy that it was a business trip, not a vacation?" Lila Xia wondered aloud.

"Wait, does that mean he still has his men watching over us, and he knows everything about us?" Skylar Xia said in shock.

"I believe so, Skylar. But maybe he's just being protective," Lila Xia said, trying to find a silver lining in the situation.


Inside the study room of Wang Xia, the atmosphere was calm and filled with an air of significance.*

"Mr. Mar, or should I say Justin Mar, I can't believe you've brought back the joy and happiness my daughter lost so many years ago," Wang Xia remarked, taking a sip of his cinnamon tea.

"Master Xia—" Justin Mar began, but Wang Xia interrupted him with a warm smile.

"You can call me father," Wang Xia said, his eyes reflecting a genuine kindness.

Returning the smile, Justin said, "Father, what do you mean by her lost joy?"

Wang Xia leaned back in his chair, still holding his cup of cinnamon tea. "I'm aware you may have heard about the fire accident, but I'm quite certain my daughter hasn't told you the full story behind it."

Justin couldn't help but be impressed by Wang Xia's perceptiveness. "Father, if you could enlighten me about what really happened, I would greatly appreciate it."

"Of course," Wang Xia agreed, his mind drifting back to the events of the past.