Wang Xia's past

Twenty-five years ago...

Wang Xia, at the age of twenty-four, sat in the meeting room, growing increasingly impatient as he waited for the CEO of Exclusive Beauty to arrive.. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a business collaboration involving their skincare product "Magma."

A staff member approached Wang Xia and bowed respectfully. "Young Master Xia, I regret to inform you that the CEO of Exclusive Beauty will be delayed for the meeting due to personal reasons."

Wang Xia's irritation flared. Disliking girls, he was particularly unhappy about dealing with a female CEO.

Before the staff member could respond, the meeting room's door swung open, revealing the board members of Exclusive Beauty along with their CEO, Luna Gomez.

Luna Gomez was not only the face of Exclusive Beauty but also a renowned beauty and celebrity in Italy. At just twenty-one years old, she held the title of the youngest female CEO in the country.

Entering the room, Luna approached Wang Xia with a respectful bow and an apologetic tone. "I apologize, CEO Xia. My flight was delayed, and I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused." Her voice was soft, and her presence seemed to captivate Wang Xia.

'What's happening to me? Why can't I stop admiring her beauty?' Wang Xia's thoughts swirled as he found himself entranced by Luna's presence.

Wang Xia composed himself and responded, "No problem, CEO Gomez. What matters is that you made it to the meeting." His unexpected smile surprised everyone in the room, as it was an unfamiliar sight for the stern CEO.

Luna returned the smile, her cheeks tinged with a blush. She was equally surprised and pleased that Wang Xia had smiled at her. He was a figure she admired in the business world.

Throughout the meeting, Wang Xia and Luna Gomez exchanged glances, each seemingly lost in their own thoughts. 'Why is she looking at me like that? Could she have a crush on me?' Wang Xia pondered.

On the other side, Luna was equally perplexed by Wang Xia's gazes. 'Why is Wang Xia looking at me likie that? Could he have noticed my feelings for him?'

As the meeting concluded, plans were made to launch the skincare product "Magma" in two weeks. Wang Xia and Luna Gomez decided to have a private conversation regarding the product, providing them with an opportunity to interact more closely.


Wang Xia and Luna Gomez found themselves alone in his office, accompanied only by their personal assistants.

"CEO Xia, I never imagined we'd meet again," Luna Gomez commented with elegance.

"You two should leave us alone to discuss," Wang Xia instructed their assistants in an indifferent tone, prompting them to exit.

With privacy established, Luna spoke up again. "So, CEO Gomez, I thought you'd never recognize me. I assumed you were still hung up on your boyfriend. By the way, are you still with Daniel Tang?" Wang Xia's emotions overtook his formal demeanor.

"Come on, CEO Xia, you have a sense of humor," Luna laughed at his unexpected reaction. She then approached him, leaving Wang Xia baffled by her behavior.

"What... what are you doing, CEO Gomez?" Wang Xia questioned, his confusion apparent.

"I hope you don't mind my boldness, but I've taken a liking to you, Wang Xia. Whether or not you share my feelings, I want to be with you forever," Luna spoke with unwavering confidence, leaving Wang Xia utterly surprised.

"CEO Gomez, I thought you were in a relationship," Wang Xia responded with seriousness.

"Enough, Wang Xia. I know you feel the same way about me. As for Daniel Tang, he's been having an affair with his secretary for a whille now. She's pregnant with his child. I didn't want to be the 'other woman,' so I've decided to move on to someone who matters more—someone like you. We've known each other since childhood, and now that we're both in successful positions, I want us to be together, to get married," Luna held Wang Xia's hands as she confessed.

Getting up from his seat, Wang Xia's tone turned bitter. "No, Luna. This can't happen. We're not meant to be."

Drawing near, Luna hugged him from behind, explaining herself. "I realize how foolish I was to let you go. It was all because of Daniel Tang's threats. He knew about my family's involvement in the underworld and blackmailed me into staying with him. But now, that's all resolved. The Fengs are our business partners, and I'm free from that. I still love you, Wang Xia. Please, forgive me." Luna shed tears as she poured her heart out.

Feeling her tears fall onto his arms, Wang Xia turned around, embracing her. "Shh, don't cry, sweetheart. It makes me feel awful to see a beautiful girl like you in tears."

"But you don't love me anymore," Luna continued to cry.

"Sweeheart, I love you. If you don't stop crying, I won't marry you," Wang Xia's tone turned more playful.

"No, please. I truly want us to get married, Wang," Luna exclaimed.

"Alright, now be a good girl and stop crying," Wang Xia gently wiped her tears away.

"I love you, Wang Xia," Luna said with a smile, hugging him back. From that day forward, Wang Xia and Luna Gomez grew even closer, their bond deepening as time went by.

Their parents accepted their relationship without objection, and eventually, their status as a couple was announced to the public. The news was met with excitement and joy from everyone except for Daniel Tang, who was willing to do anything to have Luna Gomez at his side.


The day of the much-anticipated wedding between Wang Xia and Luna Gomez had finally arrived.

The excitement was palpable as the two most powerful families in the world prepared to unite. The only son of the Xia family was about to marry the younigest daughter of the Gomez family, often referred to as the "Bella" of the town due to her extraordinary beauty.

Business news reporters from around the world flocked to the event, eager to capture a word from the couple and interview them about their marriage as well as their renowned skincare product, 'Magma.'

The wedding venue, the old family house of the Xia family, was beautifully adorned with decorations that showcased the favorite colors of both Wang Xia and Luna Gomez.

Wang Xia, a mix of nervousness and excitement, couldn't believe the day had finally come when Luna Gomez would become his wife. As he stood before the mirror in his wedding attire, he asked the old Butler standing nearby, "How do I look?"

"Young Master Xia, you look absolutely charming, just like the happy prince. I'm certain everyone will admire your appearance," the old Butler replied warmly.

Wang Xia's concern about his wedding look was evident. "Do you really think Luna will like my choice?"

The old Butler chuckled, responding, "Young Masteir Xia, Young Miss Gomez will always love you, regardless of what you wear. Just relax, enjoy your special day, my son."

Patted on the shoulder by the old Butler, Wang Xia took a deep breath and told himself, "He's right, Wang Xia. Luna loves you for who you are, not just what you wear. Enjoy the moment; it's your big day, and you're about to meet your future wife."

With newfound determination, Wang Xia left the dressing room, ready to embrace the day ahead.


The wedding venue was a sight to behold, with guests marveling at the exquisite surroundings. Wang Xia stood next to the priest, eagerly awaiting the moment Luna Gomez would make her entrance. The anticipation was palpable as Luna, accompanied by her father, gracefully walked down the aisle, clutching a bouquet of white flowers.

Luna's white wedding dress was a vision of elegance, leaving everyone in awe of her beauty. As she joined Wang Xia and stood by the priest, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with emotion. Their vows were exchanged, sealing their commitment, and the priest joyously declared them husband and wife.

Following the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds took to the dance floor in the grand hall. Their happiness was infectious, captivating the onlookers as they twirled and swayed.

"Wang, it's still so hard to believe you're my husband. Sometimes, it feels like I'm in a dream," Luna Xia confessed as she rested her head on his shoulder, their movements synchronized.

"If this is a dream, I never want to wake up from it," Wang Xia whispered, tightening his embrace around her.

Luna Xia's expression changed, and she looked up at him with a slightly alarmed expression. "Wang, love, I need to excuse myself for a moment. I'll be right back." With that, she left the grand hall and headed towards the washroom.

Several minutes passed without Luna Xia returning to the grand hall, causing Wang Xia to grow increasingly concerned. He couldn't shake off his worry, and the absence of his newly-wedded wife prompted him to take action.

Navigating through the hallways, Wang Xia searched for Luna Xia, hoping to find her safe and sound. As he scoured the area, his unease intensified, and he eventually decided to check the ladies' room personally.

Entering the bathroom, Wang Xia's heart raced as he found it empty. Panic started to take over, but then he noticed a piece of fabric from Luna Xia's wedding dress discarded on the floor. It was a chilling discovery that confirmed his fears – something was definitely amiss.

Acting swiftly, Wang Xia contacted the police commissioner and provided them with every possible detail about the situation. He had foreseen the need for security and had secretly inserted a tracker into Luna Xia's wedding ring, allowing him to pinpoint her location.

The tracker led him to the old family house of the Tang family. Filled with a mix of anger and concern, Wang Xia muttered to himself, "Daniel Tang, you won't escape this. You've crossed the line." With determination burning in his eyes, he rallied his men and set out to rescue Luna Xia from the clutches of Daniel Tang, prepared to confront whatever challenge awaited him.

Arriving at the old Tang family house, Wang Xia took charge and swiftly organized his men to surround the building, ensuring no chance for escape.

With a resolute step, Wang Xia entered the Tang residence. He confronted Daniel Tang, who was visibly intoxicated, sitting and sipping on alcohol.

"Look who's here, the groom who thinks he's won it all," Daniel Tang slurred, a sneer on his face. "But sorry to break it to you, my lady's here with me now, and soon she'll be my Mrs."

Fueled by a mixture of anger and determination, Wang Xia seized Daniel Tang by the collar and slammed him against the wall. His voice dripping with menace, he growled, "Where is my wife, Daniel? Tell me now or face the consequences."

Tauntingly, Daniel Tang retorted, "You're so high and mighty, Wang. Thinking you can threaten me into returning your wife? Quite the show."

Wang Xia's patience waned rapidly, and without a second thought, he ordered his men, "Take him to my basement." He had no intention of wasting time on Daniel Tang's games. With that, Wang Xia resumed his search for Luna Xia within the house.**

Room by room, he scoured the old mansion, each step fueled by his love for Luna Xia. Finally, he came across a room with an unusually sturdy door. Without hesitation, he forced the door open, and his heart ached at the sight that greeted him.

Luna Xia was bound to a chair, her mouth taped shut. She appeared disheveled and her dress was torn, signs of the struggle she had endured against Daniel's grasp. Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw Wang Xia, and her emotions overflowed.

With gentle hands, Wang Xia untied her, his heart breaking at the state he found her in. "Don't cry, my love. I'm here now. Let's go home," he whispered, holding her close in his arms, her safety his top priority.

Together, they left the Tang family house, leaving behind the darkness that had threatened to engulf Luna Xia, and embracing the love and protection that Wang Xia would provide for the rest of their lives.